Hello Community,


It is possible to add the Activity section on Portal (Customer Portal license)?

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Hello Andreia,


No, it's not possible.

Thank you, Oscar.

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Hi community,


I need a way to sort the rows of a data grid according to the values present in a detail.


I have my detail in the candidate object like this:


Here is a small simplified diagram of the relationship between my lookup, my detail and my object:

I would like to run this sql query to filter the candidates :

SELECT c.* FROM technocandidats tc
RIGHT JOIN candidats c ON c.id = tc.candidat_id
WHERE tc.techno_id = n OR
tc.techno_id = n OR ...

where "n" will be the techno's id.


Is there a way to do this directly in the section's advanced filters?


Or better still, in a box on top of the section like the one in my candidat object where the detail appears? Or even better, make that in a preconfigured page ?


Best regards,


Julien Gunther

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Hello Julien,


I believe this should be possible as you have the connections between your objects. Could you please contact Creatio support team using support@creatio.com so we can help you with the filter setup in your system?


Thank you,

Bogdan S.

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Is it possible to add validation code to the client module of a pre-configured page (i.e. in the same way you would an edit page)?

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Hi Gareth, 


In this case, we are suggesting using Business processes for such implementation. 






This element will generate the code itself and you don't need to change the Schema manually, which will be much complicated and could potentially affect the whole page.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.




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Import Census is a section attachement object( which is system generated ) so we have a attachment link there but I have created one custom attachement object (Import Claims) and linked it with section but we need to have the same attachment icon to be present with the custom object as it is in Import Census object so that users can attach the files.


Please help me to achieve this.

Many Thanks!

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Hi Akshit,

Since you have already added Detail in Section. To add Custom style in the Detail, Please follow the below article. 


https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/interface_elements/detail/detail#title-1923-5 (Point #5)


In addition to this, Please ensure that Parent object of both detail schemas ( detail's view model & detail's record page ) should be FileDetailV2 .



Functionality is working fine but the only issue is this "Drag File Here" is not showing as it is showing in section's attachment detail  (please see the below screenshot)


Note : Attach Censur  : Section's detail

           Attach Claims : Custom Attachment Detail



Please help.


Many Thanks.


Please help.



Hi Akshit,


Unfortunately, there can only be one drag'n'drop area on the edit page, so on one tab it will work, but on the second it does not.

We have passed this basic functionality flaw to the developer's department for product improvement. They will backlog such system behavior and will work on functionality improvement. 



As for now, this can be fixed by adding the follwing code to the edit page schema of the page where these details are added:

getDetailInfo: function() {

  var detailInfo = this.callParent(arguments);

  detailInfo.detailElementsPrefix = Terrasoft.generateGUID();

  return detailInfo;



Kind regards,


Anastasiia Lazurenko,


Thank you for your reply.


I have used your code but nothing reflected it is still the same. 

Anastasiia Lazurenko,


Please suggest something so that I can remove "Drag File Here".


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 I have used the Portal Case Section Wizard to successfully create new tabs and custom fields in the Case Entity for Portal Users. I have also created a new custom detail based on creating a new object on one of these tabs.  What I am not clear on is how can I now get to the Detail Setup for this new custom detail? Normally of course we get there by going to an existing record and entering detail setup there, but this is not possible for a Portal User to do.  I looked in the Advanced Settings (DEV) page but the objects created don't seem to get me to the detail setup.  I also am curious how one then can setup the columns setup for all portal users for this detail one the page is created.  Any help would be most appreciated :)



-Scotty Chapman 

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Hello Scotty,

To modify the fields in the detail. Please follow the nest steps:

1. Open the page in the section wizard and click on the edit icon:


2. Click on the edit icon to open the detail wizard:


3. Chose the "page" tab to edit the field:



As for your second question, unfortunately, there is no such functionality in our system that allows saving column setup for all users.


Best regards,



Hi  - thanks so much, that did the trick. Appreciated!

-Scotty Chapman 

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Hello community, while installing ExcelReportBuilder on the production environment I get the following error:

2021-12-15 17:58:14,812 Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: 23503: insert or update on table "SysPackageDataLcz" violates foreign key constraint "FKfg1JPl35PDx2FCE8Oagxv7VAMIc" ---> Npgsql.PostgresException: 23503: insert or update on table "SysPackageDataLcz" violates foreign key constraint "FKfg1JPl35PDx2FCE8Oagxv7VAMIc"

   at Npgsql.NpgsqlConnector.d__157.MoveNext()

--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---

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Best reply

This is not an issue with the Excel reports package but is due to an issue with new systems only including two records in the SysCulture table (that is my assumption of the issue). The package will attempt to write data to the SysPackageDataLcz table for cultures that do not exist in the system and cause the constraint violation when the package is installed.

