What is the shortcut keys for the new built-in IDE? In the old version, I can use Ctrl|Cmd + / to comment out multiple lines. But I cannot do that in the new version.
The new editor is based on the Code Mirror editor. I've outlined some of the most common shortcut keys here https://customerfx.com/article/tips-for-working-with-the-new-code-edito…
You can see the complete list of shortcut keys on the Code Mirror website in the Commands section, although not all of them are implemented in the Creatio editor (and I don't see one to comment/uncomment multiple lines although Code Mirror does have a comment addon and I've not checked if it implements this - or if the Creatio implementation includes that) https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html#keymaps
Van Ly,
We are using CodeMirror to write code in the designer so all shortcuts can be found here: https://defkey.com/codemirror-shortcuts
Unfortunately, comment out multiple lines shortcut is not present in the list.
Best regards,