I've been stuck quite sometime on this particular error while installing/configuring Creatio for On-Site development. 
Inside the ConnectionString.config file, I changed a couple of parameters in "db" section to be able to connect MSSQL server via SQL Authentication by replacing Integrated Security=SSPI to User Id and Password. however, to no avail I am still getting this error (Image attached), which i couldn't find mentioned anywhere else in this forum.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

ConnectionString.config "db" string:

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Please specify if you are trying to deploy an existing site's database based on binary files? Or are you deploying a new environment from scratch?

Mira Dmitruk,


I'm deploying a new environment from scratch, I have the Creatio binary files (zip) version included a database file to restore.

Yanuar Adinagoro Vishnu Saputro,



This error indicates that you are trying to install version 8.1.2 when the Database is still on version 8.1.1. 

Please correct the settings using our documentation: 


Have a nice day! 

Hanna Skalko,


I see, I should use the newest database included with version 8.1.2, right? I wasn't aware of that at first. 
Thank you all, it works now.

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Does any one know how to make bold "new feed notification"  or mark as Unread? 

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Could you please provide more details and/or screenshots of what you would like to achieve?


Best regards,

Hi Yuliya,


what Sergio is asking is to only mark feed notification as read when they are clicked (similar behaviour to monday and other applications). 

Otherwise every time a user opens the tab, all notifications are marked as read, independent of if the user has read it or not.

I also noticed that unlike the instructions (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/creatio-apps/creatio-basics/commun…) the notifications counter is not showing and the new notifictions do not appear as grey. Can this have something to do with the browser that is used?





Luis Tinoco Azevedo,




Unfortunately, so far, there is no possibility of marking notifications unread / marking them as read only after they are clicked. 
We have registered your suggestion on this topic, and our R&D team will consider implementing it in future releases.


As for the Academy article, there is an inaccuracy. The logic with the counter is currently applied only to the Classic UI shell. And the highlighting of the new notification has not been implemented so far.
We apologize for this inconsistency. We have already informed the Academy team about it, and they will correct the article. Also, a separate suggestion was registered for the R&D team on implementing the counter for Freedom UI and adding highlighting.


Thank you for being an active part of the Creatio community!


Best regards,


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Hi guys,


Is there a way to sort a detail by a specific field in Freedom Mobile? I'm using this approach that works in Classic, but it does not seem to work when I switch to the Freedom version:


Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("Account", {
    column: "CreatedOn",
    orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.DESC



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This approach won't work in Freedom UI, this one is for classic UI. Here is the example of the code for ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail out-of-the-box

"ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail": {
                "properties": {"readonly": true},
                "modelConfig": {
                    "path": "ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetailDS",
                    "cacheConfig": {},
                    "sortingConfig": {
                        "default": [{
                            "columnName": "CreatedOn",
                            "direction": "asc"
                        "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail_SortingConfig"
                    "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail_ModelConfig"
                "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail"

added to the MobileCaseRecordPageSettings (edit page of the case section in mobile). The code for your detail should be found in the same schema and modified.

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how to create a process that will be launched manually? 

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Hi Basel,

To create a manually triggering business process, use the simple start signal. Click on the "Run" option to run the business process manually.

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Hi Team,
We have a requirement to implement object permissions for our use case, and I have been working on setting these up. Despite following the documentation provided in the link below, we are encountering issues where the permissions do not seem to be functioning correctly. Specifically, users are able to delete records even when they do not have delete permissions, and similar issues are occurring with other operations.
I followed the guidance in the following documentation: Creatio Object Operation Permissions Documentation
Could you please assist us in resolving this issue?
Thank you!
Best regards,
Bala Koteswarareddy.

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Hi Team,

We have a requirement to implement object permissions for our use case, and I have been working on setting these up. Despite following the documentation provided in the link below, we are encountering issues where the permissions do not seem to be functioning correctly. Specifically, users are able to delete records even when they do not have delete permissions, and similar issues are occurring with other operations.

I followed the guidance in the following documentation: Creatio Object Operation Permissions Documentation

Could you please assist us in resolving this issue?

