Hi all, 


I've got a frustrating one I am hoping someone will be able to help with! :) 


On version 8.0.4 I had made the attachment component of the freedom UI editable through adding the same code that is used on other list components. However, with 8.0.5 that no longer works! - Anyone have any idea how to do that? 



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Dear Harry,


Thanks for your question.


Could you please clarify what exactly error you get in the component? A screenshot will be much helpful for us.


Thanks in advance!


Best regards,


Anastasiia Marushenko,

Hi Anastasiia, thanks for the quick reply! 

By design, the Attachment component in Freedom UI doesn't allow you to edit columns, or have the ability like other lists to turn on the "Editable" toggle.


This means that you are unable to update other columns, such as document type in the example below.



On previous versions I got around this by adding "IsEditable" attribute to "true". However, it looks like on the latest version the code has changed, which when applied to an attachment component it does not work. 


The below code is what is used to define if a list should be editable on a standard grid. Is there any other way to do this on the attachment? 


    "values": {

                    "type": "crt.DataGrid",

                    "layoutConfig": {},

                    "features": {

                        "editable": true





Hi Anastasiiaa, any update possible on this? Thank you. 



In new versions of the application, it is not possible to enable an editable registry for the Attachments detail.

Thanks Nikita, it does look like that’s the case. 


you don’t happen to know where the source code for the attachments component is held do you? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. 

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I am trying to validate a section data using custom code and entity event layers.

Since the current user can belong to different regions across the world, the validation error message must be thrown in different languages.


I understand we can use Localizable Strings, but I am unable to Get the value of the localizable string.


If I create a Localizable string called "MessageToUser", how can I access its value in C#?


Thanks in Advance!

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Hi Shivani,

You are correct, in this situation you need to use Localizable strings.

In the source code you can create it in the left panel, and if you want to add them to event logic, you can find them in the "Resource" section:

You can find an example on how to access this string in this article.


Dmytro Vovchenko,


Thank you. Unfortunately, the line of code to get localizable string :

 var bodyTemplate = UserConnection.GetLocalizableString(ClassName, "BodyTemplate");

gives the following error in Visual Studio

'UserConnection' does not contain a definition for 'GetLocalizableString'

I had referred this link earlier, and since the definition was absent, I was wondering if I am missing something or there is any other way to get the localizable string in Source Code Schema


Just to be sure, did you use all on them in your code?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Common;
using Terrasoft.Core;


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I have begun playing with the web service integration capabilities within a process to send a message to a Teams channel. Obviously many use cases exist for having a message sent to a Team channel.


I have been able to successfully send a message to a channel, however I am having issues in managing the formatting of the message, so a clear title, and message body structure can be provided. Has anyone got any integration working with Teams that would be prepared to share how the web service, variables etc. are configured to allow formatted messages to be sent?


Thanks in advance.

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no one has?


Any guidance would be appreciated

Mark Roberts,

Could you please share how the implementation is done currently?

Also, have you tried about the content using <HTML>


Bhoobalan Palanivelu


Bhoobalan Palanivelu writes:

Mark Roberts,

Could you please share how the implementation is done currently?

Also, have you tried about the content using <HTML>


Bhoobalan Palanivelu


hi Mark Roberts,

Using the Content type as HTML  depicted below.

GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );
var chatMessage = new ChatMessage
	Body = new ItemBody
		ContentType = BodyType.Html,
		Content = "{\r\n  \"title\": \"This is an example of posting a card\",\r\n  \"subtitle\": \"&lt;h3&gt;This is the subtitle&lt;/h3&gt;\",\r\n  \"text\": \"Here is some body text. &lt;br&gt;\\r\\nAnd a &lt;a href=\\\"http://microsoft.com/\\\"&gt;hyperlink&lt;/a&gt;. &lt;br&gt;\\r\\nAnd below that is some buttons:\",\r\n  \"buttons\": [\r\n    {\r\n      \"type\": \"messageBack\",\r\n      \"title\": \"Login to FakeBot\",\r\n      \"text\": \"login\",\r\n      \"displayText\": \"login\",\r\n      \"value\": \"login\"\r\n    }\r\n  ]\r\n}",	}
await graphClient.Teams["{team-id}"].Channels["{channel-id}"].Messages


Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,



Thanks for your reply. This is what I have done so far:


1. Created a new Web Service entry

2. Configured a single Method and populated top fields. I know this is correct as I can successful send a test request with just a single parameter line and it was received and displayed in my Teams channel

3. The issue I have is with the configuration of the Parameters, for which all but contentType I assume are Body parameters. The following screenshot is me playing with various structures and content entries, but I cannot get anything working :/



I am trying to send a message in a form similar to the following:




I feel I am missing something straightforward in how this should be built within the Creatio Web Service definition, but the docs are not helping find it.





did you ever get this working?

keith schmitt,

No, I have been distracted with other things, so not got back to this. This would be a great blog for someone to write up and share!

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I have a requirement to add Aspose.pdf Connector in Creatio. I have installed it and is visible in Application Hub, can anyone provide a document/ step of how to use the Aspose.pdf Connector in the Creatio for my Custom Package.

I have a requirement to show some fields with data in PDF form using a Preview button.



