Hi Team,


I am trying to copy a business process but it's not working.


Attaching the screenshot of the business process properties with error message on console (which is not clear to me).


After this Issue I am not able to copy any other process in the system.


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Try changing the name of the business process.

The problem may be that the name of this process is too long, and the system cannot save it.

I also recommend generating source code for all schemas and then recompiling the application.

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during the creation of a business process, and adding a script task process element (C# code) to it to link a record to an activity section, causes the business process to run several times longer than without C# code.  How can I speed up this process?

I need to speed up the process of sending a notification to the email.  Is there any way to see what slows down this process?

is used Servis enterprise, Interaction with mail by exchange listener.

var EmailSender = new Terrasoft.Configuration.EmailWithMacrosManager(userConnection);
EmailSender.SendEmailFromTo(caseId, templateId, sender0, ContactMail);
return true;

Thank you, 


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Hi Elena,


Most time (up to 10 seconds) will be taken by the actual email sending. This can be only optimized by making the template weight lighter. Additionally you can try running the process in the background (start element should have the enabled "Run process in the background" checkbox) so it couldn't load the page when it's executed.

Oscar Dylan,

The template uses minimal text and macros, there are no images. Runs in the background. It was tested and revealed that when using a process element “send email”, the business process works much faster, but it is not tied to the details of the email. Can I somehow view why it takes so long or view the execution trace?

Gabrielyan Elena Vageevna,


If you need to log how much time did the script-task that calls the method takes time to execute then you can display the "Duration, seconds" column in the "Process elements" detail of the process log record. If you need to track the code lines execution time than you need to add additional lines of code between each original code line that will track the current time and log it somewhere (for example using DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt") and logging the result to a string parameter that can be then viewed or in the process trace or can be displayed in the autogenerated page).

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Hi Community, 


How can I change the LinkedIn field into Hyper instead of plain text? The web link changed to hyperlink but not social media links as they remain plain text.



As admin I can see any Linkedin link as hyperlink but for others its plain text. I am hopping its a quick fix just adding All-Employee Role to specific object level permission or something similar.


Any help is appreciated!

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Hi Irfan,


Thank you for your question!


Here are the steps you have to perform to switch on clickability of the LinkedIn URL:

1. Go to Lookups


2. Search for Communication option types


3. Look here for the LinkedIn item and open it


4. Click on + and chose Web type from the list.


Also, we recommend you delete the type Social network from here because for now LinkedIn can only be recognized as a web link.


Best regards,


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Hi All,

I have created a new printable for monthly renewals.

I need to add due date(7 days from the issue date) just next to the issue data, Please find the screenshot below.

I don't need this due date to be stored in DB or Creatio UI. I just need it in the invoice copy.

Please let me know how to get this done.

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Hello, Selva!


Unfortunately,  it is not possible to implement your business task by means of basic tools. 

However, you can create your own custom macro that will meet your business goals.


More details about the implementation of custom macros you can find on the Academy at the link:



We have created a case for our development team on this issue so that they will implement this functionality in future releases.


Best regards,


Thank you Kate, 

I will try this option.





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I have setup new printable in the lookups. Created all the files and format.

How to see the new template in the Invoice -> VIEW section. The one I created newly is not listed here.



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Hello Selva,


You need to select the following 2 booleans true as shown in below image, based on whether you want to see in section or page or at both places:





Sourav Kumar Samal,

Thank you very much,  I will try the same




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Hi All,

There is a business process created to send the renewal emails.

The process failed in the last step due to email account issue.


We fixed and trying to run the process (just the last step ) - please find the screenshot.

When I select the step and click on 'Run item' , there is no progress. Not doing anything actually.


Is this due to permission issue ? I have system admin access.

Do I need to login as 'supervisor' , the process owner is supervisor.





Like 1



Hello Selva,

This issue looks like the element is restarted with the same error. If you change the business process,  the error will be left the same, because the version of the running business process will be left the same too. You have to create a new process instance in order to use the corrected version of the process.

