Identify whether button is clicked from Account context or Contact entity

I am currently developing an application where I need to add a "Sync Data" button to both the Accounts and Contacts sections. This button will trigger a Business Process that needs to work dynamically based on the context from which it is called.

The key requirement is to use a single, common Business Process for both Accounts and Contacts. In this process, I need to determine whether the button was clicked from the context of Accounts or Contacts, so the appropriate actions can be taken accordingly.

I understand that creating separate Business Processes for Accounts and Contacts could achieve this, but my goal is to have a unified process or function that can be reused across multiple entities.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or suggestions on how to implement this in Creatio.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

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Create a boolean parameter "IsContact"(it's just an example, you could create any parameter ) and pass true if the button is clicked on contact page and false if it's clicked in any other place 

Create a boolean parameter "IsContact"(it's just an example, you could create any parameter ) and pass true if the button is clicked on contact page and false if it's clicked in any other place 

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