Please let me know how to do this: We have this Order Management (Order Allotment) in which employees are assigned in list below (GlbAssignedCatchers) of field from our Team lookup (every team has different number of employees), Let us know if we can save all of these catchers from GlbAssignedCatcher into a field on Order Allotment like (Catcher 1 / Catcher 2 / Catcher 3 / So on..) So that we can display all list of catchers in our list (on 2nd picture). This would help us alot. The main thing we are concerned is that, the number of catchers are different in every team and how we can get them all. Picture 2:

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Thank you for your question. We have analyzed your problem and, unfortunately, there is currently no such possibility in the application.

However, we understand that this is not ideal for your specific needs.

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. We understand the importance of providing our clients with the best possible experience and will work hard to implement the changes you have suggested.

Thank you again for bringing this to our attention, and please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.

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Hi All,


Is there any way to configure the comboboxes inside the Grid in a similar way we configure the ones in a page?


I'd like to be able to configure these 2 properties:

  • "showValueAsLink" 
  • "isAddAllowed"
  • Thanks!
Like 0




Thank you for your question. To provide a more detailed analysis, could you please clarify the following:

  1. 1. We need screenshots of the specific functionality you require.
  2. 2. Please specify whether this functionality is needed in the Freedom UI or the Classic UI.

Your cooperation will help us assist you more effectively.

Thank you!

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I would like to add link to Entity page (Using lookup field) in auto generated page but i want  this item be a read only one

Is it possible?


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Could you please describe what exactly your business idea is in more detail, provide a screenshot with example where and how you want to set this up?

Mira Dmitruk,

I create such page

the claim request field is link to entity page

byt i can change it I would like it to be readonly

Regards Tomek

Tomasz Branicki,

I believe the only way to accomplish this is to use a preconfigured page instead of autogenerated. 


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I know the Modified By field shows the last to modify a case.

I'm trying to find out how I can track users who may have modified a case multiple times.


If User A modifies a case, the User B modifies the same case, I want to be able to track (either exporting to excel or in a graph/dashboard) and record that User A did modify that case, even if User B was the last to do so.


Is this possible? Every combination I can come up with seems to only track the last to modify a case.

Like 0



You can set logging up on the object (and specific columns) under 'change log' although I am not sure how easy it is to export from there. Alternatively you could create a detail/section linked to Case (Case Audit) and have a business process that writes specific changes (like modified by) when a record is modified.

Hi Jason,

To track multiple modifications by different users in the "Case" section, enable the change log and add all the columns you need to monitor for modifications.

Rob Watson,

Thank you, I'm working with the logging now.

Goparna Nasina,

Thank you, working with the logging now.

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Добрий день. Намагаюсь зробити БП для створення нового Ліда з вхідного повідомлення на електронну адресу, але не можу зрозуміти до якої умови я маю причепитись в об'єкті Email повідомлення? 

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Добрий день!

Ви можете створити бізнес-процес для створення нового ліда на основі тригера — створення нового запису в об'єкті "Emil повідомлення".

Ви можете зчитати дані з пов'язаної з ним "Активності", щоб отримати відповідну інформацію, таку як тема, пов'язаний контакт/обліковий запис (якщо такий є), і включити це в процес створення ліда як параметр.

Класичним випадком було б перевіряти, чи є у темі повідомлення ключові слова для створення ліда.

На зображеннях нижче я надав приклади того, як буде виглядати такий тригер.

How to select activity subject

Email trigger



Andrii Kurta,

Добрий день. Дякую. Необхідний лист через Активність Кому отримую. Далі питання, як я з нього отримаю Тему листа - Хочу зробити її назвою Ліда наприклад. Контакт, хто надіслав створити контакт з його данними.

Потім вичитую дані з листа


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Hi Team, 
I want to style my dropdown which has element code : "Usrcodedropdowncode" 
Can you please provide your inputs to achieve this?
Thank you, 

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Best reply

Hello Asif,

I've found an excellent article by Ryan Farley that explains how to add custom CSS style sheets in Creatio. It may help you to understand how styling works.

