Hi Community,


We trigger Generate source code for all items on our on-premise system. But upon checking "\Pkg\[Our Custom Package]\Schemas" in our local directory some schemas were missing what could be the problem? Most of our source code schemas were not generated.

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Hello Fulgen,


Hope you're doing well.


Please try to perform the following actions in configurations:

1. Update database structure where needed.

2. Generate source code for all items.

3. Compile all items.

4. Flush Redis.

5. Restart the website.

This should help.


In case there appeared errors on the generation or compilation step, please check the logs (usually can be found in C:\Windows\Temp\Creatio\Youre_Site_Name) to find out the reason of such behavior.


Best regards,


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Hi all.  I have created some custom reports and exported them as xlxs.  I am looking at the DATE data from Creatio objects that appear in the xlxs files. 

  • What is the format used in the Date fields ?
  • What MS Excel function will display this data in a human readable format?
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Best reply

Hello Charles,

What you need to do is create a template for the Excel report. In the date columns, you can add cell formatting in any date format you'd like. Then upload the template for the Excel report and from then on the report will use the date format you specified in the template. I have a video tutorial of how to do this here: https://customerfx.com/video/using-templates-for-excel-reports-in-creat…


Hello Charles,

What you need to do is create a template for the Excel report. In the date columns, you can add cell formatting in any date format you'd like. Then upload the template for the Excel report and from then on the report will use the date format you specified in the template. I have a video tutorial of how to do this here: https://customerfx.com/video/using-templates-for-excel-reports-in-creat…


Perfect help, thank you

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How can we set up "Select from similar" functionality, when a contact or an account is added automatically when creating a new lead.

Does it have to do something with duplication rules setup? Does this comes Out-of-the-box?

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Hello Kavian,


Hope you're doing well.


You can find more information about the "Select from similar" functionality for Contacts and Accounts created from Leads in the articles below:




Also, the search process for similar contacts/accounts for Leads is being performed based on the parameters from "Duplicates rules" settings. To find the needed duplicates rules, please go to the System designer and open the "Setup duplicates rules" section, there you will be able to configure duplicates search parameters for Contacts and Accounts created from Leads (there are two folders for those rules: "Leads: similar accounts", "Leads: similar contacts"):



Best regards,


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Hi Community,


Is It possible to send SMS from Creatio,


I have 2 scenarios

1. Sending SMS from Contact Page

2.Sending SMS from a Marketing Campaign


Please  share the resource if it is possible in any revised versions of creatio ?


Many Thanks!

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Hi Akshit,


it is not possible out-of-the-box. However, there are some (paid) marketplace add-ons that enable you to do this.

Another way would be to programmatically add the functionality on your own, but you will need some SMS gateway to send the messages, which will usually cost something.

There is an example in the academy about how to add a custom marketing campaign element for sending SMS here: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/elements_and_components/marketing_campaigns/marketing_campaigns#title-1457-3




It is possible to use Web service in your business process to send SMS via a lot of SMS providers

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Dear community,


Is there an elegant way to hide the standard sections detail in account history tab?

I mean hide the details relating to sections not available in the creatio edition bought.

An possible solution is create a new tab and add the detail for only section available.

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Have you tried to hide them using business rules? I suggest to set your condition to a situation that will never happen. For example, IF Integer [1] = Integer [2], THEN Show element [Detail "Invoices"] on the page


Kavian Abhari,

Sorry I make a stupid question

You are right,

thank you!

An update, 

some details are not available in the list of details (orders), but they are visible on the page.

I tried on a tenant with Sales Team edition + Contact center.

Stefano Bassoli,

Hello Stefano Bassoli,


Thank you for your question!

Would you please provide some examples of this behavior?

Examples will greatly help us understand what would be the best solution here.


Thank you!





Hi Danyl,

i tried to upload an image, but I can't upload because there is a cors error on this page.


In the history Account tab there is Orders detail.

If I try to hide using the method suggested by @Kavian, I don't found it in the list.



I solved my problem creating a custom css and set 

#OrderDetailV2Container {



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Dear community


I've a problem on *InFolder table.

The Inherit column FolderId is setup with BaseFolder when I try to set with *Folder lookup the changes are not saved.

