Is there no way to delete a navigation/section from the Freedom UI "navigation and sections" tab? 


If there is no way currently, what if a section was linked to the wrong object, or some other setting was incorrect when the section was created? Is there a way to change these setting afterwards?


This is what shows on my screen:


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Currently, it is not possible to delete a section from "Navigation and sections" tab.


If you want the section not to be visible in the Creatio navigation panel, then we recommend removing such section from a workplace:

Go to the System Designer -> Workplace Setup -> Choose the needed workplace -> Choose a section and delete it.


After that the section will not be visible in the Navigation panel, but the Section object will not be removed. It is not recommended to delete Section schemas as they may be connected to other objects and their removal can cause unpredictable errors.

Arsenii Ostapyk,

Okay, thanks for letting me know

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Hey. I've been working with Creatio for some time already. And I've been facing an issue. The issue is not picking up on changes that were added to the files already added to the package when uploading a new version of a package on any environment. I am talking about .cs files, in other words, the source code type of Creatio files. So, when I finish fixing some bugs with the package locally, I go to the dev env. to upload the package there. I do the uploading via `ApplicationHub` page via `install from file`. So, the issue happens only when the previous package version is installed and I want to update with the newer version. If I remove the previous version and upload a new one, all new changes are picked up.

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In this case, it could be two possible options as to why it happens:


1. It can happen if the schema has a more fresh ModifiedOn date in configuration, for example, if it was recently modified directly on the environment; if so, the schema won't be updated.

2.  Sometimes, the schema updates only after full compilation. so the steps will be install package -> full compilation -> check the schema.


If the issue would still reproduce, contact us at

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Is there any possibility to change file size upload quota in the Application Hub in .net core version of creatio? In the .net framework there are a bindings.config configuration files, that allows to change binding quota, which works in IIS. 


But of course there is no such thing in kestrel, adding/changing any params in appsettings.json does not seem to help. Is there any option to install pretty big application (>100Mb) in .net core Creatio?


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Good day,

In the .NET Core version, we do not have separate settings for different services; instead, we have a single setting for the entire application. The default value is 30,000,000. You can modify this setting by adding a new row to the <appSettings> section in the Terrasoft.WebHost.dll.config file:

<add key="MaxRequestBodySizeBytes" value="100000000" />

This will change the maximum request body size to 100,000,000 bytes.

Thank you for reaching out!

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Hey, everyone! 

I'm new to Creatio and still getting myself around, just got my Analyst certification too. 

Anyway, How am I to bind the SysAdminUnit to my Application? (trying to bind 4 Functional roles that I've created for my application)

I'm getting the prompt from the print below.

I know that the "sysCulture" is due to the language being "pt-br" (I've been using Creatio on English, and I don't have any clue as to why it created as "pt-br"... Also.. how to alter these specifics into en-US?). 

I've read a few posts here and there (all from 2022 and before... something must have changed) on the community and all of them tell me to build a SQL Querry. The problem is that I don't know how to acess my portal through SQL or any querry format. Downloading the SSMS (version 19) and inputting my login credentials and the link to my portal ( doesn't work..

Thanks for now!

File attachments
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You can add a separate data binding for the SysCulture object to transfer the culture code, specifically the "pt-br" culture, during migration, and then attach the role record. But please note that it is important to deactivate the "pt-br" culture when binding it.

Hey, Alona! 

I'll try it. Many thanks! 

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Clio 6.0.47 - Unlocking Deployment Flexibility


We're thrilled to announce that Clio now supports publishing your applications directly to your file system!

This gives you incredible control over deployment, perfect for custom integrations and tailored hosting environments.


Try it with the following command:

clio publish-app --app-name MyApp --app-version 1.0.0 --app-hub "'\\app-hub\store" --repo-path WorkspacePath

Clio create the following simple and intuitive file structure in AppHub


Plus, keep an eye out for our upcoming "AppHub" – a game-changing platform for managing and sharing Clio applications.

