Hello, I am creating a custom section for employees to submit access requests. I created a custom package called ITrequests which I've been building the custom section and all associated objects in. I've somehow run into this error when I try to save the Case, it says "Package sequence contains cycle: "ITrequests-->Custom-->ITrequests". This error is preventing me from saving this case. Can someone point me in the right direction for where to look to resolve this error?
Check the dependencies for your package. Just guessing, but I assume it has something to do with that. Or a package that has your package as a dependency. Possibly a dependency that has your package as a dependency or something along those lines. (so check both the depends on packages and the dependent packages for your ITrequests package)
I thought that too, but Custom depends on all packages, and ITrequests can't depend on Custom, nothing can depend on the Custom package as far as I understand it. I had looked at them and at first glance it looked fine, but I will go through them again and see if I can find a "loop".
Try checking what the dependency tree on the Package Dependencies tab shows for your package, anything weird about how that looks? Custom still shows at the bottom of the tree?
Yes, the tree and the dependencies look as expected to me best I can tell.
The only other thing I can think of is I may have changed the "Current Package" system setting to "Custom" for a brief moment and inadvertently saved a change to one of the objects or pages in my "ITrequests" package before I set the system setting back to ITrequests. I think I'll recompile the system to see if that resolves it.
Can you please check and make sure that package indicated in the system setting with code CustomPackageId is set to "Custom" and not to "ITrequests" or any other?
I'm trying to configure a modal lookup window by following Example 2 in this academy page https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-15/creating-detail-selection-lookup and everything works as described, but I cannot figure out how to add a default sort to the modal lookup window - are there some parameters which can be added to the config object passed to the this.openLookup method call?
While on that subject, are there any other potential parameters which can be added to this config object which might be useful for other tasks?
I need to know if the image here http://prntscr.com/ruapy1 is the same I need to upload on System Setting to “Logo - Thank you for your feedback / ImageThanksForRaiting”?
If not, which is the system setting I need to change?
After a customer evaluates the quality of service, they will be redirected to the special “Thank-you” page where the customers can leave additional comments. Both the customer’s grade and comments will be automatically added to the [Feedback] field block on the [Closure and feedback] tab.
A “Thank-you” page
The page displays a corporate logo according to the value of the [Logo - Thank you for your feedback] system setting. Corporate logo setup is covered in a separate article.
Thanks @Bohdan, I know it, but what I need is to change the background image and I need to know wich is the System setting I will to change to do it, this image
http://prntscr.com/ruoyul, I did it on "Logo - Thank you for your feedback" System Setting uploading an image of 1280x900px and what I get is a page with the image, but loose the objects over them, like the message "Your feedback has been..", the edition control to introduce comments and also the "POST COMMENT" button http://prntscr.com/rup3xj, this what I get http://prntscr.com/rup581
What I'm doing wrong?
Also, where can I change the text of the tittle and in the edition box "We are always looking at improving...."?
This system setting is currently not in use it will not change the image as you need. The only way to completely change this page is to apply changes to "CaseRatingFeedbackPage" schema (replace it and modify Background resource).
Hello, I created a new custom package to build a new custom section and business processes in. What package must mine depend on for emailing from a process to work? Right now my package depends on:
Right now I've been able to write and save processes, however the process parameters are showing up blank in the email. It works if I write the process in the normal "custom" package, but why might it not work in my new package?
I am trying to select a specific org role from a user using a Custom Query however most examples don't have Joins in them. Can someone assist?
var sql ="select sau.Id as [RoleId] from SysUserInRole suir join SysAdminUnit sau on suir.SysRoleId = sau.id and sau.SysAdminUnitTypeValue = 6 join SysAdminUnit sau2 on suir.SysUserId = sau2.id where sau2.Id = '594c5b24-147d-421f-8083-2431f71e920d'";var query =new CustomQuery(UserConnection, sql);using(var db = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()){using(var reader = query.ExecuteReader(db)){while(reader.Read()){var Id = reader.GetString(0);Set("DebugRoleID", RoleId);}}}returntrue;
The query returns the GUID of the Org role of a specific person. The script keeps telling me it can't cast a GUID as a String and I cannot figure out where it is casting a GUID as a string.
Using GetValue works as well, that returns the value as a generic object which gets implicitly coerced to Guid when you set it in the DebugRoleID parameter.