Hi everyone, we have released a new version of T.I.D.E. and added the ability to load from local files copied to Creatio to synchronize changes with the environment after discarding. Now, T.I.D.E. covers all synchronization scenarios between the Environment, Local copies, and the Git server.
You can install or update T.I.D.E. to the latest version with the following command
// For new Creatio instance
clio tide -u -l -p
//If you have registered Clio environment
clio tide -e
Also, Clio was updated to version and received the ability to call Creatio web services in the following way
clio call-service --service-path [SERVICE ROUTE] -e ENV_NAME --destination C:\response.json --input C:\request-data.json
clio call-service --service-path ServiceModel/ApplicationInfoService.svc/GetApplicationInfo -e dev --destination C:\json.json
It can help simplify operations with custom web services in different scenarios.