Hello Team!

Somebody know if there is a save validation in mobile like the method in web version:

			asyncValidate: function(callback, scope){
						resultObject.success = false;
						resultObject.message = scope.get("Resources.Strings.SummitionNoAcepted");
					callback.call(scope, resultObject);
				}], scope);

I need to validate if a detail has records added before save the record.

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Hello Federico,


There is an onSaveButtonTap method in the base edit page controller schema that is triggered when the record is saved. There is no async validator there, but in case you need to check something for the saved record upon saving then you need to look at that method call.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

 Thanks Oscar. I need to create a page controller for a custom section? There is some documentation about that?

Federico Buffa ...,


No we don't have such an instruction unfortunately.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

 Thank you so much. Just wondering if that method can be use in the module config or needs to be in another schema. I don't have much information about mobile structure.

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Hello...I'm curently setting up an Email Profile for Bulk Email & Campaigns.


If my understanding is GOOD :


CREATIO let us send a message though Bulk Email + Campaigns to :

1) a Contact PRIMARY email

2) an ACCOUNT connected to a CONTACT that has a PRIMARY Email

3) a LEAD connected to a CONTACT that has a PRIMARY Email



We have CONTACTS that have multiple Emails and also ACCOUNTS that have multiples Emails.


I want to categorize each Email with a TYPE of message that can be sent to them.


example 1 :  ACCOUNT emails

info@abc.com             promo

admin@abc.com         order confirmation and events invitation

Invoice@abc.com        invoices


example 2 :  CONTACT emails

John.Smith@abc.com      promo

J.smith@abc.com              invoives

John.smith@gmail.com    personal (do not use for mass-mailing.  Only Sales Rep)




- Each EMAIL from a CONTACT or ACCOUNT can be used.

- If a contact unsubscribe from an email...than the other EMails are not affected.

- Need to track ALL emails (bounced, Opens, clicks,...)


Any suggestions ???


You may reach me directly.


Francois Breault


(514) 214-8183


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Dear Francois,


Unfortunately, it is not possible to use each email from contact or account as only 1 (primary) can be used upon Bulk Emails or Campaigns.


Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura.

From the Out Of The Box...That's what I thought.


Let's see if the following works : 

- If I put all my Emails in the LEAD section.

- If I CREATE a UNIQUE contact record for each LEAD (EX:    first name = Communication Profile   and  the lastname = of John Smith)

- If I CREATE 2 custom lookup fields (Ref-Contact and Ref-Account) in the LEAD Section

- For each LEAD...I assign the proper Contact/Account using the custom lookup fields

- If I CREATE a  custom lookup field in the LEAD object to categorize what I can send to that Email  (Promo, Invoice, Order confirmation, Newsletter,...)


I should now be able to create a Bulk email or Campaign,  assigning any LEADS into the audience and still have access to the CONTACT or ACCOUNT data associated to the LEAD.


The TRACKING of all Emails should be visible in the LEAD Section.


Is there anything wrong in this logic ?


Ivanna Yatsura,

Can you validate my proposal ?

Francois Breault,

You are thinking in the right direction. What you have described should work just fine.

As for the "Tracking of all emails visible in Lead Section". Could you please elaborate a bit on this question?


 I'd like to display when the contact has RECEIVED the message, OPENED it. CLICKED in a link, REGISTERED from a webform, DOWNLOADED a file.


Francois Breault,

It's possible to do this through development. 

Here is a link to the Academy article about setting up tracking of lead sources that you might find useful.

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Hello Team!


There is any why to bound a localization for the values in the lookup. Example: ContactType is recording all the localizables values in SysContactTypeLcz (I would like to bound this one)

 If any one have an idea is more than welcome.




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I have a contact who is a contact of two accounts.

On an order page, in my contact lookup, i can only select contact with the primary=true experience for the account (contactcareer). 

However, only one contact experience can be with the key primary at true, so for other account i can not select the contact.

Does anybody knows how to solve this issue ?

Thank you



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Dear Nicolas,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to add more than 1 primary account for contact as it is a primary one and it is the base logic.


Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura.

Ivanna Yatsura,

Dear Ivanna,

Thank you for your answer !

In an order page, is it possible to display a contact lookup displaying all contacts having the current [contactcareer] field to true.

Actually mine contact lookup field, display only contacts having the primary [contactcareer] field to true (effectivly, only one record can have the primary field to true).

Have a nice day,


LÉZORAY Nicolas,


You can achieve it by adding detail with the use of Business Rules to show only needed contacts.

Best Regards,


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Hi Community,

I've this situation where I need to get the value from a section quick filter and use it on another filter. For example, I've two quick filters one for the Accounts and other for Contacts. I want to filter the Contact Filter values based on the Account I've selected.

In other words, if the Account is "Teste1", my Contact Filter should return all the Contacts that belong to the "Teste1" Account.


