
I have a custom button which when clicked brings up an pop up box on screen. I have used the web socket mechanism which gets triggered when the button is clicked. 

The issue is sometimes the pop box does not get generated after clicking the button, however after refreshing the browser page (hard reload/empty cache), the pop box starts generating again on the button click.

I want to know how to make sure the input box gets generated every time the button is clicked without having to refresh the page.


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You need to debug the logic of the popup formation upon the button click when the issue reproduces and find out what exactly is not triggered that prevents the popup formation.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar Dylan,


Currently on the button click, a business process will send a message and upon receiving of the message, the popup box is getting generated on screen.

But sometimes on the button click, the process is executed successfully but the popup is not generated.

The business process is containing a script task element which is sending a message from server to client. 




then how to add pop-up dialog box when clicking the button


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Hi Team,


Requirement is to add Feed in different tabs in same section Please see the below snip: 

1. How can I configure this ?

2. Also How to make sure that communication happening on one feed should not be visible to other feed.i,e Communications in feed of "Discussion- GC & Insurer" & Communications in feed of "Discussion- GC & ReInsurer" & Communications in feed of "Discussion- GC, Insurer & ReInsurer" should be a separate communication.


3. I have tried applying business rules on Feed tab but its not working, Is there a way to apply business rules on Feed tab ?


Please help


Thank you for your time.


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Hello Akshit, 


The described functionality cannot be achieved with a help of basic system tools. Moreover, business rules functionality cannot be applied to "Feed" tab (content). Your business task can be achieved only with a help of development. 


As of now, we do not have any ready to use examples of how this functionality can be achieved with a help of code as in order to apply the needed changes oob schemas should be completely re-written, which can significantly affect the system.


We already have a corresponding query registered for our R&D team to be able to add Feed in different tabs on the single edit page and waiting for it's implementation in the upcoming versions. I will assign this case to the project in order to increase its priority.

Thank you for understanding and helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


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Hi Team,


Can anyone please share an example (If there is any) of how to integrate with Twilio Sendgrid email api ?


Though I have already gone through this https://www.twilio.com/sendgrid/email-api

and figured out that  I need to write C# code in source code schema to use sendgrid email api but for this I have to install sendgrid package in creatio environment, but the problem is in my case Creatio environment is On-Clod setup.

Here I have two questions below :

1. Is my above understanding correct related to "Using sendgrid email api" ? 

2. How to make sure( In case of on-cloud setup) that required package(Sendgrid) should be there in creatio enviroment so that I can use it?


Thank you for your time.

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Hi Akshit,


This question should be addressed to the SendGrid support and once you receive a reply and some package should be installed in Creatio for the integration to work you can use the "Installed applications" section to install this package.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thanks for your response,


How can we install nuget packages in creatio environment(on-cloud setup)  ?


Thank for your time!





Packages can be installed through the "Installed applications" section as was mentioned by Oscar or in case it's cloud instance, you can create a corresponding request to the support team to install the packages during the maintenance window. 


Best regards, 


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Можно ли использовать async методы в БП?

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Здравствуйте Виталий,

Можете описать ваш вопрос более детально?




Лучше сам процесс выполнить асинхронно с помощью признака "Выполнять в фоновом режиме" у стартового сигнала в бизнес процессе. Кроме того, прошу вас вопросы на русском языке адресовать на ru комьюнити - https://community.terrasoft.ru/

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Hi Community, 


I have to use Odata of Creatio environment from Postman using OAuth 2.0 authentication. For that, I have followed a Tech hour session of Creatio Trainers.

Tech Hour - Integrate like a boss with Creatio, part 2 (Odata)


But, while generating token at 38:10, I am not getting token in a response instead of that I am getting some HTML code like below.



Please suggest and help how to get token and if I am missing something. :)

Thanks in Advance.

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Hi Patrik,


Can you please provide a complete HTML-code from the response? There should be some description of the response at the bottom.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


Below is the complete HTML-code.


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Pratik Sanghani,


Thank you! This message is usually returned in case you are not authenticated. Did you use UserName and UserPassword as a ClientId and ClientSecret and used Basic Auth? And also are you passing a form-data grant_type key in the headers and also using the identity service URL as an endpoint to send request?


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thank you for the Help. It is working fine for me as well. I was not using the identity service URL as an endpoint earlier. :)

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We are repurposing the Case section in the Self Service Portal to create an Opportunity via a business process. As such, we do not need the Complain button nor the ability to Publish a message to the support team box.  Is there a method to remove these two items from the Self Service Portal Case Page?



-Scotty Chapman 


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Best reply

Hello Scotty,


Please create a replacing view model and select PortalMessagePublisherPage module as a parent and specify the following code in the created schema:

define("PortalMessagePublisherPage", [],
	   function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "PortalMessage",
		mixins: {},
		attributes: {
				 * Publish message enabled flag.
				"IsPublishButtonEnabled": {
					dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN
		methods: {
			setPublishButtonProperties: function(publishMessageInfo) {
				this.set("IsPublishButtonEnabled", false);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

As a result once the schema is saved and the page is refreshed you will see that the button is always disabled:

Best regards,


Update - I did find the System Setting for Enable Complain Function and am able to disable and hide the button that way. Still wondering if there's a way to disable the Publish Message box though.  Thanks!