P.S. Logic in Classic and FreedomUI is quite the same for this task. 


Hello Asif,

I've found an excellent article by Ryan Farley that explains how to add custom CSS style sheets in Creatio. It may help you to understand how styling works.

P.S. Logic in Classic and FreedomUI is quite the same for this task. 


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I'm getting  "The system setting ExchangeListenerURI is not populated" error when I add new email account.
I'm using 8.1.1 version and postgre SQL database.


Asif Shaik

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Hey, everyone. 
I've been on this for a while now, but I can't figure it out. 


I've got this workflow from my print, and it has the following function: 

  • Get the information from a newly created entry on the object "Class"
  • Reading the information from "Class level" (it has the quantity of classes said level needs and what's the starting "Class number" that it must have),
  • Create "classroom" entries based on the "starting date" (it's a property from "Class") and "days of the week with time" (I've made it so that my object "Class" had a boolean for each day and a "time" for each day too ).


Does anyone knows how to construct a "Scripted task" (I belive that it is the ONLY way I can make it work) to do that? 



Business process:


Class table information, regarding how I've constructed the Day of the week + hour;

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There is no need to use a script task here. A simple sub-process call with mass creation of records using the "Add data" element will also work as expected. 


If you want to use the code:


See example 6

EntitySchema contactSchema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Contact");
Entity contactEntity = contactSchema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
contactEntity.SetColumnValue("Name", "User01");


The things to change here are the entity name and the column values (and column names).

Hey, Kalymbet! 
Many thanks for the response. 
I'll try it and come back here later today to coment! 

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I'm trying to deploy de Identity Service to be able to use the external Outh 2.0 authorization and im using the docker deploy option but when i run the container, i got the error "It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). Error connecting right now."


I also tried to  modify the redis connectio string with my value in the ConnectionString.config file of my main creatio application but dosen't work.


I was following this documentation


the documentation for docker deploy dont show anything about redis.


Would apprecite your help. 

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For Identity service, is there no need to use Redis. Please remove any mention of Redis in the Identity service setup.

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I added virtual Detail and after filling the object it displays all records. On not Virtual details recoreds are displayed with amount of 10 and after clicking "Show More" it shows another 10. Bassicaly I want the same  logic for my Virtual Detail. I tried to set "RowCount" to 10 but it did not work.

Is it possible to add record limitation as it works in  not virtual detail with rowcount 10

