Notify an employee in the notification panel using a business process


Create the following business process: display a notification in the notification panel to an employee that was added to the list of participants in an activity. 


Business process diagram elements: 

  1. Incoming signal that adds an activity participant: when a new participant is added to the activity, activate the signal and start the business process. 
  2. Add data: create a notification in the "Notification" object to the participant. 


To do this: 

  1. Place the Signal element of the Initial events group on the diagram and call it "Participant added". Activate the element when a contact is added to the Participants expanded list of an activity. 
  2. Set up the signal parameters (Fig. 1): 
  3. Set "Activity participant" in the Object parameter. 
  4. Select "Record added" in the Which event should trigger the signal parameter. 
  5. Set "Participant = current contact" in the The added record must meet filter conditions area. 

Fig. 1 Signal element 

Fig. 1 Signal element 

  1. Place an Add data element of the System actions group between the Signal and Terminate elements and call it "Add notification." 
  2. Set up the element parameters (Fig. 2): 
  3. Select "Notification" in the Which object to add data to? parameter. 
  4. Select "One record" in the What is the data adding mode? parameter. 
  5. ClickAdd field in the Which column values to set? parameter. This opens a window. 
  6. Select "Created by," "IsRead," "NotificationType," "Object," "Source," "Time," "Title," "To," and "Unique caption Id" columns → Save
  7. SetCreated by to Lookup value → Supervisor
  8. SetIsRead to Boolean value → "False." 
  9. SetNotificationType to Lookup value → "Notification." 
  10. SetObject to Lookup value → "Activity." 
  11. SetSource to Lookup value → "Created by." 
  12. SetTime to Date and time → "Current date and time." 
  13. SetTitle to "You were added as a participant to an activity." 
  14. SetTo to "Current user contact." 
  15. SetUnique caption Id to Process parameter → Participant added → "Unique identifier of record." 

Fig. 2 Add data element 

 Fig. 2 Add data element

  1. Save the business process


As a result of the business process, every time a user contact is added as a participant to an activity, they will receive the corresponding message to the System messages sidebar of the notification panel. 


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