When in a list view, when a user hovers over a Contact name, they have shortcuts for call, email and task. When a user creates an email from the email shortcut, the Contact templates do not display.

What area is this for the macro so that we can copy the Contact templates and have them accessible when the Contact is open or when the user is viewing all Contacts in a list view.

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Dear Amy,

When clicking on this shortcut http://prntscr.com/qu37nj the new email designer has the option to select the template http://prntscr.com/qu3816http://prntscr.com/qu39b4

If for some reason you do not have this option or do not see the templates, we suggest you to contact our support team via support@creatio.com to look into the issue in your particular environment.

Best regards,



Dear Dean Parrett, this is exactly the section I'm referring to. We see the email icon, we see the template icon, but when we access it from this view the list is empty. How do I ensure the templates display here?

Thank you!


Dear Amy,

It is quite hard to say why you cannot see the records in the list. Therefore, it is better to approach the support team so that they could investigate the issue on your website.



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Hi Community,

What is the purpose of OOB field Preferred Language in Contacts? Is it affecting the language of email being triggered to the contacts? Is there any other OOB functionality which depends on this?

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Dear Fulgen,

Currently this field only determines what language will be used when automatic template is sent to contact. 

Best regards,


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I am trying to create divisions in the Structure detail on the Accounts section page and I would like to be able to add contacts to each division to display who works for each division. Is there a way to add more than one contact within the Structure detail? All I can find is the ability to chose a manager.

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Hi Kevin,

In this case you need to create a new detail and show this detail inside organizational structure detail.

This article  describes how you can setup a detail to add multiple records. Your object structure will be pretty simple: lookup column to an 'Account organizational structure' and lookup column to 'Contact' table (and base fields: CreatedOn, CreatedBy, etc.).

Then you should add this detail to a 'AccountOrganizationChartPageV2' page in the configuration.



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It used to be when I select a Contact on the Lead page, the Contacts Account is automatically set as the Account of the Lead.

This function has been removed. What happened to it?

Best regards,

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Dear Julius,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Our R&D team has fixed and this feature will be available again starting from 7.15.2 version.

Best regards,


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How can I do a mass import of image files for Contact records?

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Dear Lisa,

Unfortunately, there is no option import images since they are stored in different table, not in Contact 

Theoretically, you can upload the images encoded to base64 format into the SysImage table and then populate the pictureid column of the product with the id of the corresponding image. This process might be time consuming and not convenient, since it should be done on the database level.

We will register the idea for our R&D team to develop such a functionality that would allow to upload images in more convenient and faster way.

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Any news about this feature?

Dear Daniel,

The mentioned development request was considered by the responsible R&D team but it's implementation was postponed due to the fact there are requests and plans with higher priority. 

I will add your comment to the created request so they could take a look on it again and consider the possibility of implementing it in the next upcoming releases. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

Hi Roman. We have a similar use case where we need to migrate photos and going via the Database is not an option for us.

I was looking into the 0/ImageAPIService/upload which is used by the platform internally when a Contact photo is uploaded. Can we use this API to upload an image into the SysImage table?? Few related questions below - 

1. I notice a few query parameters - fileapi, totalFileLength, fileId and mimeType. If we were to replicate this request via code, Which of these are mandatory and which are optional? 

2. What does the query parameter "fileapi16123676529964" refer to? And what is that number??

3. Believe the unique Guid() for the SysImage record is generated on the client side and gets stored in the Id column in the SysImage table. Is this right?

M Shrikanth,




Let's discuss this question in a separate community thread you've created here https://community.creatio.com/questions/import-photo-image-imageapiserv…


Best regards,


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Does anyone know if there's a way to unmerge the merged contacts?




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Basically, merge deletes all duplicate records from DB, so after records are merged they cannot be restored. You can create a backup before merging records to use it later for restoring data. 

Best regards,


Ah Alright. No worries.

