When we try to send an email directly from the contact's 360 view, the default email signature gets removed when a template is selected. Is this an out of the box feature? How to make the signature remain at the bottom even when a template is selected as the body of the email?

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Hello Suman,


We investigated this behaviour and currently, the system behaves correctly since you can add a macro in the signature so it could fit the template or depend on some value.

I informed our R&D department about this case so they could consider enhancing the following functionality in the upcoming releases.

Best regards,


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Hi Team,


We are trying to add a new field and as well as make few fields mandatory in one of the edit page [Specify information that is required for proceeding to handoff] in the Lead section when we move from the handoff to sales to awaiting sales stage. [Specify information that is required for proceeding to handoff.png]


The edit page is added in the OOTB process [Handoff to sales 7.8.0 (Lead Finance)] and when we try to open the page designer “Translation result page” it open the source code page instead of the edit page [designer]. 


IS there way were we can open the “Translation result page” edit page, so that we can make the opportunity owner mandatory and add additional field or can you tell us how we can add a source code for making the field mandatory and add another field in the source code.


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Hi Team,


Response time and resolution time is filled in based on the combination of case category, service type and service but when the cases are created via email only the case category is filled in and an email is sent to the customer without resolution time.

Is there a setting were we can set a resolution time only with the case category?





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Hello Amritha,


In order to change how resolution time is calculated please go to system designer -> Lookup -> Case deadline calculation schemas.


In there, you are able to choose one of the default options (one of which will suit your demand and is called "By service") or create your own rules.

To read more about resolution time calculation please refer to the academy article here.


Thank you,


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Dear Team,

We are facing an issue with the access rights for the records in the contact and account. By default, in the object permission for the contact and account, all the access are provided to the system admin and all employees and later had added the portal user in the operational permission and along with few organization roles and had provided the access as shown in the attached screenshot [Object_Permission.png] for both contact and account 


 As the portal user was not able to view the record even though the access was provided, we did disable the use operation permission and updated the record permission by doing that all the access for the record was removed. 


Later, again we enabled the use operation permission and updated the record permission, but the access wasn’t provided to the records which was removed from the previous step [Record.png]


There are more than 1 Lakh record in both the section, how can we provide back the access to all the records from the object permission?

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Hello Amritha,


We already have a support ticket regarding this issue.

Please refer to your case regarding this issue.


Thank you,


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Dear Team

When a case is raised by a contact, then a confirmation mail of the case is creation is sent to the contact's email id as well as when the stage of the case is moved/resolved an email is sent. But the same doesn't happen when an account is linked to the case, though the account as an email [communication options] field value being provided. No email is sent to the account's email id but in the case processing tab —> system message, we are able to see the message but there is no "To" added to it and hence no mail is received by the account holder.

Also, we tried to add primary account to the account to check if the OOTB process picks up the primary account email id to send the mail for an account but the result is the same, no mail is triggered.

Question : is there a way to send a mail OOTB to account holder for case creation and other activities performed in the case.
Also, there are email templates for the contact referring Email’s only for case creation but didn’t notice any template referring to account.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Amritha


Thank you for your question!


First of all, you need to add the 'email' field to the account's page as there is no such field as 'email' there (only communication options). After this, you can send a notification stated in this field using out-of-the-box functionality. It is possible to do it through the business process. It would be necessary to create a new one, which would read the newly created case, read its related account, and send the email to the mailbox which you mention as the primary one for this account. As for your second question, such templates can be created. They are not common as most of the time emails are sent to contacts or groups of contacts but not to accounts.


Best regards,


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Dear Team,


We are facing "unexpected token r in json at position 0" error when we try to login after providing the username and password, on inspection we found the error "as attached".


Did notice similar community post https://community.creatio.com/questions/unexpected-token-json but this is not similar to my issue. Here we are not able to navigate to home page after providing the username and password.


Question : Is there a way that user profile is affected and how to fix this issue?


Thanks in advance!

