Going through the 'Developer documentation > Getting started > Develop your first application' tutorial, I've got to 'Step 3. Add page validation', where I'm asked to edit the source code of the 'UsrGroupSections1Page' client module.  The problem is this schema does not exist, it hasn't been created in any previous steps.


Does anyone know if it is in fact possible to complete this tutorial and build the application?

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For reference and for anyone else who travels along this road, at this point in the tutorial the 'Classes' table has been for some reason renamed 'Group sections'.  To make the code work requires the parameter 'rootSchemaName' of the 'EntitySchemaQuery' to be changed:

var esqPeriodicity = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
    rootSchemaName: "UsrClass"

The column setup of the 'Group training' detail also needs to be amended from 'Group section' to 'Class'.

Dear Gareth,


Thank you for your question!


The schema which is mentioned on Step 3 is generated by the wizard on Step 1. The name can differ a little as it's generated automatically. We are sorry it's not mentioned in the article and will add this information shortly.


Kind regards,


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Hello community,

I'm working on an assembly package and I'm dealing with some problems due to some customizations, in fact I tried to modify the replacing object of the Account, in particular the 'AccountInserting' event.

After this operations I noticed that the source code of the object remains empty and that the changes don't work, while doing the same operations in a "simple" package the source code is filled in and the changes work.


Do you have any idea why this is happening and how to fix this issue?

Let me know.




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Best reply

Hello Luca,


As stated in the Academy article here

  • It is not possible to implement object business logic via event sub-processes in the Object Designer. Use EntityEventListener to work with the event model. The EntityEventListener event set does not entirely match the event model in Creatio IDE. Learn more about the Entity event layer: Objects business logic.

And enabling the event on the object is needed for the sub-process in the object designer only. Please use the EntityEventListener instead.


Best regards,


Hello Luca,


As stated in the Academy article here

  • It is not possible to implement object business logic via event sub-processes in the Object Designer. Use EntityEventListener to work with the event model. The EntityEventListener event set does not entirely match the event model in Creatio IDE. Learn more about the Entity event layer: Objects business logic.

And enabling the event on the object is needed for the sub-process in the object designer only. Please use the EntityEventListener instead.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,

I actually enabled the event on the object just to use it (as you said) in the sub-process in the object designer, but the customizations that I made there didn't work in an assembly package,  instead worked in a simple one.

Let me know if I have made myself clear or if you need other explanations.

Thank you.

Best regards,


Luca Tavasanis,




As you said, you've enabled the event on the object to use in the sub-process in this object and did it in the assembly package. As stated on the Academy - it's impossible to use sub-processes on the object in the assembly package (and as a result the source code for the object won't be updated in case you are designing this sub-process in the assembly package). Can you please clarify what exactly is expected here?


Best regards,


Hi Oscar,

sorry but I didn't understand that you were talking about the assembly package, my fault.

I will try the solution that you suggested with the EntityEventListener.


Thank you for your help!

Best regards,



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Hello Community!

I am developing a functionality such as, a data grid within a detail, is populated when I Click a button. In the same time when I click the button I want to reload the grid data. Which is the proper syntax for the callback function in Creatio, because i havent seen many examples in the Community.

			onGenerateButtonClick: function(callback,scope)
				var currentRecordId = this.get("MasterRecordId");
				var args = {
                    sysProcessName: "FZProcess_dc5a9de",
                    parameters: {
                        RecordId: currentRecordId,
						Amount: FZAmount,
						Interes: FZInteres,
						StartPaymentDate: FZStartPaymentDate,
						Tenor: FZTenor		

I want to use this.reloadGridData(); inside a callback, after the   ProcessModuleUtilities.executeProcess(args) is finished , which is the proper way to do this ? 

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Best reply


In your case the button appears to be a part of the page schema, not a part of the detail schema. For you to refresh the detail you'd need to use:

this.updateDetail({ detail: "NameOfDetail" });

You can find the "NameOfDetail" value to use by looking at the details section of the page code for your detail (it's not the name of the detail schema, but the name or Id it gave it when it added it to the page). The reloadGridData function only works from within the detail schema code itself. 

Hello Petrika,

Calling this.reloadGridData() is the proper function to use to refresh the detail grid from within the detail schema itself. However, you do need to call after the process completes. 