There may also be a problem with the status of the business process, you can't run elements from a canceled process.


There is no change in the business process. The issue was outside of the process which is fixed now.

All we need is, we just need to execute the 'send email' step alone.



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The monthly renewal emails not sent from Creatio CRM.

The 'Email' step in the process library fails with the below error.


Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestException: The request failed. The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.


Code used in the business process :


var invoiceId = Get("CreatedInvoiceId");

var userConnection = Get("UserConnection");

//Terrasoft.Configuration.AimCreateMonthlyInvoiceJob.SendEmail(context.UserConnection, invId);

Terrasoft.Configuration.AimCreateMonthlyInvoiceJob.SendEmail(userConnection, invoiceId);

return true;

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This error means that the mailbox rejected your login and password, which are being sent during adding the email.

To find the reason for this issue you need to contact your mailbox server administrator with the exact date and time of the error.


Thank you.


Kind regards,


Thank you,

We fixed the login password issue, and trying to retrigger the 'send email' step.

When we click on 'Run item' there is nothing happening. 


Any idea on this ?





We can see that you have posted a similar question here: https://community.creatio.com/questions/unable-run-process

Further communications and a possible solution will be posted there.


Thank you.


Kind regards,


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We have created two new string fields and converted into hyperlink fields to display. (updated the source code)

When we enter the link it works fine. But, when we try to delete its not getting removed.

What I am trying is -> I select the text/hyperlink and press delete, then when I click outside , it appears again.


If I save and re-open it, it actually deleted.



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Can you share what the code looks like that you added to make it a hyperlink? It's hard to say what is wrong without seeing that.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for your reply,

Please find the code below.



                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "ReferralForm",

                "values": {

                    "showValueAsLink": true,

                    "controlConfig": {

                        "enabled": true,

                        "href": {

                            "bindTo": "getReferralFormLink"


                        "linkclick": {

                            "bindTo": "onExternalLinkClick"



                    "layout": {

                        "colSpan": 24,

                        "rowSpan": 1,

                        "column": 0,

                        "row": 0,

                        "layoutName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a"


                    "enabled": true,

                    "bindTo": "ReferralForm"


                "parentName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 0




                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "ValueAddedAssessmentForm",

                "values": {

                    "showValueAsLink": true,

                    "controlConfig": {

                        "enabled": true,

                        "href": {

                            "bindTo": "getValueAddedAssessmentFormLink"


                        "linkclick": {

                            "bindTo": "onExternalLinkClick"



                    "layout": {

                        "colSpan": 24,

                        "rowSpan": 1,

                        "column": 0,

                        "row": 1,

                        "layoutName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a"


                    "bindTo": "ValueAddedAssessmentForm",

                    "enabled": true


                "parentName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 1



Can you post the code to the getReferralFormLink and the onExternalLinkClick functions?

Ryan Farley,

methods: {


            getReferralFormLink: function() {

        return this.getLink(this.get("ReferralForm"));




    onExternalLinkClick: function() {



    getLink: function(value) {

        if (Terrasoft.isUrl(value)) {

            return {

                url: value,

                caption: value








Actually I have one more field with the name 'ValueAddedAssessmentForm'

so I have updated the functions as below.



        methods: {


            getReferralFormLink: function() {

        return this.getLink(this.get("ReferralForm"));



    getValueAddedAssessmentFormLink: function() {

        return this.getLink(this.get("ValueAddedAssessmentForm"));



    onExternalLinkClick: function() {



    getLink: function(value) {

        if (Terrasoft.isUrl(value)) {

            return {

                url: value,

                caption: value









Try changing the href part in the diff from this:

"href": {
    "bindTo": "getValueAddedAssessmentFormLink"

to this

"href": {
    "bindTo": "ReferralForm",
    "bindConfig": { "converter": "getLink" }

That should hopefully solve the issue. 


