
There are fields that ONLY Admin users have the rights to modify.


Using a Business Rule, we can Identify WHO can Edit the field.


When I'm hardcoding the Email of the Admin...it works.

But If I try to use the Role (System Administrators)...it doesn't work.


Is this a limitation or something that is not properly configured in our roles ?


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Hello Francois,


As of now, the business rules don't work with roles. You can only use users instead of roles, but in this case, you'll have to create each business rule for each user. 


We already have a query registered for our responsible R&D team to implement the described functionality in the upcoming versions of the application. 

I will add this case to the query in order to increase its priority.


Best regards,



Hello Francois,


The better way to achieve Your requirement is Object Permission settings (Use column permission). Have a look following printscreen as a example how to grand access to "All employees " to only read Account Name and for "System administrators" to read and edit.



Best regards,


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Hi everyone,


Does anyone know if is is possible to set up a field value in business rules by combining 2 strings? For example change the title to something like "Account name - Customer need"? Hope this is achievable without programming as this is really a basic "no code" functionality...




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A business rule isn't able to do this. 

You could do it with a no code approach by creating a process that starts on the record added or modified that reads the record, then sets the field value by combining the two values. The down side to this approach is that the user won't see this value until they refresh the page.

I realize you're after a no code approach, however, if you want to do this with code, you can add something like this to the methods of the page - this will set the name when the record is saved (assuming the field names are correct):

save: function() {
    var account = this.get("Account");
    var need = this.get("LeadType");
    if (account && need) {
        this.set("Name", account.displayValue + " - " + need.displayValue);

(btw, I don't know why formatted code doesn't format code correctly on these forums, but the && is supposed to be &&)


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I've created a process that send email.

I'm trying to inject process parameters into an HTML element of a custom email template, But the values are NOT populated into the html output.

 (see attached screenshot..)




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 Hello Eran, 

in order to do that first you need to add a block to the designer, and then add a text element. When you click on the text element, you will see at the top corner a thunder. If you click on the thunder you will be able to add your parameter to the text element.

Then, you need to click again on the text element, and you will see near the tunder another button, which has a tag inside <>, it is called "Edit source HTML code". You can click on it and it will show you the HTML for this text element, including the HTML for the parameter. Now you need to copy the  HTML code for this parameter (it will be an image tag) .

Then, you can go to the HTML block where you want to use this parameter, and paste it.  This will be enough to pass the parameter.

Also, you can create a parameter at the HTML element, and at the  "Value" field, you can pass this image tag that represents your parameter. 

Both options are valid to pass a parameter to your HTML element. I'll attach here photos showing how to do the steps mentioned above.


Best regards,




Hello Eran, 


following our conversation over the email, I'll share here as well the two ways to dinamically insert Id's into a link, in order to use that link at an email.


-The best one is creating a formula where you will concatenate two strings, the URL + the activity ID. 

You just need to create a formula before the email and modify the strings like this

"http://my.domain.com/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/ActivityPageV2/edit/"+[#Parameter 1#]  

I'll attach a photo showing how you can do this.

After that, your Parameter 1, will be a ready to use link with the ID attached at the end.

Now you can insert it into a text block (clicking on the thunder icon as I've shown in photos from previous messages) .

Or you can directly insert the img tag into the HTML code, you dont need to use the <a> tag because the img tag will be automatically converted to a link once you send the email. The formula will be responsible to merge the dynamic value of the parameter with the URL, and when you insert that into the email it will be a ready to use link.

-You can also create a text block in the email, then copy and paste the URL, after that you insert the Parameter with the ID, and then you put quotation marks between them "http://my.domain.com/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx#CardModuleV2/ActivityPageV2/edit/[#Parameter 1#]".

This method is less desirable to use but i'll also attach a photo showing how does it look in the email designer.


Best regards,


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Hi Community, how are you?

We have own package configured as seen on the image below:


In this environment we are using this addon: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/field-sales-creatio

We made customization for mobile (Account, Contacts, Opportunities, etc. ) that are working as expected on the default workplace. In this workplace we cannot use Field Sales, so we change to Field sales workplace. By default Field sales workplace only include activities so we included account, contact, etc. The scenario right now is:

  • If we use default workspace we see our customization but activities is standard without field sales functionality
  • If we use Field sales workspace we can use field sales functionality but our customization on Account for example are not visible (we see the standard account)

Our goal is to combine Field Sales add-on functionality with our customizations. We thought that this was something that was given implicitly since in our package we inherited from field force.

