I am trying to add a new record in a detail inside to another one. The + button is missing even the object permission are configured for this role. (attach Creatio1.png)
When I change the detail with option "Make the list editable" (attach Creatio2.png), the button is shown but the business rules and filters are not applied. (attach Creatio3.png)
Any idea how to fix this issue?
Hello Denisa,
I would be happy to provide you with additional information regarding the database connections for the detail in question.
The detail must be connected to the SysModuleEntity record, which was added to the portal (SysModuleEntityInPortal table) to display for portal users.
Also, the detail must be connected to the SysModuleEntity record with no connection to the portal setting (SysModuleEntityInPortal table) to display for system users.
You have to create separate records for details in the SysModuleEntity table:
1. The required connections for system users:
SysModuleEntity (Id column) - SysModuleEdit (SysModuleEntityId column).
2. The required connections for portal users :
SysModuleEntityInPortal (SysModuleEntityId column) - SysModuleEntity (Id column) - SysModuleEdit (SysModuleEntityId column).
By confirming the presence of these connections, you can ensure that the detail is properly configured to be displayed for both system users and portal users.
Best regards,
It seems that you use the same detail for the main and portal page. To resolve the current issue, we recommend creating a separate detail for the portal page.
Here are the steps you can follow:
1) Go to the portal master wizard for your section.
2) Remove the existing detail from the portal edit page.
3) Create and add a new detail specifically designed for portal users in the detail section wizard, based on the existing object.
4) Add the new detail to the portal page.
5) Make sure to save the changes.
By creating a separate detail for the portal page, you can ensure that the issue you are experiencing is addressed and the users have the appropriate functionality.
Best regards,
Kate Karpik,
Hello Kate,
Thank you for your response. Your steps seems to be ok if the detail is related with section, because you have the possibility to have two section pages for full and portal and then relate full/portal detail schema in each page.
The issue I'm facing is with detail inside the detail. The system create only one page for the parent detail and if you have another detail inside the first one, even if you create two different details, the page of the parent detail is only one so the cardschema is the same for both full/portal of the child detail and the parent detail page is related only with one of them
Hello Denisa,
I would be happy to provide you with additional information regarding the database connections for the detail in question.
The detail must be connected to the SysModuleEntity record, which was added to the portal (SysModuleEntityInPortal table) to display for portal users.
Also, the detail must be connected to the SysModuleEntity record with no connection to the portal setting (SysModuleEntityInPortal table) to display for system users.
You have to create separate records for details in the SysModuleEntity table:
1. The required connections for system users:
SysModuleEntity (Id column) - SysModuleEdit (SysModuleEntityId column).
2. The required connections for portal users :
SysModuleEntityInPortal (SysModuleEntityId column) - SysModuleEntity (Id column) - SysModuleEdit (SysModuleEntityId column).
By confirming the presence of these connections, you can ensure that the detail is properly configured to be displayed for both system users and portal users.
Best regards,
Kate Karpik,
Thanks for the detailed explanation, it worked out:)
The code in case that someone has the same issue:
