Hello everyone.

Can you help me, what Creatio tools we can use to solve the following issue:

We want to implement in Creatio functional that will help our operators effectively help solve the client's problems by tooltips.

depending on the responses, the page should change dynamically

below you can find a picture how we imagine this functional


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Please describe in more detail what features you want to add to Creatio? 


Thank you!

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Our external system(DWH) would like to load large number of records from Creatio, no matter how big the data upload limit is, it will end.

We want to use pageing functional to divide data.

If there is such functionality in creatio, if so, how to enable it

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Please note that we do not have such an integration in the system and we advise using the basic export functionaliy, as it does not have any limits.

As an alternative option, you can use Integrations & APIOdata web service for this.

Can you please tell me how to process such a case: we have a table with 21 000 records and we can't load it because after 20 000 records an error appears, how can we solve this problem?



In this case I recommend you contacting our Support team directly at support@creatio.com so we could check this issue on your site.

Thanks , but links are not active

Can you be more specific as to what you are trying to do?  Are you trying to load data from your DWH to a Cloud instance?  Is this a one time thing? Are the inserts or updates?  How are trying to load?  Odata DataService?  Are you using an app or self coded? 

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Hi Community,

How to convert the following SQL query into ESQ so that it can be used in the Script task Process element. 


SELECT TOP 1 SalesOwnerId 

FROM [Lead] 

WHERE SBLBranchLocationId ='060183EE-C2F3-4EDF-853C-59E28026EAD6' 

  AND LeadTypeId='669BC3A8-DFDB-4E53-8AAE-B643C2D6C677' 

  AND SalesOwnerId IS NOT NULL 

GROUP BY SalesOwnerId 


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If you specifically need to use ESQ then take a look at this discussion where this topic was discussed.

However, in your case you can use Select class, with it you can easily use expressions like GROUP BY or ORDER BY.

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How can I use esq or a business process to determine a user's organizational role and its associated functional role from the employee section?


File attachments
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Best reply

This article will show you how to retrieve a user's roles using an ESQ. See https://customerfx.com/article/determining-if-a-user-has-a-specific-rol…


This article will show you how to retrieve a user's roles using an ESQ. See https://customerfx.com/article/determining-if-a-user-has-a-specific-rol…


This solution does not take into account Functional Roles. If a Role has a Functional role assigned, and a user has that functional role, there is no direct link between the user and the functional role. Don't we have a SDK Creatio function for this?


If a user has an assigned functional role or an organizational role directly, this information will be stored in the "SysUserInRole" table.
If it is an organizational role that has a functional role, then you need to refer to the "SysFuncRoleInOrgRole" table.
The "SysAdminUnit" table contains a list of all users and roles (both organizational and functional). It has a column SysAdminUnitTypeValue, which can be used to determine the type of record.
All types of records are described in the "SysAdminUnitType" table.

All these entities are available for reading data in the business process. Therefore, on the basis of one user, you can view all the roles that have been assigned directly in the "SysUserInRole" table and through organizational roles in the "SysFuncRoleInOrgRole" table.

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Hi Team,


I have deleted on Column from the backend and published the object, but on the frontend when I am trying to create and save a new record, a message displayed that no null value allowed in that column (which I already deleted from backend)


Below is the error message when I try to save new record -


Below is when I try to search Column "Usrave" (I already deleted) in the object - 


I tried to Generate the source code and the compiling the applicaiton but it doesn't work.


Please help here.





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hi Akshit,

Please check this link Foreign Key Violation to find out where are all the places the column is being referred.

And make sure to check is there any trigger is created for table dbo.FinAppliation (With the column name) UsrSave. In that case delete the invalid triggers that uses the 'Column name of table which is deleted from DB'.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.


Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Thanks Brother :)


I resolved this by changing this column "Nullable" property = True and then Dropping the column from the table using SQL executor console.

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Hi Team,

We have a use case, in which we built out the 2 case lifecycle in the Lead Section.

Ref Image,

And we have deactivated the OOTB case lifecycle. This DCM process built out of new column known as ("Lead Flow Status").

When we export this package and import in new environment. The existing Case, Column to build the stage, Column determines which case case to be used - all the things are not updated.

