Hello Indira, Could you please provide us with more details regarding your question and how it is related to Creatio? Additionally, screenshots would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I am trying to edit account page to add a new tab but that was not successful.
So I deleted the replacing object created for account section with replacing scheme.
Now the account section page opens perfectly fine when debug mode is off in console. But when I turn it on, it crashes the page and given me the following error.
Can someone please help me, why is there any error in first place only when I turn on debug mode in console?
It is hard to say why could this issue occur, but you can try fixing this error by going to configurations and re-saving AccountPage schema (please also note that in case you have several account edit page schemas (like UsrAccount1Page, UsrAccount2Page and so on)) and you need to re-save content of all those schemas (by clicking on "Save" button at the top left corner of schema editor https://prnt.sc/rdrops). Once done please relogin to the application and try to open edit page once again
I am facing issues with the console flooded with the web-socket errors.
I don't know which element is bugging it.
Because of this sometimes I have to hard reload (empty cache) 3 to 5 times to do my configurations of view any record after some changes in section wizard or in any object.
This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.
This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.
Check all update logs - this could happen if update is finished with errors. If there are no errors try to generate all source code and compile all in configuration.