Appreciate any help.

Thank you


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Dear Uriel, 

In this case, depending on kind of customization you made you need to check MobileManifest and Modules you are using for DefaultWorkplace and try to copy them and their content into respective modules and manifests for Field Workplace. 

Basically, workplaces in mobile are different applications and in this case you will have to manually transfer the needed changes. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Thank you!

I tried but I couldn't. It takes me some changes yes and others no. Do you have any example of this?




Unfortunately, there is no examples we can provide you with as there can be different variations of customizations made. The general recommendation would be to perform all the manual changes you need to make in Mobile Application Wizard before modifying the code in schemas, because saving changes in wizard will override your customizations. 

Once all the fields and sections are added, you can proceed with transferring customizations in code. 

More information on customizations can be found in this academy article and all other articles related to it:


Best regards, 


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Hi team,


When my screen resolution is @ 90% then see the below screenshot : 


But when screen resolution is @ 100 % then : 


Can anyone please help me to understand why it is happening?

More Information : Field in front of "Other" checkbox have hidden title. 


Many thanks in advance!

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Hello Akshit, 

The mentioned issue may occur if you have located the fields too close to each other in the Section wizard. 

I would like to suggest you to double-check how the fields are placed in the Section Wizard and make sure there is at least one "cell" of free space between them as on the attached screenshot:

If needed, please apply the changes, save them and re-login to the instance. The issue should not persist.

Should you have any questions, please let us know!

Best regard,


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Hi Team,


In the business scenarios there are fields like ''Business Unit of User'' which should be auto-populated based on the business unit  of the current system user. Now for this I believe that there should be are record in the system for that user[In Contact section] having Business unit information. 


Our customers wants SSO Integration between Azure AD and Creatio. I want to understand does SSO Integration Creates users in creatio automatically because I think If system users record would not be created in Creatio then we won't be able to achieve the above mentioned scenarios. Am I correct?

For creating/updating system users records in Creatio, Do we need to set up Just In time provisioning with SSO? 

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Hello Akshit, 


The described functionality can be achieved with a help of Just-In-Time User Provisioning. Please find more detailed information about it in the below article:



Best regards, 



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Hi, Account and

In the Contact section, I add a text column with the section wizard and press the save button, but I get the error you see below.

System designer -> System settings -> Current package. I provided the 'custom' control.


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Hello Aygen,


Probably the Package is locked. Please make sure, that the package that you set up in the 'current package' system setting is unlocked, 

Best regards,


Hi Bogdan, Thank you for the answer.

I'm checking but is there a section here that I need to change? 



Access for modification for internal users --> Can manage configuration elements


Aygen Ergen,



Could you please send us a screenshot of the 'Advanced settings' section? 

What exactly should I show?



Aygen Ergen,

 If the Package is unlocked, it's Yellow and on top of the package-list.

But now your package Custom is locked and grey.

Did you Export the package and then re-install it?


Unsuccessful. What can be the problem?




Sorry for the unclear answer. I only meant to ask if you had done this, as a question. I did not want to suggest you do this as you are really not supposed to do that! I believe it will lead to package being locked, since it's an external third-party package when being installed from file.

Was this package created on the same environment/instance you are using?

I suggest you create a new Package and move everything from the old locked package into the new one. If that's possible.

Otherwise, ask the support department to unlock it for you.

Thank you for answer


Aygen Ergen,


The error depicts the object (Account) doesn't have edit access.

Please check the object permission of Account here,

Step 1, Select object permission from the homepage.

Step 2: Select account and check its permission setup

Best Regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Hello, I created a lookup in the Contact section. I added data into it from the Lookups section. I got a foreign key error while selecting the data entered in the Contact section. I updated the table I created from the Configuration section. Again nothing happened. I deleted Lookup. I removed the relevant column from the contact table. I wanted to delete the relevant section in Configuration, but I got the error "Unable to delete item, because there are items that depend on it". I think I removed the relevant dependencies. How can I learn? Now the system is constantly logout.

