auto numbering server side doesn't work

hi all,

I'm doing the server side auto numbering shown in this link on a created package and a created section 

- my section is called returns 

- my field that i want to make auto number is Code 



 followed all the steps shown in screenshots and doesn't work ? 

and here from the object file i opened the process and made this 

 with these configurations


conditional flow: 

conditional flow formula:

Get entity schema to generate number:

Generate number and error icon :

Save number to entity column:


any sol please 

thanks all 

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Hello Ibrahim,

What is the name of the column in your returns object where the number will be stored? In the article on the academy website, it's using a column named "Code", but your column name is likely different, possibly something with a prefix in front of it, like maybe UsrCode?

You'll need to update the column name in two places:

  1. The conditional flow formula (replace "Code" with your column name)
  2. Save number to entity column (replace "Code" with your column name)

Also, it would be a good idea to verify the names of the process elements. The academy article assumes they are named "UserTask1", etc.   Verify the following:

  1. The task titled "Generate ordinal number", verify it's name by clicking the three-dots icon on the top of it's properties, then select "Advanced mode" and there you'll find it's name in the "Code" field. You'll need to update the code in your screenshot titled "Get entity schema to generate number" with this name - replace "UserTask1" with this value, if different.
  2. Do the same with the "UserTask1" value in the code in your screenshot titled "Save number to entity column", if different.

Lastly, if it is still not working, please post the error you receive when you publish.


Dear Ryan,


Thank you for your answer, it is very helpful. Additionally to doing everything from the message above you have to put the whole process In the "Event sub-process element".


Ryan Farley,

Thank you for your answer 


yeeees that's it 

thank you 

Hi Ibrahim,


Could you please help me with what I am missing with the same implementation? I have created the post on it


Thank you

How to do Auto-numbering using SQL Script using Stored procedure

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