Thanks :)

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Hello community I'm trying show a Contact.Type in a custom profile. But i have a error when put the diff:

		"operation": "insert",
		"name": "ContactType",
		"values": {
			"layout": {
				"colSpan": 24,
				"rowSpan": 1,
				"column": 0,
				"row": 1,
				"layoutName": "UsrLeftContainer"
			"bindTo": "Contact.Type",
			"enabled": true,
			"contentType": 5
		"parentName": "UsrLeftContainer",
		"propertyName": "items",
		"index": 0

And the console return me:

Heading for label Contact.Type not found.


Is something worn in the code?






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Unfortunately, the out-of-the-box system doesn't allow displaying linked fields. If you want to do this, you need to create a custom control that will process the linked field. If you want only show the value without a modification option, please consider creating a new field linked to an attribute (virtual column). This way you'll need to fill the attribute in with the needed value with a method. Please search the "dependencies" keyword in an out-of-the-box js code for more information. 

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I am curious if anyone in the community has found a good approach for marketing to contacts (or leads) that have no names but only email addresses?  The business case is that you have people sign up for say newsletters via a landing page, but you will not be collecting any first, last or full name, just an email address.  The system is setup to send marketing emails to contacts, and by default, the platform requires a full name for contact (a lead does not require a full name).  I am wondering how one would go about marketing via campaigns to these newsletter sign ups?  Change the system to allow no name?  Could complicate things with duplicate efforts etc…   Leverage leads and find a way for the campaigns audience to consume these leads?  Not sure if possible.   Or an entire custom package for collecting and sending emails and access



Dear Stephen,

To be able to send the emails after the lead is created, a contact must be created. But if you do not want to collect such info or add some fields that are requiered for contact creation, you can simply set some default values to these fields.

For example, you can set the default values for the lead cell like Contact name. Then it is not obligatory to add this field to your landing.

Otherwise, you can set the default values for the contact on the object level through the configuration:

In such a way it won't be obligatory to get the full name of the contacts to be filled in on the landing page.

Best regards,




True, I figured could that, however, I can see that using default values could impact duplication efforts or make them more complicated.  e.g. 100-2000 contacts with a full name of "No Name".  Additionally the data and it's intergerity become harder to work with especially mixed with real contact values.  Even allowing name as optional at the contact level (another thought I had), is uninviting per the same reasoning.

I guess I am basically trying to create a subscription list mutually execlusive of contacts.  I figured this would be a unique customization to create a subscriber list object.  the question is how.

I know the audience for campaigns is tied to contacts, so is it possible for the campaign emailing functionality to point a new object like that for emails as an audience via customization?  Or am I looking at cloning a lot of the campiagn features to create a separate "campaign" setup just for subscriptions?  The end result would be sending emails out through the same email service...under the campaign section or a new subscription section.


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I've set up the email intergration with bpm'online but for some reason not all emails get connected to the contacts. Consequently, these emails do not appear under the history tab and we can't track all activities. Please help to fix it!



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Hello Cathie,

The [Email] detail is not displayed for contacts who have the “Employee” value specified in the [Type] filed, and the “Our company” value specified in the account profile.

So that the emails won’t be automatically connected to these contacts.

Please get more detailed information of how the fields of emails are filled in following this link: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/sales-commerce/7-9/how-fields-uploaded-emails-are-filled#XREF_97088_bpm_online_email

You can also create your own rules to make the emails connected to the system objects: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/sales-commerce/7-9/how-set-rules-connecting-emails-other-system-objects

Best regards,


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Is it possible to to import/export the info from the Connected to detail in the Contacts section?



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Hi Sam,

  • To import the information to the ‘Connected to’ detail, you need to create an Excel file with 4 columns. For example:

When you open System designer - Data import, please choose Realtionship object to import data to:

Then you need to establish the matching between Excel file columns and corresponding data in the system.

After you set up duplicates search rules, please import the data.

  • To export this data to the file, please open System designer – Lookups and click on New lookup.

Then create a new lookup based on the Relationship object. 

When you create a lookup, you can export the data to the file.

Best regards, 



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