

I just upgraded a copy of our development Studio Site from 7.18 to 8.0.4. When I go to the Application Hub the existing applications/packages are not there. What is the process to convert\add those existing apps/packages to the application hub to start using the new 8.0 components on our existing applications?




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Hello Jose, 


There should be all packages that were there in 7.18 UI.

If you want to manually add the existing packages to the application hub - you have to create a record in SysInstalledApp package and SysPackageInInstalledApp.

Hello Jose, 


There should be all packages that were there in 7.18 UI.

If you want to manually add the existing packages to the application hub - you have to create a record in SysInstalledApp package and SysPackageInInstalledApp.

Thanks Aleksei. I was able to add the applications on the app hub following your instructions. Is there any article on Creatio with steps/best practices for converting existing pages/sections from the 7.18 version to the new Freedom pages/sections?

Jose Hernandez,

Actually, it has to be done automatically, old packages should appear in the Application hub.

So, there is no article.

It may be worth investigating why the packages did not appear in the application hub.

You can keep in touch with the support and they will check possible reasons for such behavior.

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Hi community!

I am building process and trying to modify objects from another packages. The problem is that package do not see some custom object's fields. What is the correct way to add it to my package?

Best regards,



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Hi Jana,


It depends on the package where the objects are located and in which package the process is built. For example:

Let's imagine we create a process in the SalesEnterprise_Marketing_ServiceEnt package and trying to use custom fields from the object that is located in the Custom package. We will not be able to do that since the SalesEnterprise_Marketing_ServiceEnt schemas don't have access to modification in the Custom package. In this case we can only create a process in the Custom package.


There is no way to transfer columns of the object to the object in another package, but you can try transferring the object itself. But the recommendation here is to create a process in the package that has the needed columns since theoretically you will need to push the package between environments and there is no guarantee that the target app will have the needed columns there, but you will be sure that the target environment will have the columns needed in case the process and the object is in the same package.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you!


Best regards,


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