How can I notify the end of a long run process to the user who launch it ?

Is it possible to configure the same notification sended by the system when the file import process ends ?

I tried to use "Add record" to notification entity but it doesn't work.

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Hello Stefano,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your business task correctly, the next explanation should help you in this case:…


Best regards,


Thank you Roman for your answer.

I solved my problem using a script task with the following code inside

string processName = "process name";
string message = "bla bla";
var remindEntity = RemindingServerUtilities.GetRemindingByProcess(UserConnection, processName, message);


Hello Stefano,


Thank you for letting us know.

Have a nice weekend!


Best regards,


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I temporary changed the system settings property publisher and now my custom package is locked.

How can I unlock it?

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After rollback the Publisher value on system settings and flush redis cache, the package has unlocked.

Hello Stefano, 


Thank you for your post and the provided solution! 


If you face the same issue again and you will not be able to unlock a custom package yourself, please, feel free to contact Creatio Technical support team at, we would be happy to assist. 


Best regards, 


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Hi Community,



Above error I am getting while opening/editing the record in creatio mobile applciation.


There are total 5 details configured on the section and I see only these detail configuration in mobile is causing this issue. Now the next thing is this error is not because of any specific details. It is random.


Can anyone please help me why these details configuration is causing this error ?


Many thanks,



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Dear Ashkit, 


The error CANNOT READ THE PROPERTY "..." OF UNDEFINED is quite general and its hard to tell what can be the issue from the screenshot. It is necessary to have a closer look into it. Try to approach the Creatio support team to look at the error closely.




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is it possible to customize the mini page opportunity to show only the account in the customer combobox ?


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Hello Stephano,


Thank you for your question.


Please refer to this link for detailed instructions on how to perform such changes to the mini-page dropdown list:


Make sure to change the "LeadType" columnName to: "Contact" and the "LeadType" entitycolumnName to: "QualifiedContact" 

Hope this helps!




Hi Danyil

I obtained what I wanted.

I added to the OpportunityMiniPage client schema the following code and all works well.

 attributes: {

            "Client": {

                    "multiLookupColumns": ["Account"]



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Dear community,


Using OOTB templates, an email is sent when case is resolved. The email is however delivered without Satisfaction level icons. Any help would be much appreciated. Please refer attached images for actual email being sent and template used.

Thanks in advance!


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Hello Shivani,


Thank you for your message.


Would you please check if your CSAT settings are set up in accordance to this article below:…


Hope this helps!

Have a great day!



Danyil Onoprienko,

Thank you for your response. Yes, the settings are in accordance to the article you had shared. I managed to get the ratings, but am stuck with another issue : 

The OOTB business process redirects the user to a link: http://localhost:99/0/Nui/Feedback.aspx?vm=FeedbackModule&token=0ed18c9….

In the our business process, it however redirects to link : http://localhost:99/ServiceModel/CaseRatingManagementService.svc/Secure…[?CaseId=beb485e3-8ef7-4076-ba3f-285d16daddce?]/5

As a result, we get an error page.

A help here would be much appreciated!

Thanks in Advance!

Hello Shivani Lakshman,


Could you please describe this issue in an email to for us to provide a sufficient answer on this matter?


Thank you and have a great day!

Shivani Lakshman, 


This case was resolved as a part of Creatio support ticket.


The issues occurs due to a custom Business Process that is using the OOTB Customer Satisfaction email template.

Due to Creatio security reasons there is no possibility to use incident estimation links in simple "Send email" processes as the "Endpoint not found" message would be provoked.


Please note that if it is required to use a custom Business Process in a solution, we may recommend using the "SendEmailToCaseContactProcessMultiLanguage" Business Process (called "Send email to case contact") and two elements of this process ("Handle template for email with macros" and "Send email") as in the screenshot below:


You may freely configure the "Handle template for email with macros" element using the [#@INVOKE.ESTIMATELINKSGENERATOR#] macros in it for proper estimation link execution.