I have an article here that shows how to use a callback when executing a process: https://customerfx.com/article/programmatically-starting-a-process-from…

If you put the call to reloadGridData inside the callback then it will refresh  when the process has completed.


Ryan Farley,

Hello Ryan,

Firstly thanks for the quick reply, your posts are very useful, each time i have a developing problem in creatio.

In this case i saw the post before. I have try it. When I use the callback like the article the page only reloads and never stops, thats why i thought of another callback syntax.

Ryan Farley,

To be more specific

I have created this button Generate on the Main Page(parent). When this button is clicked , it calls a bussines Process, which on the other hand executes a Stored Procedure(populates dhe datagrid of the details).

onGeneratePrecalButtonClick: function()
var currentRecordId = this.get("Id");
		var args = {                                                                  
		sysProcessName: "FZProcess_dc5a9de",
			parameters: {
				RecordId: currentRecordId,
				Amount: this.$FZAmount,
				Interes: this.$FZInteres,
				StartPaymentDate: this.$FZStartPaymentDate,
				Tenor: this.$FZTenor		

When the Business Process finishes, i want to reload the grid data of the Details, so that I dont have to press the green Button below

How can this be done ?






There are two possible ways:


1) Call this method after the executeProcess method call:

                        detail: "DetailNameHere"

2) At the end of your business process execution you need to send some message using MsgChannelUtilities class and PostMessageToAll method, create a replacing ClientMessageBridge, add your message there, add the message to the page where the detail is located, subscribe to the message and specify a handler for the received message (a simple example is here). Once the message is received the handler should call the same updateDetail method as above.


Best regards.



In your case the button appears to be a part of the page schema, not a part of the detail schema. For you to refresh the detail you'd need to use:

this.updateDetail({ detail: "NameOfDetail" });

You can find the "NameOfDetail" value to use by looking at the details section of the page code for your detail (it's not the name of the detail schema, but the name or Id it gave it when it added it to the page). The reloadGridData function only works from within the detail schema code itself. 

Thanks very much Oscar and Ryan ! Your help was great.

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Hello all,


I am trying to display the relationship information within the newer connected to diagram as a list such as how the older detail used to be able to be used.

Is there a way to display the information as a list so that it can be easily viewed in a list and exported out to excel?


I have tried to create a list report based off the underlying object for the diagram but I have been unable to find the correct object to use.

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Hello Kevin,


Thank you for your question!


Unfortunately, the list view and export are not available in the new UI for "Connected to" diagram. We've already registered this idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. As an option, it's possible to disable the new UI for "Connected to" diagram and get back to the old one. However, the data inserted in the new UI will be lost while getting back to an old UI, same if you decide later to change the UI to the new one, changes applied in the old one - will not be saved. If you want this to be done, please reach out to us at support@creatio.com and we will disable UseRelationshipDesigner feature for you.


Kind regards,


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Hi community

I'm using the new relationship feature to connect accounts 

In the account's "connected to" tab, I setuped which is the parent account of current account.

I'm looking for a method for extract all accounts which have a parent account assigned, using advanced filter.

Missing the view to configure the filter on new tables?


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Thank you for your question. 

In order to get the wanted filter please choose the correct column called "Parent account". 

Please refer to the screenshot below: 



Thank you, 



Hi Artem,

the parent account field does not work correctly with the new "Relation connection" table used for describe the account hierarchy,

Hello Stefano,


Sadly, filtering will not work in this case.


It is due to the fact that the "connected to" diagram was created to be universal, it does not have any proper connections to the other objects in the system. Thus, it can't be used for filtering records in objects.


Theoretically, you can create a view table in your system where needed columns from separate objects can be added and use it in the section's filter but we don't have any examples of such implementations.


We have already created a request for our R&D team to create such functionality.


Thank you,



I solved the problem.

