Hide oob Actions in Portal Case Page

Hi Community,


How can I override the Portal Case Page Actions and hide the oob/existing Actions (Cancel Case/Close Case/Reopen Case).



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Hello Fulgen,


Please install this package to the system http://ftp.creatio.com/support/downloads/0968497/Portal_2021-02-23_14.0… and disable the "PortalUserAction" feature in the database by executing this query:


update "AdminUnitFeatureState" set "FeatureState" = 0 where "FeatureId" in (select "Id" from "Feature" where "Code" = 'PortalUserAction')

And relogin to the application under the portal user. Once done the "Actions" button will be removed.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar,

Is it correct override on PortalCasePage client schema the method  getActions() for hide some action?

getActions: function() {
	var actionMenuItems = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.BaseViewModelCollection");
		"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.CancelCaseActionCaption"},
		"Tag": "cancelCase",
		"Enabled": {"bindTo": "EnableCancelAction"}
		"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.CloseCaseActionCaption"},
		"Tag": "closeCase",
		"Enabled": {"bindTo": "EnableCancelAction"}
		"Caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ReopenCaseActionCaption"},
		"Tag": "reopenCase",
		"Enabled": {"bindTo": "EnableReopenAction"}
	return actionMenuItems;


Stefano Bassoli,




Yes, that's correct. You can either copy this code to the replaced PortalCasePage and remove items that should not be present in the page actions (don't declare them) or you can call parent method and then remove items from the items array returned in the collection of the actionMenuItems object.


Best regards,


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