Ref Image,

My use case is to build it out of new lookup column("Lead Flow Status"). And DCM flow changes based on new column ("Current Stage"). This need to be reflected in my proceeding environments.

Can you let me know any data Bind need to be done to deactivate the existing case and update other two fields. Or write any scripts for it ?

Best Regards,

Adharsh S


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Hi Adharsh,


you can try such a script, just use names of DCM you want to deactivate:

Update "SysSchemaProperty"

Set "Value" = false


    ("SysSchemaId" IN

        (SELECT s."Id" 

        FROM  "SysSchema" s 

        WHERE s."Name" IN ('DocumentCase','ContractCase')


​​​​​​​Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,

I could see 6-8 records when we run the query. As "SysSchemaProperty" contains many records for each SysSchemaId of different properties. Which column should be updated to "False".

Also I have attached below the image for reference which is the query result of deactivated DCM Case in local development environment. I could not able to find any column with value as "False".

Image -1 : "Result query of deactivated 'LeadCase' DCM"


Image-2: "Result query of newly activated 'LeadFlowCase' DCM"

Result of both queries seems to be similar. Not major difference. Initially I thought, Enabled property defines the Active/InActive state of DCM case. But in this case both values are True.

Kindly help us with it.

Best Regards,

Adharsh S

Adharsh writes:

Yes, you are rights. Enabled property should be set to false.  

... AND "Name"='Enabled'

But I don't know why they both are Enabled if one of them is deactivated.

Also I see in our project, that Enabled property for LeadCase didn't exist in production enviroment, so script just adds new one:

INSERT INTO "SysSchemaUserProperty"





Vladimir Sokolov,

Thanks for it. I am able to deactivate the existing OOTB - Lead case stages. But the columns "Which column to build the stages by?" and "Which column determines which case to use with a record?" are not updating, Retains the same state. 

Ref Image,

Kindly help us, how to update these values! Am I missing any other thing?

Best Regards,

Adharsh S


You should find SysDcmSettings in bound data (the easiet way to to find by Modified On date) and set 'Forced update' for column Filters. 

I think it can help


Kind regards,


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Hello Creatio Team,

What is the Creatio availability verification refered to ? (printscreen below)

How can I fix it ? Is it some sort of extra Configuration? This has only happened in the 8.0.2 version.



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We see that you have also registered a case directly for our Support team and we are already working on it so we will update you on the problem in that case.






we also experience the same problem with an on-premise installation in version 8.0.3.


Is there already a solution available?




Robert Pordes,


We kindly recommend updating the Email Listener service to resolve the error of verification on the diagnostic page.

Could you provide us with the information on where you deployed for the Email Listener service (Kubernetes or Docker)?

Also you are adding gmail mailbox to the system and it require a few additional steps due to Google security policy.

There are 2 possible ways to add the mailbox to the system:

1. Enable 2-Step Verification for the mailbox, generate the App password from the appropriate Google account and add the mailbox to the system.

2. If you are using Gsuite, you can configure your own app on the Google's side for authorization through the Oauth.

1. Using the App password.

There is a need to perform the below steps:

1) Create a copy of the mailbox provider GMail

2) Disable the system setting with code "UseGoogleSharedApplication"

3) Created password for the external programs on the GMail's side as described here: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?hl=en

4) Use password from p.3 while adding the mailbox with the help of copy of the mailbox provider from p.1. 

Login and password for the mailbox will be used inside Creatio system, not GMail. 

2. Create your own program on the Gsuite side.

It's a bit more complex variant, as there will be a need to perform the corresponding setting both through Gsuite and in the app.

1. Please perform the setting on the Gsuite's side as described here: 


In p.5 you need to choose "Gmail API" and complete the settings on receiving ClientId and Client Secret.

2. Populate the values for the mailbox provided with the received keys in "OAUTH2.0" type of authorization. 

Best regards,


Hi Community!


We have solved this issue, by using the new version of the docker image called emaillistener (bpmonline/emaillistener Tags | Docker Hub)


This has to be changed in the docker-compose file for the ListenerAPI and ListenerWorker service.

Another change is the port mapping for the ListenerAPI. It has to be 10000:8080 instead of 10000:80.


