I'm getting this error message for a workflow with a simple trigger.


Terrasoft.Common.ArgumentNullOrEmptyException: Value for argument "previousFlowElement" must be specified.

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowParallelGateway.Accept(FlowVisitor visitor, FlowElement previousFlowElement)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.FlowVisitor.AcceptFlowElement(FlowVisitorQueueItem queueItem)


I trigger the workflow as a sub-process and pass the Opportunity ID. For test purposes I trigger the flow directly from the opportunity which is when I get the above error message.




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Hello Oliver,


Can you please contact Creatio technical support team (support@creatio.com) asking to check the process for you?

I believe we should have a closer look at the situation. Please, make sure you create External Access for the website or share the backup of the instance if that is on-site deployment.


Thank you!


Best regards,



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On a lookup, i would like to filter the contacts having the account in job experience (ContactCareer). this is in the case of secondary job.

Currently filter show only account's contacts

i tryed in the orderpageV2:

            "UsrResponsableFacturation": {

                "dataValueType": Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP,

                "lookupListConfig": {

                    "filters": [function() {

                        var filters = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");

                        var accountId = this.get("Account");








                        return filters;




But it did not works.


I think the problem come from:






I don't really understand how to access order's linked tables.




Does anybody can help me to solve this issue ?

Next i will only retrieve the contact with active job experience.

thank you


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Please check your filter, it should be like '[ContactCareer:Contact].Account.Id'.

And also the second part on the screenshot, it should be 'this.get("Account").value'.

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Hi Community,

I want to bind the access rights of a dashboard of a particular section. I tried databinding sysdashboard object with the filter for a particular section and exported the package. I then imported the package to another instance and found that the access rights were reset to defaults.


Please help me on how to bind the access rights data of a sectional dashboard.

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Hello Community,

I want to bind the access rights of a sectional dashboard. I tried binding the sysdashboard of the particular section and exported the package. I then uploaded the package and found that the access rights of the dashboard to be set to defaults. 


Please help me on how to bind the access rights data.

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Is there a functionality to allow users to search for contacts from an account page? Currently, you can only create a new contact. (Account page -> Contacts -> '+')


My use case is to, first search for a contact, and if it doesn't exist, create a new one. For example, "Configuration items"



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There is no way to add existing contacts on this detail. The logic of application presupposes that the Account will be selected on a Contact page here http://prntscr.com/qn2vzm. After that the contact will appear on the detail on Account page.

If you still need to add the existing contacts on this detail, it will be necessary to create a new detail according to this development guide:






If you want to connect one Contact  with several Accounts you should use Job experience detail (probably with some modifications)

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Hi Community,

I wanted to bind the access rights data of a dashboard. I tried to bind the data of the dashboard using sysdashboard and filtering it for a particular section. I then exported the package and uploaded in another instance and found that the access rights were not bound. 

Can anyone guide me on how to bind the access rights of a section dashboard.


Thank you

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I'm new on creatio, I'm ready to deploy my first custom package on production environment.

I've some question.

Is it possible to unlock my package on production environment ?

If I need to change something after deploy how can do it ?

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We would like to pay your attention, that unlocking and modifying the packages directly in the production environment may lead to system failure, that is why we recommend completing all changes in a package in one particular environment (for example, in the development one) to have it all tested and ready to be deployed properly in a production environment.


More detailed information on how to work with packages can be found in the Packages basics Academy article. 


Please, let us know in case any further assistance is required. 


Best regards,


Olga Avis,

thank you for your response.

Then the better way is export my customization as md file and import in the production environment ?

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Hi community,


All the time I opened  any section in creatio mobile app some lookup fieds shows as Not Loaded. Please see the below screenshot.


This is just one field in the screenshot but it shows like this for 5 lookup fields out of say 10 lookup fields.


Can anyone say something about what is reason behind this and how it can be fix?


Many Thanks,



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Dear Akshit,


I would recommend you to contact support regarding this issue - they should be able to help. 


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


We have this situation, where we need to update every day our currency rates through a business process that we've already implemented. In this process, we receive the latest rate from our api and we create a new record in the CurrencyRate detail with that rate.

Objects: CurrencyRate, Currency.


As you can see in the print above, after we added the new record (inside red box), the "Taxa" field, didn't update. We want to know:

  1. How can we solve this issue?
  2. Is there any trigger that is executed when we insert a new record in this detail?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hello Pedro,


Hope you're doing well.


To perform the mentioned business task your process needs to:

— read data from "Exchange rate" object, but not from "Currency" object or other objects (in this case the process will be triggered by adding records to the "Exchange rate" object);

— read the exchange rate that is set for your currency and that has "End" (on your screenshot it's "Fim") column value set as NULL (meaning currently active exchange rate).


Also, you can use web services for updating daily rate currency. For example, "https://fixer.io/"web service, which we recommended to use in one of our articles:



In the following link, you can find the way of implementation of the mentioned web service:



General information on how to work with currencies can be found here:



Best regards,


Roman Rak,


Hi Roman,


I'm working together with Pedro on this issue and we found the problem.

As we bounded the data of "currency" table from pre-prod to prod environment, the exchange rate was filled in in the "Rate" column with the last value in the prod environment.

Once in the prod environment we have deleted the values in the "Rate" column, the currency table is working as expected.


Thanks for the help,



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If we have configured Resolution and Response time to be calculated by Service. On change of Service , Response and Resolution Time should be updated dynamically . How can this be achieved ?

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