Any sugestion on how to achieve this?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro,


The logic of the drop-down list forming in the quick filter is stored in the CustomFilterViewModelV2 model inside the getLookupValueColumnList function. Your question cannot be solved easily since there is a need to override the module method logic completely and it's not recommended to do. I will create a problem for our R&D team so they could develop the logic of filtering the drop-down result of one filter condition based on the value of another filter condition.


Thank you for the idea and helping us in making the application better!


Best regards,


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Need to make some standard dynamic folders available to all users. Is it possible ?

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You can change the access rights for the folder and all the All employees role, this will make it available to all users. Click the gear icon for the folder, select Access rights, then add All employees to the Read access rights and they will be able to see the folder. Is that what you're after?


Ryan Farley,

Exactly. Working fine, thanks. 

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i want to reload the detail record after i chose the "Processed" case.

i have found this.reloadDetails() but it's use for the function from editpage

Can anyone help me out with this issue ?

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Thank you for your question!


Please be advised that you may feel free to use the "this.reloadEntity();" method for your case.

In addition, you may use a Marketplace solution for refreshing detail`s or section`s lists: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/refresh-data-button-creatio

Or, you may find more information on your case by these community threads below:

1. https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-refresh-entire-page-without…

2. https://community.creatio.com/questions/default-value-custom-objects

3. https://community.creatio.com/questions/reload-record-page

Thank you!






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Hi community,


We've this situation where we need to send all the attachments that are linked to Documents, including the byte[] data, to a SOAP based service.

We have two solutions in order to implement this:

  1. To send the attachments we could simply convert the byte[] data to base64 string and send it within the body of the SOAP message. Some of the files are more than 10MB, so this is not the best solution.
  2. The other solution is to use the MTOM message encoder, to send the attachments in multiple parts.

We have two questions:

  1. What are the best ways to send multiple attachments through SOAP based requests?
  2. If we choose to send the attachments using MTOM, how can we implement this?

Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro



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Hi Pedro,


Maybe it's better to call the https://<instance>/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/7B332DB9-3993-4136-AC32-09353333CC7A/fileId for all the files and receive a response from the third party service? You need to call this link for each record from the DocumentFile table (filed should be modified for each time with an actual Id of a record from the DocumentFile table). Previously we didn't have such requests and we have no practical example of the logic deployment. The link above is a base link used to download attachments when clicking them on the "Attachments" detail so you can try calling it in the webservice.


Best regards,


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I have a text field that contains a unique number in contacts- and I have a problem where we should only have that number once in our system. I need to prevent my users from creating duplicates when they save new contacts. 

Can I do that in a business rule?

Or what would that look like in a business process?

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In a process, it's really too late for validation. The best way is to accomplish this via programming. You can use the asyncValidate method for this type of task. I have an article here that shows how to use it and even uses a sample scenario that is similar to yours (the sample code in the article shows how to ensure that an opportunity has a unique job number).


You should be able to use the code in the article with minimal changes to accomplish what you're after.


Thank Ryan- And I would just paste this into my source code in contacts? Does it matter where in the code I paste it? I can see where I would put in my own info and sub in my object names- but as a non-coder, I want to make sure I add the code in the correct location. 

Heather Mahley,

This would go into the methods block in the page code. Since you're not familiar with writing code, I'd copy and save all the page code first to revert back to if needed. Also, feel free to post the code with the addition here before saving it and I'll take a look to make sure its all in the right place.


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I am using the "Save Printable" business process element ('Save printable' process element | Creatio Marketplace) to create a printable and attach it to an Order as a PDF, but instead, it always creates a word document. Here is a video to show the issue: https://www.screenpresso.com/=q6LEd


The process runs with no errors, but instead of creating the PDF, it creates a Word doc.


Is there a missing parameter here or something that needs to be set to generate the document in the format needed?


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Best reply

I am not certain but there was an update from Creatio last year that removed the PDF function from Printables. Already existing Printables were still able to be converted to PDF, but new printables would not be able to. I am not sure if the Marketplace addon uses a distinct function to convert to PDF or uses what Creatio was using. I have used this element before and it worked but the Printable object may have been created before the Creatio patch that changed this function. 

I am not certain but there was an update from Creatio last year that removed the PDF function from Printables. Already existing Printables were still able to be converted to PDF, but new printables would not be able to. I am not sure if the Marketplace addon uses a distinct function to convert to PDF or uses what Creatio was using. I have used this element before and it worked but the Printable object may have been created before the Creatio patch that changed this function. 

Hello Rommel, Reid,


The “Save Printable” business process element uses the base functionality for generating printables.

Reid is absolutely right that Creatio products enable generating only the .docx files at the moment. The same refers to the add-on.

Hope this helps.

Have a good day!



Any alternative to convert the word document to PDF or any fix to use the "Save Printable" business process element only for the conversion for the latest Creatio version?


We have released our Word to PDF converter addon in the marketplace: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/experceo-word-pdf-converter-creatio

It allows you to convert unlimited Word documents to PDF without an external service.

I hope you find it useful!

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