I'm having some issues with updating the value for a parameter from client-side code, from the ProcessSchemaPropertiesPage (process designer).  The reason for this is that I have a base process that is getting coppied for a specific use, and I'm passing a value to that copy that should be saved to a process parameter.  I need to reference this parameter from a process execution.


What I've attempted is this:


             saveValues: function() {

                    process = this.get("ProcessElement");

                    var scope = this;

                    var parameters = process.parameters;

                    Terrasoft.each(parameters, function(){

                        var item = this;

                        if(item.name == "marketingProcess"){

                            item.sourceValue.displayValue.cultureValues["en-US"] = "test123";

                            //item.sourceValue.value.cultureValues["en-US"] = "test123";

                            item.sourceValue.value = "test123";






It looks like it works, but it's not actually updating the parameter value.  I've tried something similar on the loading of the process and on saving.


Any ideas how you can manipulate process parameter values client side?  I would even be willing to use a server-side solution, if one exists.  I've looked at the server-side process services and I'm not seeing anything obvious there either.


Any ideas!




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Please provide us with a complete step-by-step description of the practical usage of the functionality you demand.


Thank you!


Best regards.


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Hi Team,


I have a use case where our customers have more than 3000 records having profile photos and attachments linked with records.


I know that using excel import methodology we can migrate information but I am not sure that profile photos & attachments migration could be possible this way?


We have to migrate information on Cloud Instances of creatio.


Please advice me the correct approach of migrating/transferring the profile photos and attachments so that they will be automatically attached ( profile photos should reflect in profile photo part of contact) with their corresponding records.


Really appreciate your help!



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Hello Akshit, 


Please check the related to this question posts on our Community with a possible solutions, as those:




Should you have any questions, please let us know!

Best regards, 


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We have "Lead Managers" working on outreach to Leads. At given points in the process they need to send templated emails with details to the lead and the salesperson. However, we only want them to access the templates specific to their division and role. Is there a way to restrict the lead manager's access to specific templates? 

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Yes. Please set up Record permissions on the Email message template section/object.

It looks something like this: https://prnt.sc/26fjqvh

More information: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/user_and…

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Dear Team,


We are facing "unexpected token r in json at position 0" error when we try to login after providing the username and password, on inspection we found the error "as attached".


Did notice similar community post https://community.creatio.com/questions/unexpected-token-json but this is not similar to my issue. Here we are not able to navigate to home page after providing the username and password.


Question : Is there a way that user profile is affected and how to fix this issue?


Thanks in advance!

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Could you please write to our technical support so we could take a closer look at the issue?

Just email us about your problem at support@creatio.com.

We will investigate it in your particular environment.


Thank you,


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How may I suppress merge fields in templates where there is no data. For example in the below, the Lead does not have data in Address 2.

Word reports easily accommodate this however, how may I handle this with email templates?


Using Studio/Sales vrs:

Like 0



Hi Thomas,


Unfortunately, it is not possible to achieve this in the current version of the application.

We have a task for our R&D team to have an option to display an empty string instead of the macros code on the yellow background so it will be added in future updates.


Best regards,



Really disappointing that a basic problem like that that has been solved by other products for years was missed here. This can make using email templates completely unreliable.

Thanks for the reply. Is there a comprehensive list of what does not work and what is in the backlog on being worked on?

You are able to do it. Basically, you create two different blocks.

One showing the row with the Address and one without.

Then use Rules & Dynamic content to show the appropriate Block for every Contact.


Perhaps this method only'll work for Bulk and Campaign Emails. I'm note 100% sure. But you can try!



I appreciate your creativity here. I believe that using dynamic content requires the Marketing Module which we have yet to implement.


Try navigating to the Email Templates section under the Studio Workspace. Maybe you don't have the new Email Designer? Marketing licences may be required for this? What Creatio version do you use?

I think it'll work on 7.18.3 and newer

We use the latest cloud version, I created the templates in Studio but we do not have the marketing module. Dynamic content should work however, these are basic user follow up emails and this issue should not even exist in 2022. Our users will need to review and delete these empty fields which is inefficient and disappointing.


I appreciate your knowledge and assistance.





Or anyone at Creatio who can help with this... clearly there is a function #deleteifempty# which is included in one of your base sample templates, "Template for new invoice approval notification (US)".

I need someone to explain how this works, I tried the code in HTML and it did not work, instructions please!!!

Thomas Colby,


Were you able to find a solution? we are having the same requirement with no success to how it can be achieved.



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Hi, Account and

In the Contact section, I add a text column with the section wizard and press the save button, but I get the error you see below.

System designer -> System settings -> Current package. I provided the 'custom' control.