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Best reply

Hello Smit, 


We would appreciate it if you can provide more details on your business requirements. Your described behavior can also be implemented via the business process, which will be triggered by a button click and will return an autogenerated page with values of the fields that you can forward to your printable


Best Regards, 

Hello Smit, 


We would appreciate it if you can provide more details on your business requirements. Your described behavior can also be implemented via the business process, which will be triggered by a button click and will return an autogenerated page with values of the fields that you can forward to your printable


Best Regards, 

Hello Ihor,


Thanks for the idea of using Printable Report.

After creating printable report, after clicking on print button in the section it displays a Dialog box which is saying "Please fill in the system setting for converting to PDF" can you please help us on which system settings need to be filled?



Smit Suthar


Hello Smit, 


Can you please clarify if the settings mentioned in the Installation tab under "Guides and manuals" were filled in? - https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/asposepdf-connector-creatio


Best Regards, 


 Hey Ihor,

Thanks now everything is working fine. 

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Can you please tell me in which object (table) data about user rights for a specific record is stored?

For example, in sales there is a record "Laptop" for this record the rights are configured, you need the name of this table where the names of users for whom these rights are distributed are stored.

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Best reply

Hello Tigran,


As Vladimir pointed out, there is no fast way to transfer the rights to records to another instance yet.

Although, you can manage to do that with a help of the SQL scripts, here is a community post about a similar task that explains it in great detail:



Additionally, I will add this request to an already existing task to prioritize it so our developers will bring such functionality in future releases.


Thank you.

Hi Tigran,

For example, table name for Account is SysAccountRight

Vladimir Sokolov, 

thanks for the answer .

I can't find this object in the Configurator (  

Gevorgyan Tigran writes:

Vladimir Sokolov, 

thanks for the answer .

I can't find this object in the Configurator (  

It is now shown in Configurator, but you can insert/update/delete/select with SQL queries.

We manage access rights this way sometimes

Hello Tigran,


As Vladimir pointed out, there is no fast way to transfer the rights to records to another instance yet.

Although, you can manage to do that with a help of the SQL scripts, here is a community post about a similar task that explains it in great detail:



Additionally, I will add this request to an already existing task to prioritize it so our developers will bring such functionality in future releases.


Thank you.


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Hello community,

I referred the following OData Doc https://academy.creatio.com/docs/sites/en/files/pdf/node/1398/OData_.pdf (Pages 9 through 14) to add a contact image.

I understand there are 3 steps

1. Create a record in SysImage Table

2. Add Image content (Data column of BLOB type) using PUT request

3. Set Contact tables column "PhotoId" to the Id in SysImage table created in step 1.


Despite multiple attempts and I am unable to see the image on the UI of contact record. The following is how I see the image

I am probably doing something wrong in step 2.

Please help understand how to send Image Data via http://localhost:98/0/odata/SysImage(da08aecf-44bf-479e-99a3-5c4ce1c817… API.

Should the image Data be base64 or Hex format? Or can I directly add it as a file through postman and send?

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Thank you for your question.

Please refer to this community article that explains how to fix this exact issue:



Please note that after adding the picture, be sure to religion into the application and clear your browser's cache.


Thank you.

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Hi All,


Within a Bulk Email that we sent, I see in the sending log :   16 will not send, email is not actual.


Can someone define what an ACTUAL or NOT ACTUAL email is ?

Is it refering to a checkbox somewhere ?




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That refers to the email not being valid, possibly permanent error for an email address no longer existing. For contacts that have had a permanent failure delivering to the address, you'll see it in the UI like this: 

To make an email address valid again, you can click on the label and select "Valid" from the list:


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I am trying to install DevLabs Zoom Meeting connector for Creatio.

During the installation, after the step to specify the domain:

I get an error:

I attached the log.

Tell me what could be the problem?


File attachments
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According to the package installation log:

2022-09-15 19:38:49,999 D:\App\1130722-demo\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\UsrApp_e89ly9h\Autogenerated\Src\UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1.UsrApp_e89ly9h.cs(4,16) ошибка CS0400: The type or namespace name 'Common' could not be found in the global namespace (are you missing an assembly reference?)

2022-09-15 19:38:49,999 D:\App\1130722-demo\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\UsrApp_e89ly9h\Autogenerated\Src\UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1.UsrApp_e89ly9h.cs(92,28) ошибка CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ILog' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The package was not installed due to an application compilation error.

The application does not compile due to the "UsrIncidentRegistrationFromEmailProcessCustom1" process in the "UsrApp_e89ly9h" package.

Cherednichenko Nikita,

Thanks. We have already understood, there was a compilation error. 

We need to fix all compilation errors, otherwise we cannot install any package.

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Is it possible to add a new MessageTemplateType into Creatio ?

I can not find any lookup for this element.

In the database i can find the records, but can i add a new record and how to ?

Thank you


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Dear Nicolas,


Thanks for reaching out.


To add a new Message type, please register the lookup Template type based on the object Message Template type. This way, you will be able to create a new Template type.


Please let us know if additional questions arise, we will gladly assist you!


Best regards,


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I created a harmony of data which comes from external web services. For example, I retrieved dataA for ColumnA, dataB for ColumnB, dataC for ColumnC etc. I want to INSERT this data to section object table which section page based on.

How can i bind these things?

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You can create a business process in which you will fill in the required fields received from the web service.


Details on the academy website:


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