
I have a requirement to add Aspose.pdf Connector in Creatio. I have installed it and is visible in Application Hub, can anyone provide a document/ step of how to use the Aspose.pdf Connector in the Creatio for my Custom Package.

I have a requirement to show some fields with data in PDF form using a Preview button.



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Hello Smit, 


We would appreciate it if you can provide more details on your business requirements. Your described behavior can also be implemented via the business process, which will be triggered by a button click and will return an autogenerated page with values of the fields that you can forward to your printable


Best Regards, 

Hello Smit, 


We would appreciate it if you can provide more details on your business requirements. Your described behavior can also be implemented via the business process, which will be triggered by a button click and will return an autogenerated page with values of the fields that you can forward to your printable


Best Regards, 

Hello Ihor,


Thanks for the idea of using Printable Report.

After creating printable report, after clicking on print button in the section it displays a Dialog box which is saying "Please fill in the system setting for converting to PDF" can you please help us on which system settings need to be filled?



Smit Suthar


Hello Smit, 


Can you please clarify if the settings mentioned in the Installation tab under "Guides and manuals" were filled in? - https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/asposepdf-connector-creatio


Best Regards, 


 Hey Ihor,

Thanks now everything is working fine. 

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