The system is not respecting the price list registered for the account. I currently work with more than five price types for the same product.

The price list was registered and linked to the specified account, but when starting a new order for the account, it does not load the value referring to the list, but a base value.


Would have any tips or step by step to check this situation.

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Dear Alisson,

As we can see, you created a support case on this matter - 0998614 and we provided you with a reply:

This logic developed by our project team developers on your website. We are looking into it and will get back to you with the solution soon.


Thank you.

Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura.

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The system is not respecting the price list registered for the account. I currently work with more than five price types for the same product.

The price list was registered and linked to the specified account, but when starting a new order for the account, it does not load the value referring to the list, but a base value.

Would have any tips or step by step to check this situation.

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Hello Alisosn!

Could you tell me some more information about that issue? What do you see on the page and what is the expected result? That would help us to solve the problem,

Best Regards,

Tetiana Bakai

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Hi Team,


I want an schedule an email weekly with a excel report as attachment that will  be generated by system 


I used These application to generate excel report and attach to email automatically 


Excel pivot report for Creatio

Excel reports builder for Creatio

Printable attachment in email for Creatio

'Save printable' process element

Send email with attachments


But was unable to generate and attach excel to email on a scheduled process

Excel attachment is mandatory 


Please suggest a work around to solve this.


Thank You in Advance


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There is no way to generate the excel report since it is not piece of default functionality. The workaround to attach the excel report manually on the attachments detail and use simple process to send it. Here is the example that send attachments from account:





Other than that, it is necessary to develop custom integration that will call for endpoint of the excel report generation, get file, send it to Creatio and then the process would re-send it according to your needs.


When clicking on generate excel report, the query calls for with the following parameters:

EsqString: "{\"rootSchemaName\":\"Contact\",\"operationType\":0,\"includeProcessExecutionData\":true,\"filters\":{\"items\":{\"8488ded0-40f6-4167-95ca-20bccc49bfc1\":{\"filterType\":1,\"comparisonType\":3,\"isEnabled\":true,\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\":false,\"leftExpression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Id\"},\"rightExpression\":{\"expressionType\":2,\"parameter\":{\"dataValueType\":1,\"value\":\"c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4\"}}}},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6},\"columns\":{\"items\":{\"Full name\":{\"caption\":\"Full name\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Name\"}},\"Age\":{\"caption\":\"Age\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Age\"}},\"Email\":{\"caption\":\"Email\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Email\"}}}},\"isDistinct\":false,\"rowCount\":-1,\"rowsOffset\":-1,\"isPageable\":false,\"allColumns\":false,\"useLocalization\":true,\"useRecordDeactivation\":false,\"serverESQCacheParameters\":{\"cacheLevel\":0,\"cacheGroup\":\"\",\"cacheItemName\":\"\"},\"queryOptimize\":false,\"useMetrics\":false,\"adminUnitRoleSources\":0,\"querySource\":0,\"ignoreDisplayValues\":false,\"isHierarchical\":false}"

RecordCollection: ["c4ed336c-3e9b-40fe-8b82-5632476472b4"]

ReportId: "ec1724f7-e58e-491f-8471-0ce19b61bc02"


so it is necessary to generate the POST request to this endpoint  /0/rest/IntExcelReportService/GetExportFiltersKey with similar parameters as above. As the response - you will get the file. 

Here is the similar post describing how to generate such POST request…




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Is there a a way to debug business processes in version


I found this but it doesn't work:…


I found this too:

But in this case, the business process does not generate a file .cs in the schema folder. 


Im using Clio to generate the packages projects, but the cs code of the bps its never generated in the packages. 


Looking forward to your comments. 


Best regards, 



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Dear Javier,


Thank you for your question!

The best way to monitor the Business Process error messages is to turn on the Traces parameter of a particular BP.

But please note that this may impact the system`s performance.


You may find these Academy Articles useful:


In addition, you may turn on the Debug mode of the whole Creatio itself by typing in this string in the browser`s console:

Terrasoft.SysSettings.postPersonalSysSettingsValue("IsDebug", true)


But please make sure to turn it off as you are finished as it impacts the system performance.


Hope this helps!







Hi Danyil, 


Thank you for your response, I know about Traces parameter, but actually I'm trying to debug server side business process' c# code(script task) in visual studio. 


Isn't that possible? 


Best regards, 



Javier Collazo,


Hi Javier,


This is only possible using C# interactive tools like dnSpy (can be downloaded from here) where you need to connect to w3wp.exe process of your application pool and debug the logic in real time.


