Clio 6.0.47 - Unlocking Deployment Flexibility


We're thrilled to announce that Clio now supports publishing your applications directly to your file system!

This gives you incredible control over deployment, perfect for custom integrations and tailored hosting environments.


Try it with the following command:

clio publish-app --app-name MyApp --app-version 1.0.0 --app-hub "'\\app-hub\store" --repo-path WorkspacePath

Clio create the following simple and intuitive file structure in AppHub


Plus, keep an eye out for our upcoming "AppHub" – a game-changing platform for managing and sharing Clio applications.

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Clio version and Clio Explorer version 2.0.56 provide functionality for easy organizing and distribution of your composable applications. Now, you can download applications to the local file system from your registered environments.

This command creates a workspace for selected applications, which can later be deployed to any of your Creatio environments.

Clio Explorer provides convenient control for all workspaces stored in one directory.

Therefore, you can:

- link the local file system to git or another version control system

- map workspace to Creatio development instance

- deploy on-demand new versions to QA or Production environments

- easily combine all your applications on new environments in the cloud or local

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Hi Team,


I want an schedule an email weekly with a excel report as attachment that will  be generated by system 


I used These application to generate excel report and attach to email automatically 


Excel pivot report for Creatio

Excel reports builder for Creatio

Printable attachment in email for Creatio

'Save printable' process element

Send email with attachments


But was unable to generate and attach excel to email on a scheduled process

Excel attachment is mandatory 


Please suggest a work around to solve this.


Thank You in Advance


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There is no way to generate the excel report since it is not piece of default functionality. The workaround to attach the excel report manually on the attachments detail and use simple process to send it. Here is the example that send attachments from account:





Other than that, it is necessary to develop custom integration that will call for endpoint of the excel report generation, get file, send it to Creatio and then the process would re-send it according to your needs.


When clicking on generate excel report, the query calls for with the following parameters:

EsqString: "{\"rootSchemaName\":\"Contact\",\"operationType\":0,\"includeProcessExecutionData\":true,\"filters\":{\"items\":{\"8488ded0-40f6-4167-95ca-20bccc49bfc1\":{\"filterType\":1,\"comparisonType\":3,\"isEnabled\":true,\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\":false,\"leftExpression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Id\"},\"rightExpression\":{\"expressionType\":2,\"parameter\":{\"dataValueType\":1,\"value\":\"c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4\"}}}},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6},\"columns\":{\"items\":{\"Full name\":{\"caption\":\"Full name\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Name\"}},\"Age\":{\"caption\":\"Age\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Age\"}},\"Email\":{\"caption\":\"Email\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Email\"}}}},\"isDistinct\":false,\"rowCount\":-1,\"rowsOffset\":-1,\"isPageable\":false,\"allColumns\":false,\"useLocalization\":true,\"useRecordDeactivation\":false,\"serverESQCacheParameters\":{\"cacheLevel\":0,\"cacheGroup\":\"\",\"cacheItemName\":\"\"},\"queryOptimize\":false,\"useMetrics\":false,\"adminUnitRoleSources\":0,\"querySource\":0,\"ignoreDisplayValues\":false,\"isHierarchical\":false}"

RecordCollection: ["c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4"]

ReportId: "ec1724f7-e58e-491f-8471-0ce19b61bc02"


so it is necessary to generate the POST request to this endpoint  /0/rest/IntExcelReportService/GetExportFiltersKey with similar parameters as above. As the response - you will get the file. 

Here is the similar post describing how to generate such POST request…




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