File attachments
Like 0



Hello Aygen,


Probably the Package is locked. Please make sure, that the package that you set up in the 'current package' system setting is unlocked, 

Best regards,


Hi Bogdan, Thank you for the answer.

I'm checking but is there a section here that I need to change? 



Access for modification for internal users --> Can manage configuration elements


Aygen Ergen,



Could you please send us a screenshot of the 'Advanced settings' section? 

What exactly should I show?



Aygen Ergen,

 If the Package is unlocked, it's Yellow and on top of the package-list.

But now your package Custom is locked and grey.

Did you Export the package and then re-install it?


Unsuccessful. What can be the problem?




Sorry for the unclear answer. I only meant to ask if you had done this, as a question. I did not want to suggest you do this as you are really not supposed to do that! I believe it will lead to package being locked, since it's an external third-party package when being installed from file.

Was this package created on the same environment/instance you are using?

I suggest you create a new Package and move everything from the old locked package into the new one. If that's possible.

Otherwise, ask the support department to unlock it for you.

Thank you for answer


Aygen Ergen,


The error depicts the object (Account) doesn't have edit access.

Please check the object permission of Account here,

Step 1, Select object permission from the homepage.

Step 2: Select account and check its permission setup

Best Regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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Hi Community,


We need user to have a permission to access organizational roles and functional roles section. They will have permission to add/remove user for each organizational roles and functional roles. How can we achieve this? Thanks

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Hi Fulgen,


Thank you for your question!


For a user to be able to manage organizational and functional roles - he should be given CanManageAdministration and CanManageUsers operation permissions.


Best regards,


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I have this test code in source code schema, 


How can I call this In script task?




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Hi Akshit,


Create an instance of your Example class and call the Execute method in the script task. For example study how the CreateReminding method is called in the "Push notification" script task of the OOB "Push expired licenses notification" business process.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thank you for the response, 

This is the code below : 


This is how I am calling it : 


But when I run the business process this is the error I am getting : 


System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Threading.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified



Can anyone please help me what should I do next ?





Most probably you haven't added Terrasoft.Configuration namespace as a using in your process as well as System.Threading.Tasks. Additionally to it I cannot see creating an instance of the Example class in your script task code.


Best regards,


I have added the following : 


But still gettting the same issue?


From the error I get this as resolution https://github.com/box/box-windows-sdk-v2/issues/225#issuecomment-277012542  


But didn't understand what exactly I have to do? Like which assembly(dll file) I need to place in creatio?

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Hi Team,


From the day I have started development on one of the trial instance I have set "Current package" system setting to my package, but I see after some time objects started reflecting in custom package.


I want ask :


1. Is there any other system setting (other than "Current Package" ) which is required to change ?

2. Is this the reason that If there are more than one users (system admin) involved in development.


Please tell me what could be the possible reason ? And does it create any major issue during data binding?



Like 0



Hello Akshit, 

We are not able no to say, why the current package value has changed. 

Before starting the development we recommend you to check:

1. 'Current package' System setting value

2.  Check whether the package is unlocked (you are able to change the object configuration for example) 

We strongly recommend using the development website only for one user to avoid such issues. 


Best regards,




Thank you for you response, related to point number 2, I want to ask 

that whenever we create our custom package (VirtuosRefac_version_1) then by default it is marked as locked (please see the below image) then how to unclock it?



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Hi community,


How do you make a link (string field) a hyperlink in a mini-page? It is displayed as a label (https://academy.creatio.com/api/jscoreapi/7.15.0/index.html#!/api/Terra…) but there is no "showValueAsLink" property like in a text field in a page.

And how can I create a field that has the same behaviour as the email field in the default contact page? I have a "linkedin" field that I need to sync with the communication option (which has a linkedin field added under "website") and I need to sync it with the same behaviour as the email field (which takes the main email in the communication option, automatically adds a new email or updates it etc.).


Best regards,



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Hi Julien,


As for your first question - it's not clear which string-link field on the mini page you are refering to. I hope this community post where a similar question was asked will be useful - https://community.creatio.com/questions/convert-text-field-hyperlink.


As for your second question - the logic behind the email column is stored in the BaseCommunication and ContactCommunication objects in the Base package (processes on these objects). You need to study how the logic is declared there.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thank you for your answer, about my first question I mean a mini page that shows when you hover on a record :


I need to change a field that shows on the minipage to a link (with target _blank). On a page directly I can use a "ShowAsLink" attribute, but the component on a minipage that shows a text field is a label, which don't have a "ShowAsLink" attribute.


Thank you for your answer on the second question, I'll dig into the Base Package.