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Could you please write to our technical support so we could take a closer look at the issue?

Just email us about your problem at support@creatio.com.

We will investigate it in your particular environment.


Thank you,


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Dear Team,


We have changed/added new stages based on the customer requirement and they don’t want any activities to be created/performed in stage movement. Hence only stages are added but OOTB activates are showing up. Even though no activities are available in the opportunity case stage.


Question : How To disable/remove the OOTB activities from the section .


Thanks in advance! 

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These activities are most likely created by different business processes. I would suggest checking if there are any processes in the process log that are starting immediately after you change the stage. There might be processes that are being triggered by the DCM or the ones that have the starting signal set to a change in the stage of the opportunity. The processes can contain "Perform task" elements which you can remove or disable these processes altogether.


Hope it helps!


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I have been facing an error while updating the package from SVN.

It throws an error stating Schema with Unique identifier is not found.


Kindly guide me to resolve this issue.

Best regards,

Bhoobalan P.

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Hi Bhoobalan,


Please check the application logs at the moment of the issue reproduce for additional details on the error message. Additionally try generating the source code for all schemas and compiling the app in configurations before updating the package from SVN. Also this error message can state that there is a process or some logic in the package that uses the column that was deleted from some object. Try searching anything in the system using the query:


set nocount on
declare @name varchar(128), @substr nvarchar(4000), @column varchar(128)
declare @sql nvarchar(max),
  @newval nvarchar(max)
set @substr = N'BC2E7A0A-2B9E-4A10-BE73-B2FF59752ABF' --INPUT THE ID HERE
set @sql =  N''
set @newval = @substr
create table #rslt 
(table_name varchar(128), field_name varchar(128), value nvarchar(max))
declare s cursor fast_forward for select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'BASE TABLE' order by table_name
open s
fetch next from s into @name
while @@fetch_status = 0
 declare c cursor fast_forward for 
 select quotename(column_name) as column_name from information_schema.columns 
   where data_type in ('text', 'ntext', 'varchar', 'char', 'nvarchar', 'char', 'sysname','uniqueidentifier') and table_name  = @name
 set @name = quotename(@name)
 open c
 fetch next from c into @column
 while @@fetch_status = 0
--   print 'Processing table - ' + @name + ', column - ' + @column
   exec('insert into #rslt select ''' + @name + ''' as Table_name, ''' + @column + ''', ' + @column + 
 ' from' + @name + ' where ' + @column + ' like ''' + @substr + '''')
   fetch next from c into @column
 close c
 deallocate c
 fetch next from s into @name
select table_name as [Table Name], field_name as [Field Name], count(*) as [Found Matches] from #rslt
group by table_name, field_name
order by table_name, field_name
select * from #rslt order by table_name, field_name
drop table #rslt
close S
deallocate S


And check what does this query return.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,

I need to stop the contact creation when a new case is created from the landing page.


The below article helps in creating a case from the landing page.


But at the same time I need to create only case and prevent from creating contact.

Any insight on this would be helpful!


Bhoobalan P.

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It is not possible to disable contact creation. However, you can setup autofill of landing page fields that will help to avoid he duplicate contact records creation 






dean parrett,


Thanks for the response!

When the same case is created through email the following business process is triggered "Incoming email registration processwhere only the case got created (No contact creation).

What runs to create a Case in Creatio CRM site via the Landing page? and What triggers to create a contact when a case is created?


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


This logic is hardcoded and cannot be disabled without changing the records creation from web forms. It doesn't have anything in common with cases creation from emails. The above article is the solution to any web forms that may create duplicate records.




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I have a field Remider2 on the Activity [General information Tab].Based on the reminder2  value i need to send the reminder to the owner.

i have referred article in academy ,but couldn't follow the approach



Could someone help me with the  custom reminder in detailed.


Thankyou in advance!!!



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Hello Indira,


Do you have any particular place in the instruction that doesn't work for you or probably you can post the error you receive?


Best regards,


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