Thank you!
Best regards,
Asif Shaik

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Best reply

Asif Shaik,

Hello. Your user has System administrators role which by default has permission for operation CanDeleteEverything



Could you please provide us with a screenshot of object permissions for the mentioned object and the screenshot of roles of a user that can delete the records despite not having the rights to do so.


Also, specify if you made sure to run the "Update object permissions" action after setting up the new access rights.

Mira Dmitruk,


Thank you for your response.

I have used a sample object and user for testing purposes. Please find attached the screenshots you requested:

  1. Object Permissions Screenshot:



  2. User Roles Screenshot:


Despite these configurations, the user is still able to delete records. Could you please help me identify what might be going wrong or if there are additional steps I need to follow?

Thank you for your assistance!

Best regards,
Asif Shaik

Asif Shaik,

Hello. Your user has System administrators role which by default has permission for operation CanDeleteEverything

Andrii Orlenko,


Thank you for your valuable input. I realized it was a simple mistake on my part regarding the System administrators role having the CanDeleteEverything permission. I have now corrected it and successfully achieved the desired outcome.

Thank you once again for your assistance!

Best regards,
Asif Shaik

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Please let us know how to display images in Creatio Freedom UI

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Please provide more details regarding your business task. What details and in which section you would like to check?


Best regards,

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Hi everyone,

do someone have an example of the DataSourceLoadOptions that can be used to "set up pagination and sorting"?
As explained at this link: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platform/front-end-development/freedom-ui/data-sources/crud-operations/references/model-class-js



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Best reply



Here is a handler that will trigger calling the model load with the sorting using the "Name" column from the "Account" entity in the ascending order with row offset 15 and 1 record fetch:

				"request": "usr.TriggerCustomRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("Account");
					const accounts = await accountModel.load({
							attributes: ['Id', 'Name'],
							options: {
								pagingConfig: {
									rowsOffset: 15,
									rowCount: 1
								sortingConfig: {
									columns: [
											columnName: "Name",
											direction: "asc"
					return next?.handle(request);



Here is a handler that will trigger calling the model load with the sorting using the "Name" column from the "Account" entity in the ascending order with row offset 15 and 1 record fetch:

				"request": "usr.TriggerCustomRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					const accountModel = await sdk.Model.create("Account");
					const accounts = await accountModel.load({
							attributes: ['Id', 'Name'],
							options: {
								pagingConfig: {
									rowsOffset: 15,
									rowCount: 1
								sortingConfig: {
									columns: [
											columnName: "Name",
											direction: "asc"
					return next?.handle(request);

Hi Oleg, is there a way to retrieve distinct values modifying the "options"? How can I do it?

Luca Tavasanis,

Unfortunately, there is no way to apply distinct using the SDK model. 

We've registered the idea to our R&D team and hope to see the realization in the nearest releases. Thank you for making us better!

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Sub: Creatio Instance very slow/Not working


We have installed Creatio version 8.1.2 version with MSSQL DB in virtual machine, but once logged into 3 or 4 users at a time the instance is not working. Could you please help on this.


After restart the Redis and Application Pool it is working as expected.

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It would be better to contact Creatio support regarding this issue.
Or double-check that you installed the application correctly https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/setup-and-administration/on-site-d…

Hi Dmytro,

Okay, could you please share your inputs on this apart from above comments.

Bala Koteswarareddy,




Please take a look at this article https://weblogs.asp.net/owscott/windows-8-iis-8-concurrent-requests-limit


In fact, IIS on different OS supports different numbers of concurrent connections, resulting in the fact that when the limit is reached, new requests won't be processed, the UI that sends these requests will not respond, and the Creatio Instance will be very slow/not working.

This is the only possible explanation of why this issue occurs.

@Oleg Drobina,


Thank you for your inputs.

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Hello everyone,


I need to pass text values as parameters to the Run Process. How can this be achieved? Please refer to the image below for context.

On click of the Login button the "GUMU Authentication" process is triggered , I want to send the username and password entered by the user.


I am new to Creatio. Is this scenario possible, any other method?


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