
Hi everyone, we have released a new version of T.I.D.E. and added the ability to load from local files copied to Creatio to synchronize changes with the environment after discarding. Now, T.I.D.E. covers all synchronization scenarios between the Environment, Local copies, and the Git server.


You can install or update T.I.D.E. to the latest version with the following command


// For new Creatio instance
clio tide -u  -l  -p 
//If you have registered Clio environment
clio tide -e 


Also, Clio was updated to version and received the ability to call Creatio web services in the following way


clio call-service --service-path [SERVICE ROUTE] -e ENV_NAME --destination C:\response.json --input C:\request-data.json




clio call-service --service-path ServiceModel/ApplicationInfoService.svc/GetApplicationInfo -e dev --destination C:\json.json


It can help simplify operations with custom web services in different scenarios.

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🚀 Hello, everyone!

✨ We’re excited to share some great news: working with Creatio Composable Application repositories just got even easier! In the T.I.D.E. 1.2.5 release, we’ve introduced:
✅ The ability to register git servers
✅ Support for automatic repository scanning for GitLab servers

Now it’s even simpler for NO CODE developers to join the development team! 🙌

💻 How to install or update T.I.D.E. to version 1.2.5?
Just run the following command:

clio tide -e <ENV_NAME>


📋 What’s next?
Here’s what’s coming:
➡ Support for automatic scanning on GitHub servers
➡ We’re open to your ideas—if you’d like to see support for other types of servers, feel free to email us! 📩

Let’s make the development process simpler and more enjoyable together! 💡💻




great tool, thanks!


Can you please also add support for Azure DevOps?




Robert Pordes,

Hi, we plan to support other server types in the feature.

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The Clio team is launching a new project called T.I.D.E.! This tool will enable seamless synchronization of configurations between a Git repository and the Creatio environment directly from Creatio.



The alpha version of T.I.D.E. will be available on Friday, December 13th! 🎉


Be among the first users and help us make this product even better!


Great job! thank you.

"Creatio Password" looks too aparent here )). Should be Encrypted string.

Kudos to the Clio team!

This looks fantastic! Great job Clio team!

Great job!


Save to git and load from git I think is better to rename to push and pull. 


Also need to try it, its not clear how to create and switch between branches.



Dmytro Oliinyk,

Hi, I agrreed wiith that for developer who often use Git, but for NoCode role a lot of creators don`t use Git. Don`t worry we try to provide ProSkin for this interface in the future ;) 

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WordPress error log


Clio version allows redirecting logs of any command to a file. To do it, use the following form


clio <COMMAMD> <COMMAND PARAMETERS> --log d:\log\my-log-file.txt


It creates an easy way to organize data for auditing the actions and changes and their parameters

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Challenges in Implementing a Continuous Monitoring Plan - Delta Risk


Clio version provides the ability to show and store the last compilation log from Creatio environment


clio last-compiltaion-log -e <ENV>


To store it locally, use the --log option


clio last-compilation-log -e <ENV> --log c:\log.txt


To display RAW output from the server, use the following


clio last-compilation-log -e <ENV> --raw


WerdienJihed, thanks for your idea and contribution to the Clio project 👍


P.S: In the next releases, we will extend the list of commands that will support store log to file for improving UX work with ci/cd pipelines

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Clio version provides support for a long time compiling all configuration during CI/CD pipelines via command


clio compile-configuration --all -e MyEnv


For cases when you want to run additional compilation of your configuration after installing a package, you can use the following command


clio install MyPackage.zip --force-compilation -e MyEnv


P.S This approach can be useful for ensuring resilient CI\CD pipelines 

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Clio will be updated to. NET8 starting from The Creatio platform will be updated to .NET 8 starting from 8.2.1, which will be released in December of this year.


In the version, a flag --ts was added to show timestamps in the log messages:

clio ping env --ts


Thanks Federico Buffa for submitting a pull request on the Clio GitHub repository!

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Material Symbols & Icons - Google Fonts




We are excited to announce a new feature in Clio release the Set application icon command! This new command allows you to easily set or update the application icon for your Creatio projects directly from the command line, ensuring your application meets the Creatio Marketplace requirement.


Example of using:


clio set-app-icon -<APP_NAME> -<ICON_PATH> -<PACKAGE_FOLDER_PATH>


Replace <APP_NAME> with the name or code of your application, <ICON_PATH> with the actual path to your SVG icon file, and <PACKAGE_FOLDER_PATH> with the path to the folder containing your application packages.


P.S: Set application icon command is compatible with all Creatio versions 8.0+


Happy coding!

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Clio release provides adding source code schemas to the package via Clio. It can be useful for working with C# code in IDE or Creatio embedded code designer,


// Adding source code schemas MySourceCodeSchemaName to package MyPackage
clio add-schema MySourceCodeSchemaName -t source-code -p C:\MyPackage


P.S: We plan to add more OOTB templates, the ability to create your own and add a set of different objects for complex cases like using virtual entity


Really love the idea of using templates for this. Will make creating configuration services, entity event listeners, and other utility classes much quicker to not have to start from nothing. One of the best ideas!

Thanks ATF/Clio team!

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New Clio release version extends clone-env operation for simple copy your packages from one environment to another. It can be used when you want to try your code on the new version of Creatio platform or check compatibility with another products.


To clone all packages from maintainer(s), run the following command.


clio clone-env --maintainer ATF --source SOURCE_ENV --target TARGET_ENV


If you want to try a new release of Creatio, use the exclude-maintainer argument to exclude all OOTB Creatio packages.


clio clone-env --exclude-maintainer Creatio,Terrasoft --source SOURCE_ENV --target TARGET_ENV


P.S In the future, we plan to release ability transfer features and settings between environments and transfer data sets.

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