If I try to publish the changes, I receive this error;

An error "42P01: The relationship" public.BaseFolder "does not exist has occurred


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Hi Stefano,


I guess you've faced an out-of-the-box problem that was fixed in 7.17.3. The problem is that the section wizard created a section incorrectly in some cases till 7.17.3 - the ObjectInFolder column had the value of "BaseFolder" in the "FolderId" column in case the object represents a section created via a section wizard. The correct value should be "ObjectFolder". In other words if the object for the section is UsrExam then the value for the UsrExamInFolder FolderId column should be UsrExamFolder.


To fix the problem the metadata of the ObjectInFolder object should be modified. Please open the metadata, go to "Modifications package" and find the 37's row. Add this line there:


= MetaData.Schema.D2.["9e46bb69-9788-423c-b7cd-4c624081082d"].S4 "2d8dd6bd-d45e-4518-a52d-88edfbefb8c4"


and replace the  2d8dd6bd-d45e-4518-a52d-88edfbefb8c4 with an actual UId of the ObjectFolder (can be found either in the SysSchema table or in the object properties from configurations). Once done save the metadata, reopen the object and publish it. As a result correct value will be specified in the "FolderId" lookup.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Does the original 37's row need to be overwritten with the new one ?


Stefano Bassoli,


No, just add empty space after the 36th row and on the 37th row paste the string with an updated GUID value that refers to ObjectFolder object.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

After saving the changes on Metadata data, the lookup binded to *InFolder.Folder column is correct. 

When I try to publish I receive the same error

Stefano Bassoli,

to skip the problem I runned manually the ALTER TABLE CONSTRAINT and I forced the system to ignore the changes SysSchema.ModfiedOn = SysSchema.StructuredOn

What do you think about ?

Stefano Bassoli,

Hi Oscar,

I've a similar problem with *InTag table, which row must be edited in metadata, go to "Modifications package"


Thank you in advance

Stefano Bassoli,


I solved!

Hi Stefano,


Could You share update what You done in case to fix the proplem on top of Oscar advise ?


I have the same problem that after modify metadata on save system reverts any changes so Folder field is populated again as BaseFolder.


Best Regards,


Hi Marcin,

  1.  I checked in the Postgres log file what happened in the database, an error occurred during the changes table when adding a constraint with the * search folder.
  2. I followed the Oscar's instructions
  3. I manually executed the alter table command which raises the error (obtained in 1) by writing the right constraint FK on the right table
  4.  I ran an update command on the "SysSchema" table for my entity to force the SysSchema.ModfiedOn field to equal SysSchema.StructuredOn so the system will not attempt to install


Hi Stefano,


Thank You for update. I went through Your instruction but still faced the same result. I'm sure that is correct but to not waste a time i decided to went through different approach:

Just i have deleted incorrect object, created new one with the same name based on BaseEntity, then added column Folder.


It's seems that it's work (i may sucessfully install package on local environment as well as on cloud). To be completely safe any time when i'm deleting object schema i have a copy on SVN as well and local metadata export.

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Hi Community,


How we can import a jquery library?



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I'm wanted to send a prompt message to the front-end at the end of my business process.


FrontEnd (The debugger never get fired)

init: function() {
      subscriptionFunction: function() {    
        Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onMyProcessMessage, this);
      onMyProcessMessage: function(scope, message) {
        if (!message || message.Header.Sender !== "ShowSuccessDialog") {
        var message2 = message.Body;
        if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(message2)) {

Business Process

string sender = "ShowSuccessDialog";
string messageText = "Successful";
MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessageToAll(sender, messageText);
return true;	

- And I'm receiving this error.

The server encountered an error processing the request. The exception message is 'Value for argument "name" must be specified.'


What name could this error mean? Or is this totally not related to my goal?


- https://community.creatio.com/questions/refresh-page-fields-after-proce…

Best Regards.


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1. Where are you seeing this error ?


string messageText = "Successful"; needs to be encoded as proper json.

try something like this

string messageText = "{\"prop\":\"Successful\"}";


and then in JS

var status = JSON.parse(message.Body).prop;



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We want to set up a report for the customer per loan number of the redemptions and the interest income to be paid. All needed data is stored within Creatio including loan duration, interest percentages, etc.

The overview should show per month, the redemption amount, the interest amount, the total amount to be paid; all months should be included in the overview.

Will it be possible to realise such a document without additional coding or is there a template available?