-- 1. (Manual input) Change caption: with the caption of the new entity related with new detail -- In my case the new object, the page and both details (full/portal) begin with ne same contain same caption. DECLARE @Caption as varchar(200) = 'Loan proposed terms and condition' --2. (Manual input) Change Name: with the Name of the Parent Page of new detail DECLARE @CardSchemaUId uniqueidentifier = ( SELECT UId FROM SysSchema WHERE Name='FZSchema584f510ePage' ) -- 3. (Automatic) Get Uid of entityschema related to new detail DECLARE @SysEntitySchemaUId uniqueidentifier = ( SELECT TOP 1 UId FROM dbo.SysSchema WHERE Caption like '%' + @Caption +'%' and ManagerName = 'EntitySchemaManager' ) -- 4. (Automatic) Insert if not exist on SysModuleEntityInPortal INSERT INTO [dbo].[SysModuleEntityInPortal] ([Id], [CreatedOn], [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn], [ModifiedById], [ProcessListeners], [SysPortalId], [SysModuleEntityId]) SELECT [Id] = NEWID(), [CreatedOn] = getDate(), [CreatedById]=CreatedById, [ModifiedOn] = getDate(), [ModifiedById]= CreatedById, [ProcessListeners]=0, [SysPortalId] = 'C8565240-1DA3-4A68-BD4E-280F17B0D32E', [SysModuleEntityId] = SysModuleEntity.Id FROM ( SELECT id, [CreatedById], SysEntitySchemaUId FROM dbo.SysModuleEntity WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId ) SysModuleEntity OUTER APPLY ( SELECT count (1) AS NR FROM dbo.SysModuleEntityInPortal scp INNER JOIN dbo.SysModuleEntity sm ON scp.SysModuleEntityId = sm.Id WHERE sm.SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId ) InSysPortal WHERE InSysPortal.NR IS NULL OR InSysPortal.NR = 0 -- 5. (Automatic) Insert if not exist on SysDetail INSERT INTO [dbo].[SysDetail] ([Id], [CreatedOn], [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn], [ModifiedById], [ProcessListeners], [Caption], [DetailSchemaUId], [EntitySchemaUId]) SELECT [Id] = NEWID(), [CreatedOn]= getDate(), [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn]= getDate(), [ModifiedById], [ProcessListeners], [Caption] = SysSchema.Caption, [DetailSchemaUId] = SysSchema.Uid, [EntitySchemaUId] = @SysEntitySchemaUId FROM dbo.SysSchema WHERE Caption like '%' + @Caption +'%' AND [Name] like '%Detail' AND ManagerName ='ClientUnitSchemaManager' AND Uid not in (Select [DetailSchemaUId] from SysDetail) -- 6. (Automatic) Insert if not exist on SspPageDetail INSERT INTO [dbo].[SspPageDetail] ([Id], [CreatedOn], [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn], [ModifiedById], [ProcessListeners], [CardSchemaUId], [EntitySchemaUId], [SysDetailId]) Select [Id] = NEWID(), [CreatedOn]= getDate(), [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn]= getDate(), [ModifiedById], [ProcessListeners], [CardSchemaUId] = @CardSchemaUId, [EntitySchemaUId] = SysDetail.EntitySchemaUId, [SysDetailId] = SysDetail.Id FROM SysDetail WHERE EntitySchemaUId=@SysEntitySchemaUId and Caption like '%portal%' and Id not in ( Select SysDetailId FROM SspPageDetail ) -- 7. (Automatic) Insert if not exist on SysModuleEntity INSERT INTO [dbo].[SysModuleEntity] ([Id], [CreatedOn], [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn], [ModifiedById], [TypeColumnUId], [ProcessListeners], [SysEntitySchemaUId]) SELECT [Id] = NEWID(), [CreatedOn]= getDate(), [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn]= getDate(), [ModifiedById], [TypeColumnUId], [ProcessListeners], [SysEntitySchemaUId] FROM dbo.SysModuleEntity WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId AND ( SELECT count (1) FROM dbo.SysModuleEntity WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId ) < 2 -- 8. (Automatic) Insert if not exist on SysModuleEdit also the new recored that was insertet on previos step INSERT INTO [dbo].[SysModuleEdit] ([Id], [CreatedOn], [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn], [ModifiedById], [SysModuleEntityId], [TypeColumnValue], [UseModuleDetails], [Position], [HelpContextId], [ProcessListeners], [SysPageSchemaUId], [CardSchemaUId], [ActionKindCaption], [ActionKindName], [PageCaption], [MiniPageSchemaUId], [SearchRowSchemaUId], [MiniPageModes]) SELECT TOP 1 [Id] = NEWID(), [CreatedOn] = getDate(), [CreatedById], [ModifiedOn] = getDate(), [ModifiedById], [SysModuleEntityId] = new.SysModuleEntityId, [TypeColumnValue], [UseModuleDetails], [Position], [HelpContextId], [ProcessListeners]=0, [SysPageSchemaUId], [CardSchemaUId], [ActionKindCaption], [ActionKindName], [PageCaption], [MiniPageSchemaUId], [SearchRowSchemaUId], [MiniPageModes] FROM SysModuleEdit ref CROSS JOIN ( SELECT s.id as SysModuleEntityId FROM SysModuleEntity s LEFT JOIN SysModuleEdit t On t.SysModuleEntityId = s.Id WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId AND t.id IS NULL ) new WHERE ref.SysModuleEntityId in ( SELECT id FROM dbo.SysModuleEntity WHERE SysEntitySchemaUId = @SysEntitySchemaUId )