Hello Community,

Do you know if it is possible to add a new view in a mobile application that would display a map with multiple markers (where the address would be retrieved from accounts)?
And is there a way to display a custom tooltip on the map containing some information?


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Hello Monika,


We don't have any examples available for this. The only example available with maps in the mobile app is the account addresses detail and maps on it (see this community thread).

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I need to make it open a panel with Open Street Map on it but my code is not working, when I click on the button I added, it gets the loading screen but doesn't show anything and the console shows an error.

My Code:

    showMapContainer: function() {
		var mapsConfig = {
			mapsData: []
				address: "0.0, 0.0",
				gpsE: "0.0",
				gpsN: "0.0",
				isCoordsItem: true,
				useCurrentUserLocation: true
			mapsConfig: mapsConfig,
			scope: this


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Best reply

I solved it, I needed to add the GetMapsConfig in messages:

I solved it, I needed to add the GetMapsConfig in messages:

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Hello Team!


Im aware about the bad working of OSM with address + postal code in some countries. There is any way to change the search of OSM in Creatio to use only the postal code field and not the entire address?

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Hello Federico,


Our R&D team is aware of this problem, but it is a question to the OpenStreetMap service. Unfortunately, there is no fix for this problem at the moment, but there is a task registered to our R&D team.


Best regards,



 My question is if there is any way to modify the OTB funsionality in order to only search by postal code insted of the full address string.

I have a requirement that only include the search by postal code, and in OSM looks working, but creatio is sending the full address string.

Dear Federico Buffa,

The search algorithms of the Creation system used the open street maps mechanism. So, unfortunately, we are not able to change the logic of the search. 

Best regards,



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