Guido Buurlage

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Dear colleagues


I'm install the app from market place on our demo instance on Creatio 7.17.4 and we cannot get the three user task elements provided we regenerate to source code and compile all but still cannot access to the elements: 

If I check on workspace explorer the elements were installed, see it on https://prnt.sc/129eoab


Please, your help


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Make sure the package you are trying to use this task in is later in the hierarchy than the one that includes the app.

Kirill Krylov CPA,

Thanks Kirill, so how can I put the package later in the hierarchy?, I install this app from Markertplace and always at this time, the installed apps where there they must, and I can use it on my app.


I add the GlbCalendarService to dependencies of my package, but give me an error and don't add the package.


I don't understand what means the error, it's:

[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "80a3e05b-9f40-481b-bdf4-92783464eeff"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "f07ed261-b5f5-4b4d-8ca1-cad14f10d105"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "3f75a4b2-8f1d-4acf-b4f2-ff1f323e722f"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "21eb5eed-e3d8-4f69-8355-54b47fb55472"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "82aeb1b8-4356-460a-803a-56752ee67d28"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "30633c2f-b1b7-43a0-ba87-ad0e9b41a852"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "fd3c973e-cc8f-4fff-afc0-fa1b6e069b10"
[SchemaData] [NdosCity_cf0762fab99f4570bb86fca4525d8952]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Region" por columna "Region". Valor: "593bb5bf-b292-4ba5-9a6c-7df15de9867d"
[SchemaData] [NdosNdosAreaInteres_e4cc10a999cd4bf9bd4e70a6232c41c7]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Account" por columna "NdosSede". Valor: "f3586895-1eb3-42e6-bb5e-2b0faf1d509d"
[SchemaData] [NdosNdosAreaInteres_e4cc10a999cd4bf9bd4e70a6232c41c7]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Account" por columna "NdosSede". Valor: "65854ef7-4a2d-4d26-aa83-cf15e8e9dd55"
[SchemaData] [SysModuleInWorkplace_SectionInWorkplaceManager_abf861927b964d3d9a52cfe9ad50a857]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "SysWorkplace" por columna "SysWorkplace". Valor: "c479de27-c8e4-4f86-809c-0675810dabe5"
[SchemaData] [NdosNdosMetasAreaAcademica_8306f750bbb3466baf7599645f24b08d]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Account" por columna "NdosSede". Valor: "f3586895-1eb3-42e6-bb5e-2b0faf1d509d"
[SchemaData] [NdosNdosMetasAreaAcademica_8306f750bbb3466baf7599645f24b08d]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "Account" por columna "NdosSede". Valor: "65854ef7-4a2d-4d26-aa83-cf15e8e9dd55"
[SchemaData] [SysModuleInWorkplace_SectionInWorkplaceManager_895ace1653ff4ef08c2e98761a673796]: Los datos no vinculados con el paquete conectado "SysWorkplace" por columna "SysWorkplace". Valor: "c479de27-c8e4-4f86-809c-0675810dabe5"
[Schema] [NdosNotificationOfMetionInCasesFeed]: El principal NotificationOfMetionInCasesFeed (BpmMentionInCasesFeed) no está accesible para el esquema NdosNotificationOfMetionInCasesFeed (Nodos_Inacap)
[Schema] [NdosAgilizSendEmailToUsersInRoleCustom1]: El principal AgilizSendEmailToUsersInRole (AgilizEmailToAllUsersInRoleVer1) no está accesible para el esquema NdosAgilizSendEmailToUsersInRoleCustom1 (Nodos_Inacap)
[Schema] [NdosAgilizSendEmailToUsersInRoleNodos_Inacap3]: El principal AgilizSendEmailToUsersInRole (AgilizEmailToAllUsersInRoleVer1) no está accesible para el esquema NdosAgilizSendEmailToUsersInRoleNodos_Inacap3 (Nodos_Inacap)
[Schema] [NdosAgilizSendEmailToUsersInRoleCustom2]: El principal AgilizSendEmailToUsersInRole (AgilizEmailToAllUsersInRoleVer1) no está accesible para el esquema NdosAgilizSendEmailToUsersInRoleCustom2 (Nodos_Inacap)

Also, I don't know in the new releases of Creatio how to see the tree of dependencies, I think is not any more available?


Thanks again

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