Process Trigger of sent email


One of the annoyances of the case modified date is that it does not get updated if someone was to send an email on the case. This is to allow us to have accurate vision of when the last activity was on each case, so we can confirm that cases are updated regularly i.e. at least in last 48 hours.

I understand that a Process could be created which will do the following:

  1. Trigger - Email sent related to a support case
  2. Update the Last Modified date time for the same time that email was sent

I am not sure what the Trigger signal should look like to achieve this function, so would be thankful for any guidance.



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Hello Mark,

For your goal you can use next trigger signal:

This start signal will be triggered by any email realted to the existing case (in our example it will work for incoming and ourgoing emails, but you can change it by selecting the needed value for Message type).

If you want to tigger new cases (which were just created by incoming emails) you need to choose 'Record added' option for "Which event should trigger the signal" fieild.

Best regards,


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