Secondly, so the links open when clicked, add this to the onExternalLinkClick function:

onExternalLinkClick: function(url) {
    var link = document.createElement("a");
    link.href = url;
    link.target = "_blank";
    return false;


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for your support,

I tried the given code, somehow it didn't work


Here is the complete code for the two hyperlink fields.



                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "ReferralForm",

                "values": {

                    "showValueAsLink": true,

                    "controlConfig": {

                        "enabled": true,

                        "href": {

                            "bindTo": "ReferralForm",

                            "bindConfig": {

                                "converter": "getLink"



                        "linkclick": {

                            "bindTo": "onExternalLinkClick"



                    "layout": {

                        "colSpan": 24,

                        "rowSpan": 1,

                        "column": 0,

                        "row": 0,

                        "layoutName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a"


                    "enabled": true,

                    "bindTo": "ReferralForm"


                "parentName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 0




                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "ValueAddedAssessmentForm",

                "values": {

                    "showValueAsLink": true,

                    "controlConfig": {

                        "enabled": true,

                        "href": {

                            "bindTo": "ValueAddedAssessmentForm",

                            "bindConfig": {

                                "converter": "getLink"



                        "linkclick": {

                            "bindTo": "onExternalLinkClick"



                    "layout": {

                        "colSpan": 24,

                        "rowSpan": 1,

                        "column": 0,

                        "row": 1,

                        "layoutName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a"


                    "bindTo": "ValueAddedAssessmentForm",

                    "enabled": true


                "parentName": "Tab0fdbdf91TabLabelGridLayout149dcd0a",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 1








            getReferralFormLink: function() {

        return this.getLink(this.get("ReferralForm"));



    getValueAddedAssessmentFormLink: function() {

        return this.getLink(this.get("ValueAddedAssessmentForm"));



    onExternalLinkClick: function() {

        var link = document.createElement("a");

        link.href = url;

        link.target = "_blank";




        return false;


    getLink: function(value) {

        if (Terrasoft.isUrl(value)) {

            return {

                url: value,

                caption: value





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I am willing to add the attachments detail (available in Case page) to the Case Portal Page. I have created a replacing object on the BaseCase object and tried to add the following code to my client module: 

details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
			"Files": {
				"schemaName": "FileDetailV2",
				"entitySchemaName": "CaseFile",
				"filter": {
					"detailColumn": "Case",
					"masterColumn": "Id"

and then added the following code on the diff:

diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "NotesFilesTab",
				"values": {
					"items": [],
					"caption": {
						"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.NotesFilesTabCaption"
					"order": 2
				"parentName": "Tabs",
				"propertyName": "tabs",
				"index": 3
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "Files",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 2
				"parentName": "NotesFilesTab",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 0
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "NotesControlGroup",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 15,
					"items": [],
					"caption": {
						"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.NotesGroupCaption"
				"parentName": "NotesFilesTab",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 1
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "Notes",
				"values": {
					"contentType": 4,
					"layout": {
						"column": 0,
						"row": 1,
						"colSpan": 24
					"labelConfig": {
						"visible": false
					"controlConfig": {
						"imageLoaded": {
							"bindTo": "insertImagesToNotes"
						"images": {
							"bindTo": "NotesImagesCollection"
				"parentName": "NotesControlGroup",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 0
				"operation": "remove",
				"name": "Header"

but nothing is visible on the portal Case page.


Can you please help ?


Thank you

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Best reply



You should add the same code to the replaced PortalCasePage module (not to the BaseCase object) and also don't forget to add localizable strings to the module.


Best regards,




You should add the same code to the replaced PortalCasePage module (not to the BaseCase object) and also don't forget to add localizable strings to the module.


Best regards,


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We use 'Data binding tool for Creatio' to bind lookups and other data to their 'data package'.

And when we bind data, the tool offers to choose one of packages. By unknown reason there are also 3rd party packages offered. And it is possible accidentally to bind data to them and not possible to delete from such packages after.

What is the filtration condition to display/hide packages in this tool?


Thank you!

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