Hi there,
I made a button that call ProcessModuleUtilities on click. Once clicked, the callback is called and a BodyMask is shown but never hidden.
Here is the button :
"operation": "insert",
"name": "GetAccountBtn",
"parentName": "LeftContainer",
"propertyName": "items",
"values": {
"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
"caption": {
"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.GetAccount"
"click": {
"bindTo": "onGetAccountClick"
"visible": {
"bindTo": "getGetAccountButtonVisible"
"enabled": {
"bindTo": "getGetAccountButtonEnable"
"style": "blue",
"classes": {
"textClass": ["actions-button-margin-right"]
Here is the methods :
onGetAccountClick: function() {
Terrasoft.showConfirmation("Effectuer une demande pour devenir l'AM de ce compte ?", function(result) {
if (result === Terrasoft.MessageBoxButtons.YES.returnCode) {
}, ["yes", "no"], this);
processGetAbandonAccountPopupResponse: function (processName) {
args = {
sysProcessName: processName,
parameters: {
accountId: this.get("Id"),
userId: Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value
callback: this.callbackShowRequestMade,
scope: this
callbackShowRequestMade: function () {
this.showInformationDialog("Votre demande a été effectuée.");
Here is my business process :

And finally here is the result : https://vimeo.com/727290324/560dec0d61
I have this error in the console :
XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: https://creatioBaseUrl/0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/RunProce… Line Number 1, Column 1
Here is the request made by my browser :
POST https://creatioBaseUrl/0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/RunProcess
Request body :
"collectExecutionData": true,
"parameterValues": [
"name": "accountId",
"value": "b253a1de-10cd-452f-bd23-28ecb696b44a"
"name": "userId",
"value": "aa995be7-7611-43ea-a79d-19894080a976"
"schemaName": "RequestGetAccount",
"resultParameterNames": []
Response body :
"processId": "e3493a1e-0069-4164-81e1-47c7743146f0",
"processStatus": 1,
"resultParameterValues": null,
"executionData": null,
"success": true,
"errorInfo": null
Do you have any idea what can I do to fix this bodyMask issue ?
Kind regards,