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Please provide us with a screenshot of the full error message, so we'll be able to advise you accordingly. 


Best regards, 


 When I try to open it or the update, it crashes and logout of the system. 

Aygen Ergen,



Please try to Update the DB structure for the object that has an error as shown on the screenshot below:


And after that generate the source code for all schemas and "Compile all" from the Configuration section. It should resolve the issue. 

Best regards, 


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Hi Community,


I want to override qualify button method in Leads section and check if some of the fields have appropriate value. If not, I want to stop the lead qualification process. Can someone help me in achieving the same?





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Hi Gokul,


As I already stated here the method that is called upon the "Qualify" button click is onLeadManagementButtonClick (for the LeadPageV2 module).  In the LeadSectionV2 the method is onLeadManagementSectionButtonClick. You can override both methods in the replaced modules: in LeadPageV2 you can add additional this.get(Column)!= check and then call parent method and in the LeadSectionV2 you need to get ActiveRow and perform an ESQ select query to check if the record by ActiveRow has the data needed to start the process.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you  for the reply. In case of section page as told I am running an esq. How can i call parent method based on execution of esq?

	activeRowId = this.get("ActiveRow");
	var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
		rootSchemaName: "Lead"
	esq.getEntity(activeRowId, function (result) {
		if (result.success) {
			var account = result.entity.values.Account;
			var email = result.entity.values.Email;
			if(account==='' || email==='')
				Terrasoft.showErrorMessage("error msg");
				//call parent method
	}, this);


S Gokul Aditya,


ESQ is asynchronous so you won't be able to call the parent method. But we can do it in another way. Try this code:

onLeadManagementSectionButtonClick: function() {
				var gridData = this.get("GridData");
				var activeRow = this.get("ActiveRow");
				var activeRowGridData = gridData.get(activeRow);
				var activeRowGridDataAccount = activeRowGridData.get("Account");
				var activeRowGridDataEmail = activeRowGridData.get("Email");
				if (!activeRowGridDataAccount || !activeRowGridDataEmail) {
					Terrasoft.showErrorMessage("error msg");

But in this case you will have to display both account and email columns in the lead section grid:

This approach works on my side, should also work on your end.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

thanks for the quick reply. I have few more such fields to be checked. Can it be done without adding columns to the section grid?

S Gokul Aditya,


Not sure, the code should be debugged to find out the proper way of the customer's business task completeness. I just gave an example, the final implementation can differ.

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Hi Community,


To test the HAProxy, I've installed two Creatio Applications on my virtual machine, using Docker. Each instance can be access through a specific container address.


I've successfully configured HAProxy by following this guide (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/deployment_additional_setup/application_server_web_farm_shortcut/application_server_web_farm). If I stop one of the containers, the HAProxy sends the requests to the other container, as expected. However, when both containers are up and running, I cannot pass through the login page.


I need help to understand:

What is the cause of such behaviour?

What are the possible solutions to solve this problem?

Will this problem occur if each instance is in a separated machine?


Note: I’ve notice on other tests that when I have two Creatio instances on the same machine I can only be logged one at the time. Maybe this is related to the problem.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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I think I’ve managed to solve this problem. In some applications we need to ensure that the user must be connected to the same server during the whole session. So, to allow this I changed the Load Balance Algorithm to source.

frontend front
     maxconn 10000
     #Using these ports for binding
     bind *:80
     bind *:443
     #Convert cookies to be secure
     rspirep ^(set-cookie:.*)  \1;\ Secure
     default_backend creatio
backend creatio
     #set balance type
     balance source       
     server node_1 nodeserver1:80 check weight 2
     server node_2 nodeserver2:80 check weight 1

The problem was solved, but I don't know if this is the correct way to solve it. I would like to hear some feedback. Thank you.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Hi Pedro, 

We generally recommend using round-robin, as it's optimal in most cases, but the "source" algorithm is working as well. 

As for why the log-in issue happened: it's hard to say definitely, but on of the options is if the machinekey is different on different nodes - it won't let you log in. 


Best regards,


Hi Yurii Sokil,


I moved this infrastructure to a Linux server. In this server I have the same two instances but with different ports instead of docker containers. How can I generate this "machinekey”?


The documentation only explains how to generate them on windows servers, through  PowerShell.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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