Best regards,


Julien Gunther

Julien Gunther,


This minipage is a "view" type minipage for the section that is used as a lookup reference. So you need to create the same logic described in the community post I shared above for the field on that minipage.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


The text field is rendered as a label, and it throw me this error :

Uncaught Object { message: "Property showValueAsLink is not defined in class Terrasoft.controls.Label" }


here is my diff :

				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "Linkedin889ba056-f389-4852-a0f2-b5f8caede729",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 10,
						"layoutName": "MiniPage"
					"isMiniPageModelItem": true,
					"visible": {
						"bindTo": "isViewMode"
					"bindTo": "Linkedin",
					"showValueAsLink": true,
					"controlConfig": {
						"enabled": true,
						"href": {
							"bindTo": "getLinkedin"
						"linkclick": {
							"bindTo": "onExternalLinkClick"
				"parentName": "MiniPage",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 13

and the methods :

		methods: {
			getLinkedin: function() {
				return this.getLink(this.get("Linkedin"));
			onExternalLinkClick: function() {
			getLink: function(value) {
				if (Terrasoft.isUrl(value)) {
					return {
						url: value,
						caption: value

Best regards,


Julien Gunther

Julien Gunther,


Ok, we can do it in another way. We can create a virtual column, populate it with the value from the main record and display it not as a label in the minipage, but as a string field. For example using the code below (was added to the ContactMiniPage in my case):

define("ContactMiniPage", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Contact",
		attributes: {
			"LinkedIn": {
				"type": Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
				"value": ""
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		methods: {
			onEntityInitialized: function() {
				var linkedInValue = this.get("UsrLinkedIn");
				this.set("LinkedIn", linkedInValue);
			getLinkedInLink: function() {
				return this.getLink(this.get("LinkedIn"));
			getLink: function(value) {
				if (Terrasoft.isUrl(value)) {
					return {
						url: value,
						caption: value
			onLinkedInLinkClick: function() {
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "LinkedIn",
				"values": {
					"showValueAsLink": true,
					"controlConfig": {
						"href": {
							"bindTo": "getLinkedInLink"
						"linkclick": {
							"bindTo": "onLinkedInLinkClick"
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 11
					"caption": {
						"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.LinkedIn"
					"bindTo": "LinkedIn",
				"parentName": "MiniPage",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 5
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "HeaderContainer",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 0
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "TimezoneMiniContactPage",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 9
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "JobInfoContainer",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 10
				"operation": "move",
				"name": "JobInfoContainer",
				"parentName": "MiniPage",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 2
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "Name",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 1
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "Type",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 2
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "Account",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 3
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "JobTitle",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 4
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "Department",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 5
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "MobilePhone",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 6
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "Email",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 7
				"operation": "remove",
				"name": "OwnerEdit"
				"operation": "remove",
				"name": "Owner"
				"operation": "remove",
				"name": "OwnerButtonContainer"
				"operation": "remove",
				"name": "OwnerCallButton"
				"operation": "remove",
				"name": "OwnerEmailButton"

As a result I received a clickable linkedin field in the view-minipage:

Hope it will work in your case as well.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


I still have the same error :

Uncaught Object { message: "Propriété showValueAsLink is not defined in class Terrasoft.controls.Label" }


Here is my code :

define("MTF_Candidat1MiniPage", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "MTF_Candidat",
		attributes: {
			"LinkedinVirtual": {
				"type": Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
				"value": ""
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		methods: {
			onEntityInitialized: function() {
				this.set("LinkedinVirtual", this.get("UsrLinkedin"))
			getLinkedinLink: function() {
				return this.getLink(this.get("LinkedinVirtual"));
			onExternalLinkClick: function() {
			getLink: function(value) {
				if (Terrasoft.isUrl(value)) {
					return {
						url: value,
						caption: value
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
			// other items in diff ....
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "Linkedin889ba056-f389-4852-a0f2-b5f8caede729",
				"values": {
					"layout": {
						"colSpan": 24,
						"rowSpan": 1,
						"column": 0,
						"row": 10,
						"layoutName": "MiniPage"
					"caption": "Linkedin",
					"isMiniPageModelItem": true,
					"bindTo": "LinkedinVirtual",
					"showValueAsLink": true,
					"controlConfig": {
						"href": {
							"bindTo": "getLinkedinLink"
						"linkclick": {
							"bindTo": "onExternalLinkClick"
				"parentName": "MiniPage",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 39

"isMiniPageModelItem" is a required attribute, if set to false or removed it raise this error:

Uncaught Object { message: "DataValueType.null is not supported" }


Do you have another solution ?


Best regards,





Julien Gunther,


Your error comes from some place that is not present in the code I shared. Everything is working on my end, please perform an absolutely same setup.


Best regards,


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