How do we include Portal Messages in a Case Timeline in the Freedom UI?

In the classic UI, the timeline showed portal messages.


However in the Freedom UI, portal messages are not available to select:


They are not available as an option in the timeline settings.


How do we enable these?

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I believe in Freedom UI cases, portal messages are just Feed messages (with the External property set). For the filter, you'd just set the option for Feed to see portal messages.


Hi Ryan, thanks for the reply. I thought the same but they are not showing on our system.  Will have to log it with Creatio Support.

Hi Kieron!

To display portal feed messages in the timeline, you need to first allow external users to publish Feed messages:


After, these portal feed messages will be automatically displayed in the timeline.

I hope this helps. Have a great day!

Alina Yakovlieva,

Hi, that setting will display the messages in the Feed panel, but they still do not appear in the timeline.

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