Unlock custom package in production


I'm new on creatio, I'm ready to deploy my first custom package on production environment.

I've some question.

Is it possible to unlock my package on production environment ?

If I need to change something after deploy how can do it ?

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We would like to pay your attention, that unlocking and modifying the packages directly in the production environment may lead to system failure, that is why we recommend completing all changes in a package in one particular environment (for example, in the development one) to have it all tested and ready to be deployed properly in a production environment.


More detailed information on how to work with packages can be found in the Packages basics Academy article. 


Please, let us know in case any further assistance is required. 


Best regards,


Olga Avis,

thank you for your response.

Then the better way is export my customization as md file and import in the production environment ?

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