Also, there is an error in the definitions.json file, which is used in the rabbitMQ container. The vhosts part has to look like this:

"vhosts": [
      "name": "/"
      "name": "ELhost"

I have created a case and Creatio promised to update the academy article accordingly.




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Hello Creatio team,

I manage to give access for ( Operations and Records )to this specific object from the Configuration.

Even though these changes are not reflected as can be seen in the printscreen below:

How can i overcome this problem ?

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As we mentioned in the submitted case to support, we do not recommend you manually check those boxes, to properly add them please follow the steps below:

  1. In the object, permissions section add your restrictions
  2. The system will create a "copy" of the object you are working on in the current package as a reference to the original object
  3. In that copy, you will see the checkboxes checked for the chosen options from object permissions.

Please make sure to set the "Current Package" system setting to the one you are developing in.

For further questions please refer to your support case.


Thank you.

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Hello Creatio Community,

This happens in the Application Section. When i fill in the product terms and try to save the Application this pop up is shown. Meanwhile the object SysFinApplicationSpecRight doesnt exist at all in the database. How can I fix this problem ?


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Printscreen of Error Logs


Managed to solve the problem by re-compiling FinApplicationSpec

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Hi Team,

The requirement is to implement the Opportunity metrics container, like (Manager Mood, Probability) in the lead section based on some condition as (Lookup value - changes to "Opportunity") to the instance of version 8 and above.

Reference image is added below,

In the latest version we don't have this similar UI rather its updated to latest one in opportunity Section as below,

I have identified the code for the above metrics from base  file "Base Opportunity edit page" as shown below,


				"operation": "merge",
				"parentName": "ProfileContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "MetricsContainer",
				"values": {
					"layout": {"column": 0, "row": 0, "colSpan": 24},
					"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,
					"classes": {"wrapClassName": ["ts-metrics-container"]},
					"items": [],
					"visible": true//{"bindTo": "isMetricsContainerVisible"}
				"operation": "merge",
				"parentName": "MetricsContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "MoodContainer",
				"values": {
					"items": [],
					"itemType": this.Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,
					"classes": {"wrapClassName": ["ts-metric-item", "ts-mood-container"]}
				"operation": "merge",
				"parentName": "MoodContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "OpportunityMood",
				"values": {
					"generator": "ImageListGenerator.generateImageList",
					"bindTo": "Mood",
					"id": "MoodImageList",
					"schemaName": "OpportunityMood",
					"schemaColumn": "Image",
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.MoodListCaption"},
					"controlConfig": {
						"wrapClasses": ["opportunity-mood-image-list image-list"],
						"modalBoxClasses": ["opportunity-mood-image-list"]
					"markerValue": "OpportunityMood",
					"tips": []
				"alias": {
					"name": "Mood",
					"excludeProperties": ["layout"],
					"excludeOperations": ["remove", "move"]
				"operation": "merge",
				"parentName": "OpportunityMood",
				"propertyName": "tips",
				"name": "MoodTip",
				"values": {
					"content": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.MoodTip"}
				"operation": "merge",
				"parentName": "MoodContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"name": "MoodCaption",
				"values": {
					"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.LABEL,
					"caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.MoodCaption"},
					"classes": {"labelClass": ["ts-metric-item-caption"]}

When I tried to implement in the current package with the file "OpportunitypageV2", I am facing the below error.

Kindly help me in figuring out the code that has to be included, so as to implement the metrics in Lead section.


Adharsh S

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Best reply



Take a look at this conversation, there you will find a discussion about the problem you are struggling with.


Please take a look at this conversation. I believe there you can find answer to your question.

Dmytro Vovchenko,

I have looked into to the code which is shared in the post. And also looked into the BaseOpportunityPage to implement other functionalities such as Probability, Days in Funnel in Leads section as you see below,

But I am unable to implement the Manager's Mood functionality. When I click on manager Mood, there is no event getting triggered, no error in console. I have looked through complete base opportunity page, unable to find its functional implementations. 

Can you help me in finding the right code to fit it to implement this feature.

Regards & Thanks,

Adharsh S


Hi Creatio Team,

Can you help me in figuring out the above scenario ?


Adharsh S



Take a look at this conversation, there you will find a discussion about the problem you are struggling with.

Dmytro Vovchenko,


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