Hello Scotty,


Please create a replacing view model and select PortalMessagePublisherPage module as a parent and specify the following code in the created schema:

define("PortalMessagePublisherPage", [],
	   function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "PortalMessage",
		mixins: {},
		attributes: {
				 * Publish message enabled flag.
				"IsPublishButtonEnabled": {
					dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN
		methods: {
			setPublishButtonProperties: function(publishMessageInfo) {
				this.set("IsPublishButtonEnabled", false);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

As a result once the schema is saved and the page is refreshed you will see that the button is always disabled:

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Hi Oscar,


I will give this a try. Thanks so much!


-Scotty Chapman 



Oscar  - that worked like a charm. Many Thanks!

-Scotty Chapman 

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Hi Team, 


In this scenario I want to display a message (Information about the field) for the field(please see the below screenshot) having hidden title on page (because tooltip doesn't work in case if title is hidden).



Can we show Information message for these kind of fields like in below screenshot


please help in achieving this functionality.


Thanks for your time.

Like 0



Hi Akshit,


Have you tried implementing the logic similar to the one described in this Academy article? What was the result?


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I want to apply color on the record page fields (without any conditions) and I have found this article https://customerfx.com/article/adding-custom-css-style-sheets-in-bpmonline/ but I am not good with CSS, so can anyone please tell me 

If I want to apply a color on any field then In the below code : 

#OpportunityPageV2AmountFloatEdit-el should be replace with what in my scenario ?


And also How to make a text bold in text field, like in the below screenshot how to make "Benefits" (which is a default value in text field) bold ?



Thanks for your time.

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Best reply

Hi Akshit,


Righ-click on the field and choose the "Inspect" option:

Once done you will see the page HTML:

In your case you need to choose the element name (marked with the arrow as an example of the https://customerfx.com/article/adding-custom-css-style-sheets-in-bpmonline/ article).


As for your second question - use the font-weight attribute. As a result you should get something like this:

	background-color: red;
	font-weight: bold

and the result is:

Best regards,


Hi Akshit,


Righ-click on the field and choose the "Inspect" option:

Once done you will see the page HTML:

In your case you need to choose the element name (marked with the arrow as an example of the https://customerfx.com/article/adding-custom-css-style-sheets-in-bpmonline/ article).


As for your second question - use the font-weight attribute. As a result you should get something like this:

	background-color: red;
	font-weight: bold

and the result is:

Best regards,


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This is code from the Develop your first application tutorial in the developer documentation.


An 'Action' menu item is set up in the client module of the section edit page:

/* Add the action to the action menu. */
getActions: function() {
    var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
	    "Caption": {bindTo: "Resources.Strings.AddTrainingsActionCaption"},
	    /* Define the handler method for the action. */
	    "Click": {bindTo: "getBusinessProcessAddTrainings"},
	    "Enabled": true
    return actionMenuItems;

The menu option however only shows when the browser cache has been refreshed.  It happens every time an edit page is opened for a record (not just the first time an edit page is opened).  There initially is a blank space where the menu item should be, after a refresh the menu item shows.  There are some errors in the console:

When the page is loaded...

all-combined.js:41 The Id column is not declared in the ViewModel of the menu item

When the initial blank menu item is clicked:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply')
    at i.callModelMethod (all-combined.js:41)
    at i.<anonymous> (all-combined.js:41)
    at i.fire (all-combined.js:6)
    at i.continueFireEvent (all-combined.js:6)
    at i.fireEventArgs (all-combined.js:6)
    at i.fireEvent (all-combined.js:6)
    at i.onClick (all-combined.js:41)
    at HTMLLIElement.eval (eval at cacheableFunctionFactory (all-combined.js:6), <anonymous>:6:13)
    at HTMLLIElement.k (all-combined.js:6)
    at t.value (polyfills-es5.js?hash=96751a9859cf44a7a1eb788f80c32556:1)
user: XXXX XXXX /268b5da7-2ede-4b32-8bbe-9af04721ebba
 file: https://110816-crm-bundle.creatio.com/core/83382b3fa36e6adf19d56492fa6ed49d/ng-core/src/polyfills-es5.js?hash=96751a9859cf44a7a1eb788f80c32556
 line: 1
 column: 16702
 message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply') 
 date: Fri Dec 24 2021 14:10:31 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)
 stack: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'apply')
    at i.callModelMethod


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Hello Gareth, 


Thank you for your comments, we have tried to re-create the issue from our side and noticed that few more correction should be applied to the instruction even in previous steps of the article.


We are currently working on correcting the mentioned article, once done it will be available again and no issues should occur while following the instruction.


Thank you for understanding and helping us to make our application better.


Best regards,


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Hi support

I've a compilation error during the installation of a package on production environment.

The same package was fine on test cloud environment.

The error is

"2021-12-22 22:09:31,627 Autogenerated\Src\AccountSchema.Custom.cs(266,41) errore CS0115: 'AccountSchema.CreateSifUnindustriaReferenceContactColumn()': no suitable method found to override"


In the package I've renamed the custom column "SifUnindustriaReferenceContact" on the Account table.

How can I solve these issue ?


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Hello Stefano,

In order to fix the issue, you should back the column's original name.

We don't recommend renaming columns in objects (Code columns) with the Usr prefix, for example, UsrTestColumn. 

But you can change the title.


Best regards,


Hi Bogdan,

I solved the issue, using "Generate all schemas" and after that I compiled all

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