How to find all the required activities created in the current stage of DCM?

Dear community,


How to find all the required activities created in the current stage of DCM, which have not been completed yet ?

For example, I need to determine that there is at least one required activity at the current stage of DCM.



Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


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Hello Mariia,


You need to use the "Activity" detail (on the "History" tab) of the record where the DCM is set. Or you can simply take a look at the Actions Dashboard and see if there is an "*" mark on the activity subject and that means that the activity is required.


Best regards,


Hello Oscar Dylan,

Thank you for your answer, but the task is a bit more complicated.

My business task is to prevent the process (that can be started with the button on the page) from changing the stage if there is at least one required action at this stage.

It is something like if the user change the stage manually (in the base logic of DCM):


Thank you in advance.

Best regards,


Mariia Prostiak,


In order to get the information about the uncompleted activities please use the “GetRequiredUncompletedElements” method from the “Terrasoft.Core.DcmProcess” namespace. Please find more information about this method in the documentation by the link below:


Best regards,


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