Thank you for your question!

Take care!



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Hi Team,


I added a custom date filter to the base schema so that the changes will be reflected in all sections.

Able to see the functionality but it takes minutes to reflect results.

This is the link I followed to apply the Date Filter and I made changes to the base section schema so changes must be visible in all sections all at once.

The filter is visible in all sections but functionality is really slow as it takes minutes to reflect the result.


Please help to optimize this solution or any other workaround to make it work faster.


Thank You


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You need to take a look at the SELECT query that is sent to the database when specifying a filter using this custom filtration by dates and see the SELECT query text. Try adding indexes (see the "Adding indexes to the object" paragraph) for the StartDate column and also for other columns that are used in the ESQ:

Also try parsing queries themeselves using SQL-server profiler and add indexes to the columns that are mentioned in the WHERE and OrderBy clauses. Indexes should help in optimizing SQL-queries (since the problem is definitely in them).


Best regards,


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Dear community, 

We are trying to send an email to get feedback and customer satisfaction rating. However, the satisfaction scale does not translate to images and instead gets sent as follows :


Could you please help here? We have used OOTB Email template "Case feedback request notification" 



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Hello Shivani,


Hope you're doing well.


The possible reason of such behavior can be the empty "Website URL" system parameter. To fix it, please go to the System Designer area, open the System Settings section, and find "Website URL" configuration:

Open it and populate the "Default value" field with your full site web address and click Save button for applying the changes:


Best wishes for a pleasant and successful New Year!


Kindest regards,


Roman Rak,

Thanks much Roman. This works well :)

Hi Roman,

A follow up question : The OOTB business process redirects the user to a link: http://localhost:99/0/Nui/Feedback.aspx?vm=FeedbackModule&token=0ed18c9….


In the our business process, it however redirects to link : http://localhost:99/ServiceModel/CaseRatingManagementService.svc/Secure…[?CaseId=beb485e3-8ef7-4076-ba3f-285d16daddce?]/5


As a result, we get an error page. A help here would be much appreciated!



Shivani Lakshman,

What kind of error page you are getting? try distributing a portal license to 

SysPortalConnection user

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Hi All,

I have created a mini page -OOTB(View Mode) for a section as you can see in the below image.

And the view record Mode is enabled. And the process works as expected

But the View record checkbox getting disabled once transfering the package.

Is there any DataBinding related to this miniPage.

Kindly help me out with this.


Adharsh S


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Best reply

Hello Adharsh,

It is necessary to bind data from MiniPageModes and MiniPageSchemaUId column of SysModuleEdit table. The columns store info about what modes your minipage has.  Seems like this binding is missing and as the result the checkbox is not active.




Hello Adharsh,

It is necessary to bind data from MiniPageModes and MiniPageSchemaUId column of SysModuleEdit table. The columns store info about what modes your minipage has.  Seems like this binding is missing and as the result the checkbox is not active.





Thanks, Dean Parrett,

I will make DataBind for the above you mentioned and try again.


Adharsh S

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Dear community,

We have a usecase where a field on a section references a detail. Is there a way to hyperlink this field so that when user clicks it, they are directed to the edit page of the detail?


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Dear Shivani,


You can add this field as a "Display value" in the object settings of the detail itself - it will become a hyperlink.


Best regards,


Hi Angela,


I have already added the "Displayed value" in the object settings. However, the name of the detail is not hyperlinked, rather it is a plain text. Please see attached images. The field I want to hyper link is "Reading".




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Dear Team,


       I need to set current login contact as my default filter even though I clear employee filter and when I login back by default it should reset to current contact filter.. Please help me out to achieve this

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Please check the example in the DEFAULT FILTER FOR SECTION Community post. It explains how to set default filtering conditions in the Account section by the Category field.


Please, let us know in case any further infortmation is required. 


Best regards, 


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