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I am writing to inform you of an issue I have encountered while logging into your platform. Today, when I logged in with my credentials, my application did not appear on the control panel. This has caused me great inconvenience as I need to access my application to perform my daily tasks.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me recover my application as soon as possible and explain the cause of this problem. Is this a technical error on your part or is there something I should do to fix it?

I look forward to your prompt response and thank you in advance for your attention and cooperation.

If someone help me please

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Please create a request to the Support Team (  and provide step-by-step instructions on what was done before the issue appeared.


Then based on all data, we will help you resolve an issue,

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I would like to know if there are any issues with creating a new application from the application hub, with a new page and section in Version 8.0.4? We are still in Classic UI but from the application hub I can only create Freedom UI sections. Will I run into issues or should I continue to create new sections using the Wizard until we have upgraded to Freedom UI?

Thank you!


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Best reply

Hayley Paul,

We just continue to create and modify sections in Section wizards and still are using Classic UI. And we use Application hub only for installing package

Kind regards,




The Application Hub only allows you to create Freedom UI sections. Sections created in the Application Hub that are not supported in Classic UI.

Hi Bogdan, thank you for the response. Therefore, I need to upgrade to Freedom UI in order to create these new sections from the application hub?

Hayley Paul,


The application hub (creating Freedom UI) is already available in your version. 

Please find more information here.

Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for your reply. I have read the documentation and I have created an application in the Application hub. Then I tried adding the section to a workplace but it does not get added (no error message, just never loads in the workplace). Is this what you meant by these sections are not supported in Classic UI? Could my users still access and work with this new Freedom UI section from "My Applications" workplace?

Hayley Paul,


You can add your new Freedom UI section to any workplace. 

If you have an error while adding please contact support team on this matter. 

OK that is good news. So just to confirm, this new section that I create in the Application hub will be Freedom UI. My Creatio instance is ALL classic UI but this one new section will be available in that workplace and when the user selects that section, it will open as Freedom UI. Correct?

Would that new section be fully functional in my system and live with the other classic UI sections? 

Hayley Paul,

We just continue to create and modify sections in Section wizards and still are using Classic UI. And we use Application hub only for installing package

Kind regards,


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I have a requirement to add Aspose.pdf Connector in Creatio. I have installed it and is visible in Application Hub, can anyone provide a document/ step of how to use the Aspose.pdf Connector in the Creatio for my Custom Package.

I have a requirement to show some fields with data in PDF form using a Preview button.



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Best reply

Hello Smit, 


We would appreciate it if you can provide more details on your business requirements. Your described behavior can also be implemented via the business process, which will be triggered by a button click and will return an autogenerated page with values of the fields that you can forward to your printable


Best Regards, 

Hello Smit, 


We would appreciate it if you can provide more details on your business requirements. Your described behavior can also be implemented via the business process, which will be triggered by a button click and will return an autogenerated page with values of the fields that you can forward to your printable


Best Regards, 

Hello Ihor,


Thanks for the idea of using Printable Report.

After creating printable report, after clicking on print button in the section it displays a Dialog box which is saying "Please fill in the system setting for converting to PDF" can you please help us on which system settings need to be filled?



Smit Suthar


Hello Smit, 


Can you please clarify if the settings mentioned in the Installation tab under "Guides and manuals" were filled in? -


Best Regards, 


 Hey Ihor,

Thanks now everything is working fine. 

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Where i can find "indexing for full-text search" in the section created in application hub. I know where to find it when we build secion in section wizard but in AH i really don't know

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Hello Arkadiusz,


"Indexing for full-text search" is turned on by default for sections created in the application hub. Currently, there is no option to change it, but we will create an idea for our developers to implement it. 


Best Regards,


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Hey there,


I've created a new application on Creatio 8.0 with a simple object that only has a lookup to a contact object. When I save a new record "Candidat", nothing happens even though it seems to be correctly configured.


How can I solve this problem?


Here is a video showing what's happening :


Kind regards,


Julien Gunther

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Hello Julien,


We have received the duplicate request from you sent to, based on latest information from a request , the issue has been already resolved from your side "by simply adding and removing the "UsrName" field in the "Candidats" form". 


Please let us know if the issue persists. 

Best regards,


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