If you report it to support, you can reference my open case about this issue #SR-01065588


This is not an issue with the Excel reports package but is due to an issue with new systems only including two records in the SysCulture table (that is my assumption of the issue). The package will attempt to write data to the SysPackageDataLcz table for cultures that do not exist in the system and cause the constraint violation when the package is installed.

If you report it to support, you can reference my open case about this issue #SR-01065588


Thank you Ryan, in fact I noticed afterwards that the environment had some major problems. I wrote to the support.

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Hi Community,


Aside from "Installed applications" section and "Updating the packages from the repository" what are other ways to install packages to Creatio?

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You can also install packages using CLIO and WorkspaceConsole.exe 


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Hi Community,


I was trying to build one scenario - On Error come during process execution i.e. System shows Error in Process Log Section, I want to log it in another Custom section and Create new record there. 

For this, I created a business process that can be triggered on the Change in Process Log Object. But that process is not getting triggered. Please guide me here? How to do it correctly?


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Dear Pratik,

Please note that our application doesn't support designing business processes that are triggered by a modification in system objects. The core of business process mechanisms works on low-level API which doesn't support start signal's functionality. This is done in order to avoid any kind of accidents with business process mechanisms and also for performance maintaining reasons.


However, you can try designing a process that runs, for example, every day and checks Process log records for errors, and then sends this information to a specific mailbox.


Kind regards,


Hi Pratik,

I had a similar issue, and that's the solution I came up with: 

My process is scheduled to run every 4 hours and the read data searches for process marked with the "Error" status, which name starts with a custom prefix (that I assigned to identify my processes). The subprocess is used to log the error in another custom section.

Hope it helps! 

Hi Mira and Federica Cattani,

Thanks for the help and explanation. 

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Hello all,


I am getting this error while restarting with CLIO.  I am not sure where to start. There is nothing in the process log.  any suggestions?



System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
   at System.Uri.CreateThis(String uri, Boolean dontEscape, UriKind uriKind)
   at System.Uri..ctor(String uriString)
   at System.Net.WebRequest.Create(String requestUriString)
   at Creatio.Client.CreatioClient.CreateRequest(String url, String requestData)
   at Creatio.Client.CreatioClient.Login()
   at Creatio.Client.CreatioClient.CreateCreatioRequest(String url, String requestData, Int32 requestTimeout)
   at Creatio.Client.CreatioClient.ExecutePostRequest(String url, String requestData, Int32 requestTimeout)
   at Clio.Common.CreatioClientAdapter.ExecutePostRequest(String url, String requestData, Int32 requestTimeout)
   at Clio.Command.RemoteCommand`1.ExecuteRemoteCommand(TEnvironmentOptions options)
   at Clio.Command.RemoteCommand`1.Execute(TEnvironmentOptions options)


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Best reply



Please use the following command instead:

clio restart -u http://o_drobina:1025 -l Supervisor -p Supervisor

where http://o_drobina:1025 should be replaced with the URL to your app, Supervisor (-l) and Supervisor (-p) are login and password respectively.


Best regards,




Please use the following command instead:

clio restart -u http://o_drobina:1025 -l Supervisor -p Supervisor

where http://o_drobina:1025 should be replaced with the URL to your app, Supervisor (-l) and Supervisor (-p) are login and password respectively.


Best regards,



If I use the -e that works as well. Odd as it use to work. Thank you very much


I wanted to know is there any clio command to reset the whole environment to its basic default state after deleting the custom development package?




No, there is no such command. You will need to redeploy the app locally using clean OOB binary files.


Best regards,


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Hello, we need to connect our provider of calls but we only have the settings for do it with sip server, exist any connector that we can use for doing it?


Our provider it's different to the current list of connectors or integrations (webitel,avaya, etc)

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Hello Luis,

Could you please specify the provider's name?

Best regards,


Hello Luis,


If you’re looking to integrate your telephony with Creatio, we can help you with that. Velvetech provides a variety of VoIP connectors with popular phone systems to enable calling functionality right from the Creatio’s interface. 

You can find a list of existing connectors on the Creatio Marketplace, and we’re always open to implementing a custom one according to your needs in case the phone system you use is not on the list.


Best regards,


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