How to Create View Object in BPM online

Hi Community,

I found below link on academy on how to create view object on bpm online.

I created my object schema below

And execute below script to create the view in database.

After executing the view, I made sure that there is data by executing select query on that view

After doing this, I tried to display the data of this view in a dashboard list. but unfortunately I am not getting any data from this view object on crm. Am I missing something, any idea how i can fix this issue?

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You view do not return Inhrerited columns (

Such as this: id, createdOn, createdBy....) 

Hi Grigoriy,

Thanks for your reply, any suggestion how I can fix this

Fulgen Ninofranco,

In order to create a view in the system you need to do the following:

1. Create a new object in the system configuration. Give it the same name as view. Set "Represents Structure of Database View" option to true (put a tick); The object should include all columns, that you will add to the view.

2. Run a script to the database to create a view with needed columns.

Please take into account, that structure of columns in the view should match the object columns structure. 

Based on your screenshot I can tell, that in the object for the view Contact and Account fields will be lookup type columns and will be referred as [Column name]+Id e.g. UsrContactId, UsrAccountId. However, in the view, you have named them simply UsrContact and UsrAccount.  Please check the naming.

Also, as you open dashboards, please open developers console as well (F12). You will see errors indicating which column cannot be found. This will help you to determine the issue.



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