As for connecting the app to Visual Studio - you can do it, but this feature was developed to allow development in the File system, but not debugging.


Best regards,


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Hi All,


I would like to execute a business process from a 3rd party tool. I found this Creatio article for this purpose. 


I followed each step on this article to define business processes to add contact and list contacts. When I save the process, I see pop-up screen to "Publish" the business process. When I try to publish it, I receive "The name ContactName does not exist in the current context" message. I also see same error message for other process paramaters (ContactPhone and ContactList) as shown below. 



Does anyone have any idea about this issue? I'm concerned if I'm missing a step or this article script content is not valid anymore. Thanks.


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Such error occurs when variables (ContactName, ContactPhone and ContactList) are not defined in the function, the code itself should be revised a bit. 

After adding 

var ContactName = Get<string>("ContactName");

var ContactPhone = Get<string>("ContactPhone");

.... etc

at the beginning of the Script Task element the process can be saved and published with no errors. 


Best regards, 

Anastasiia Zhuravel

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HI All,


Can we use SSRS reports in Creatio?

If yes, how to deploy the SSRS .rdl files in the creatio or is there any addOn to use the SSRS in Creatio?


Can any one help me on this?

Thanks in Advance..!



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Hello Nageswara,


Unfortunately, this feature is not implemented in Creatio and we do not have examples of this implementation. This integration has to be implemented from the scratch.

I've registered this idea for our R&D to consider using SSRS reports in future. 




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Hi Team,


My requirement is to run a scheduler job on monthly basis, Which would retrieve all employee and then group by a specific conditions and do some calculations and update them.


To do calculation we need to retrieve the few more objects.

So that we can do this using C# in console application i can run in task scheduler as i am using OnPremise Creatio CRM.

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Hi Nagaraju,


To run this action once per month a business process with a timer can be created that will create a scheduler task. And then you can either add a script task to the process, or use read data and read a collection of records or implement any other logic required.


Best regards,


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Hello community,


On clicking the feedback CSAT ratings in https release environment we are getting the error seen in the following link…

(At this point I am unable to add attachment :( )

The system settings are correctly configured (The URL that gets redirected is right). Could you please let us know the reason for this error and what we can do to resolve it?


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Please check if your SysPortalConnection user has the portal license assigned to him and also check if the password for the SysPortalConnection is the same as the password specified in the UserManagementSauPassword key of the root/Terrasoft.WebApp/Web.config file.


Also what message is logged in the application logs at the moment you click the link? Also do you click the link directly from the case processing tab or do you receive a feedback email and click the link from the email? Because clicking the link from the processing tab of the case is restricted for company employees and can lead to this error (secure case evaluation, logged-in company employees cannot rate cases).


Best regards,


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We are trying to automate the assignment of user/agent(Operator) in Queue when a queue item is inserted from a object using C#. When we are trying to debug the code on object onInserted mode it is not hitting the breakpoint. 

Can any one help on this?

Quick Workarounds are appreciated.


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Hi Nageswara, 


Firstly please check the "QueueItem" object and set up checkboxes according to your further events

If you activate this checkbox (on Updating as you need) you will see new field below which was generated automatically. The value of that generated field will be used as trigger for the object process. In your case the override method will be "IsInserted" , where your logic is implemented. 



Here is more information :…


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L

Bogdan Lesyk,


Thanks for the reply Bogdan,


We did the same thing here, but we are unable to debug the code in VS, We put a break point on method OnInserted() mode but it is not hitting the break point when a QueueItem record  is inserting, but somehow it is inserting in DB.


Can you pls help on this?


Best Regards,



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Hello Community,


We need to hide the "What can I do for you?" container whenever a communication panel module is loaded. This is to induce a responsive behavior when the screen resolution is >=1440PX.

Is there a way to trigger CSS change when a communication panel module is rendered?


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Best reply

Additionally, if you only wanted to do this when the screen resolution is less than 1440px you could add the following: 

@media only screen and (max-width: 1440px) {
    #mainHeaderContainer.opened-right-panel #header-command-line-container {
        display: none;


Hello Shivani,

Add the following CSS for this:

#mainHeaderContainer.opened-right-panel #header-command-line-container {
    display: none;

When the right panel opens the command-line (what can I do for you?) will disappear. When it closes it will reappear. See


Additionally, if you only wanted to do this when the screen resolution is less than 1440px you could add the following: 

@media only screen and (max-width: 1440px) {
    #mainHeaderContainer.opened-right-panel #header-command-line-container {
        display: none;


Thanks Ryan! This works!

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