I've created a view table, here my postgres script view


IF EXISTS "UsrAccountParentView";
        OR REPLACE VIEW "UsrAccountParentView" AS
SELECT uuid_generate_v4() AS "Id"
    , reA."RecordId" AS "UsrAccountParentId"
    , reB."RecordId" AS "UsrAccountChildId"
    , rc."RelationTypeId" as "UsrRelationTypeId"
    , '410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00'::uuid AS "CreatedById"
    , timezone('utc', now()) AS "CreatedOn"
    , '410006e1-ca4e-4502-a9ec-e54d922d2c00'::uuid AS "ModifiedById"
    , timezone('utc', now()) AS "ModifiedOn"
FROM "RelationshipEntity" reA
JOIN "RelationshipConnection" rc
    ON reA."Id" = rc."RelationshipEntityAId"
        AND reA."SchemaUId" = '25d7c1ab-1de0-4501-b402-02e0e5a72d6e'
JOIN "RelationshipEntity" reB
    ON reB."Id" = rc."RelationshipEntityBId"
        AND reB."SchemaUId" = '25d7c1ab-1de0-4501-b402-02e0e5a72d6e'


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Is there any way I can access a button instance directly, e.g., in the 'click' method of a client module in order to set the colour of the button using the setStyle method of the button object?

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Not sure if it's possible since setStyle only receives some value as an argument and is being executed when the button is initialized.


In your case I would recommend to add this code to the click handler:

var buttonElementToModify = document.getElementById("ContactPageV2ChangeContainerStateButtonButton-textEl");
				buttonElementToModify.style.backgroundColor = "Green";

and replace ContactPageV2ChangeContainerStateButtonButton-textEl with an actual id of the element in DOM:

As a result when the button is clicked its color will be changed to green.


Best regards,


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Hello Community,


It is possible to add the Activity section on Portal (Customer Portal license)?

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Hello Andreia,


No, it's not possible.

Thank you, Oscar.

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Hi community,


I need a way to sort the rows of a data grid according to the values present in a detail.


I have my detail in the candidate object like this:


Here is a small simplified diagram of the relationship between my lookup, my detail and my object:

I would like to run this sql query to filter the candidates :

SELECT c.* FROM technocandidats tc
RIGHT JOIN candidats c ON c.id = tc.candidat_id
WHERE tc.techno_id = n OR
tc.techno_id = n OR ...

where "n" will be the techno's id.


Is there a way to do this directly in the section's advanced filters?


Or better still, in a box on top of the section like the one in my candidat object where the detail appears? Or even better, make that in a preconfigured page ?


Best regards,


Julien Gunther

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Hello Julien,


I believe this should be possible as you have the connections between your objects. Could you please contact Creatio support team using support@creatio.com so we can help you with the filter setup in your system?


Thank you,

Bogdan S.

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Is it possible to add validation code to the client module of a pre-configured page (i.e. in the same way you would an edit page)?

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Hi Gareth, 


In this case, we are suggesting using Business processes for such implementation. 






This element will generate the code itself and you don't need to change the Schema manually, which will be much complicated and could potentially affect the whole page.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.




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Import Census is a section attachement object( which is system generated ) so we have a attachment link there but I have created one custom attachement object (Import Claims) and linked it with section but we need to have the same attachment icon to be present with the custom object as it is in Import Census object so that users can attach the files.


Please help me to achieve this.

Many Thanks!

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Hi Akshit,

Since you have already added Detail in Section. To add Custom style in the Detail, Please follow the below article. 


https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/interface_elements/detail/detail#title-1923-5 (Point #5)


In addition to this, Please ensure that Parent object of both detail schemas ( detail's view model & detail's record page ) should be FileDetailV2 .



Functionality is working fine but the only issue is this "Drag File Here" is not showing as it is showing in section's attachment detail  (please see the below screenshot)


Note : Attach Censur  : Section's detail

           Attach Claims : Custom Attachment Detail



Please help.


Many Thanks.


Please help.



Hi Akshit,


Unfortunately, there can only be one drag'n'drop area on the edit page, so on one tab it will work, but on the second it does not.

We have passed this basic functionality flaw to the developer's department for product improvement. They will backlog such system behavior and will work on functionality improvement. 



As for now, this can be fixed by adding the follwing code to the edit page schema of the page where these details are added:

getDetailInfo: function() {

  var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);

  detailInfo.detailElementsPrefix = Terrasoft.generateGUID();

  return detailInfo;



Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,


Thank you for your reply.


I have used your code but nothing reflected it is still the same. 

Anastasiia Lazurenko,


Please suggest something so that I can remove "Drag File Here".


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