 define("UsrFinancialAccountsVirtualDetail", ['ContactPageV2' ], function(ContactPageV2) {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrFinancialAccountsVirtualObject",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "LoadGridButton",
                "parentName": "Detail",
                "propertyName": "tools",
                "values": {
                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.LoadGridButtonCaption"},
                    "click": {"bindTo": "onLoadGridButtonClick"},
		attributes: {
			IsGridEmpty: {
                    dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
                    value: true
		methods: {
     		sortColumn: this.Terrasoft.emptyFn,
            loadGridData: this.Terrasoft.emptyFn,
			      getRowCount: function() {
					return 10;
            init: function() {
                this.set("IsGridEmpty", true);
                this.set("IsGridDataLoaded", true);
			onLoadGridButtonClick: function() {
				var _branchVirtualObject = this;
				this.set("MaskId",{timeout: 0}));
				var baseSecret = Terrasoft.SysSettings.cachedSettings.baseSecret;
    			var baseUrl = Terrasoft.SysSettings.cachedSettings.baseUrl;
                        type: "GET",
                        url: `**************************************`,
                        headers: {
                            "Content-Type": "application/json",
                            "Accept-Language": "ru-RU"
                        dataType: "json",
                        success: function(getAccountsResponse) {
							if(getAccountsResponse.status.code == 1 &&{
								let accountsData =
                        error: function(getCardsResponse) {
				fallbackOnError: function(message, response) {
				this.showInformationDialog(message, null, { style: Terrasoft.MessageBoxStyles.RED });
				var data =[]; => {
					const tempObj = {
						UsrAccountId: x.accountId,
						UsrIndex: x.index,
						UsrBalance: x.balance,
						UsrStatus: x.status,
						UsrCurrency: x.currency,
						UsrType: x.type,
						UsrBankAccountNumber: x.UsrBankAccountNumber,						
					}	;					
				var newCollection = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Collection");
				Terrasoft.each(data, function(item, key) {
					var model = Ext.create("Terrasoft.BaseViewModel", {
						rowConfig: {
							UsrId: {
								columnPath: "UsrId",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.GUID
							UsrAccountId: {
								columnPath: "UsrAccountId",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT
							UsrIndex: {
								columnPath: "UsrIndex",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.GUID
							UsrBalance: {
								columnPath: "UsrBalance",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT
							UsrStatus: {
								columnPath: "UsrStatus",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT
							UsrCurrency: {
								columnPath: "UsrCurrency",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT
							UsrType: {
								columnPath: "UsrType",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT
							UsrBankAccountNumber: {
								columnPath: "UsrBankAccountNumber",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN
						values: {
							UsrId: Terrasoft.generateGUID(),
							UsrAccountId: item.UsrAccountId,
							UsrIndex: item.UsrIndex,
							UsrBalance: item.UsrBalance,
							UsrStatus: item.UsrStatus,
							UsrCurrency: item.UsrCurrency,
							UsrType: item.UsrType,
							UsrBankAccountNumber: item.UsrBankAccountNumber,
					}, this);
					newCollection.add(model.get("Id"), model);
				var response = {
					collection: newCollection,
					success: true,
					errorInfo: undefined,
				this.set("IsGridLoading", false);
                 this.set("IsGridDataLoaded", true);
				 this.set("IsGridEmpty", false);
				this.set("IsDetailCollapsed", false);
				this.set("RowCount", 10);
				this.updateLoadedGridData(response, this.onGridDataLoaded, this);
Like 0



You can use my code as an example to implement your logic:

define("UsrSchema27d9d5e6Detail", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrTestDetail",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "LoadGridButton",
                "parentName": "Detail",
                "propertyName": "tools",
                "values": {
                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.LoadGridButtonCaption"},
                    "click": {"bindTo": "onLoadGridButtonClick"},
					"enabled": {"bindTo": "isLoadGridButtonEnabled"},
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "LoadNextRecords",
                "parentName": "Detail",
                "propertyName": "tools",
                "values": {
                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.LoadNextRecords"},
                    "click": {"bindTo": "onLoadNextRecordsButtonClick"},
					"enabled": {"bindTo": "isLoadNextRecordsButtonEnabled"},
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "ClearGridData",
                "parentName": "Detail",
                "propertyName": "tools",
                "values": {
                    "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
                    "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.ClearGridData"},
                    "click": {"bindTo": "onClearGridDataButtonClick"},
					"enabled": {"bindTo": "isClearGridDataButtonEnabled"},
		attributes: {
			IsGridEmpty: {
                    dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
                    value: true
			NumberOfClicks: {
				dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.INTEGER,
				value: 0
			NumberOfRecordsToDisplay: {
				dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.INTEGER,
				value: 10
			CanLoadGridData: {
				dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
				value: true
			ObjectsCollection: {
				dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.COLLECTION,
				value: [
						UsrName: "1111",
						UsrIntColumn: 1
						UsrName: "Test2",
						UsrIntColumn: 24
						UsrName: "Test3",
						UsrIntColumn: 34
						UsrName: "Test4",
						UsrIntColumn: 44
						UsrName: "Test5",
						UsrIntColumn: 54
						UsrName: "Test6",
						UsrIntColumn: 64
						UsrName: "Test7",
						UsrIntColumn: 74
						UsrName: "Test8",
						UsrIntColumn: 84
						UsrName: "Test9",
						UsrIntColumn: 94
						UsrName: "Test10",
						UsrIntColumn: 104
						UsrName: "Test11",
						UsrIntColumn: 114
						UsrName: "Test12",
						UsrIntColumn: 124
						UsrName: "Test13",
						UsrIntColumn: 124
						UsrName: "Test14",
						UsrIntColumn: 124
						UsrName: "Test15",
						UsrIntColumn: 124
						UsrName: "Test16",
						UsrIntColumn: 124
						UsrName: "Test17",
						UsrIntColumn: 124
		methods: {
			isClearGridDataButtonEnabled: function() {
				var numberOfClicks = this.get("NumberOfClicks");
				var canLoadMoreData = this.get("CanLoadGridData");
				return numberOfClicks != 0 && !canLoadMoreData;
			isLoadGridButtonEnabled: function() {
				var numberOfClicks = this.get("NumberOfClicks");
				var canLoadMoreData = this.get("CanLoadGridData");
				return numberOfClicks == 0;
			isLoadNextRecordsButtonEnabled: function() {
				var numberOfClicks = this.get("NumberOfClicks");
				var canLoadMoreData = this.get("CanLoadGridData");
				return numberOfClicks != 0 && canLoadMoreData;
			processObjectsCollection: function(collection, numberOfRecordsToLoad, skipRecordsNumber) {
				var newCollection = Ext.create("Terrasoft.Collection");
				Terrasoft.each(collection, function(item, key) {
					if (key < numberOfRecordsToLoad && key >= skipRecordsNumber) {
						var model = Ext.create("Terrasoft.BaseViewModel", {
						rowConfig: {
							Id: {
								columnPath: "Id",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.GUID
							UsrName: {
								columnPath: "UsrName",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT
							UsrIntColumn: {
								columnPath: "UsrIntColumn",
								dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.INTEGER
						values: {
							Id: Terrasoft.generateGUID(),
							UsrName: item.UsrName,
							UsrIntColumn: item.UsrIntColumn,
					}, this);
						newCollection.add(model.get("Id"), model);
				return newCollection;
			processNumberOfClicks: function() {
				var numberOfClicks = this.get("NumberOfClicks");
				var numberOfRecordsToDisplay = this.get("NumberOfRecordsToDisplay");
				var numberOfRecordsToLoad = (numberOfClicks + 1) * numberOfRecordsToDisplay;
				var numberOfRecordsToSkip = numberOfClicks * numberOfRecordsToDisplay;
				this.set("NumberOfClicks", numberOfClicks + 1);
				var result = {
					NumberOfRecordsToLoad: numberOfRecordsToLoad,
					NumberOfRecordsToSkip: numberOfRecordsToSkip
				return result;
			processDataLoadRequest: function() {
				var offsetFetchValue = this.processNumberOfClicks();
				var numberOfRecordsToLoad = offsetFetchValue.NumberOfRecordsToLoad;
				var skipRecordsNumber = offsetFetchValue.NumberOfRecordsToSkip;
				var object = this.get("ObjectsCollection");
				var processedCollection = this.processObjectsCollection(object, numberOfRecordsToLoad, skipRecordsNumber);
				var processedCollectionLength = processedCollection?.length;
				var response = {
					collection: processedCollection,
					success: true,
					errorInfo: undefined
				this.updateLoadedGridData(response, this.onGridDataLoaded, this);
				return processedCollectionLength != 10;
			onClearGridDataButtonClick: function() {
				const gridData = this.getGridData();
				this.set("NumberOfClicks", 0);
				this.set("CanLoadGridData", true);
			onLoadGridButtonClick: function() {
				this.set("CanLoadMoreData", false);
			onLoadNextRecordsButtonClick: function() {
				var result = this.processDataLoadRequest();
				if (result) {
					this.set("CanLoadGridData", false);

The code is simple to read, and everything should be clear. The number of records to load per LoadNextRecords button click is controlled in the NumberOfRecordsToDisplay attribute. The idea was to add 3 buttons:


1) LoadGridButton performs the initial data load. Becomes disabled once it's clicked.

2) LoadNextRecords loads the next 10 records from the ObjectsCollection attribute. It becomes disabled once all records are displayed.

3) ClearGridData performs data grid clear, and data loading can start from the beginning. It is enabled only when all records are loaded into the grid.

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg, it works.

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