Generate and use of Excel Export file from Business Process script

Hi Community,


I have to use Excel Export Creatio Functionality but instead of downloading the .xlsx file in the system, I have to attach that .xlsx file to the Attachments of a Custom Section.

This task should be performed by the business process after giving filtration criteria as input.


Please suggest me a solution to achieve the above task.

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Dear Pratik, 


Unfortunately requested functionality is not presented as OOB solution in Creatio at this moment. 

We will register this as an idea for the responsible R&D team to extend the basic functionality in future Creatio releases. 


Kind regards,


Hi Roman Brown,

Thanks for providing the information regarding to this.


But, for workaround is there any Creatio Service avaible that can be utilized In some custom script configuration with Script Task element of business process.?

And if yes, Is there any example available on how to make use of such Services in development. 

Hi Roman,


Could you please provide steps or source code for a sample excel sheet creation and saving data, that supports creatio platform (ex. using openXml, IronXL or Interop etc.) and later that can be extended with creatio's future release?




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