The records of associations in the MailboxFoldersCorrespondence and ActivityFolder tables exist, but when an email arrives, the Activity is not linked to the ActivityFolder, ActivityInFolder is empty. As a result, all emails are not associated with the folder on the mail server in which they are located.

How can I fix it?


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Dear Sergey,


Could you please provide us with an example and more details of this issue?


Thank you in advance!

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Greetings, we want to setup a trigger campaign to send to those members that turn 18 years of age. We have a dynamic folder setup for just these audiences. The question is, what would be the correct filter logic? This is what is currently setup in Creatio so far.


Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Could you clarify whether the goal is to send emails to the contact specifically on their birthday, or is it to send a newsletter to all contacts who have turned 18 this year?

Pavlo Sokil,

The goal is to send emails to the contacts that meet this criteria on their birthday or two days after their birthday.

Lucas Centeno,


Unfortunately, regular filtering won't work for these purposes.

 However, you can implement the following approach:

Create a separate column of type "Date" in the "Contact" object, for example, "18YearsDate," and populate it using a business process.

 This process should take the birth date from the "Birth Date" column, add 18 years to it, and set this value in the "18YearsDate" column. After that, you can set up a filter as follows:

18YearsDate = Today 
 18YearsDate = Tomorrow, etc.

You can implement this calculation for the column using a formula  in the business process.

I hope this helps!

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Can Some one guid me through screenshot

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To format values in a printable you need to create a macro. The macro will format the value when placed into the Word doc when the printable is run. See an example here:


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I have a Freedom UI Page with a city field filter to show only US cities. If the user starts typing a city that belongs to more than 1 state, the user does not have a way of choosing the right one, without using the search icon where, by default we have the state shown on the search results. 


Ideally, we just want to display the state on the search results and not on the city field itself on the page, as we do have another field showing the State for the city selected.







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yes, adding the view for more columns in the dropdown field would be great !

We created a dedicated task for our R&D team in order for them to review the possibility of adding this logic to a dropdown list. For now, you can use "Selection window"

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Does Creatio can counts in years? I would like count how many years "Contacts" have.

Like it works for days - .Totaldays

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Please provide us with a little bit more information on your task, so we can better understand your idea.

Hi. I have a day of birthday filed in Contacts. And I want send a reminder po responsable for the contacts when left 7 day to day of birthday. My idea is create a BP which will start at 1:00 everyday and analizing this field.

Antonii Viazovskyi,

Hi. I have a day of birthday filed in Contacts. And I want send a reminder po responsable for the contacts when left 7 day to day of birthday. My idea is create a BP which will start at 1:00 everyday and analizing this field.

Дмитро Вовченко,

This functionality can only be implemented by development tools. We advise you to pay attention to how the GenerateAnniversaryRemindings business process is implemented and use it as an example.

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Hello friends!


We've been working on creating custom branded mobile applications for android and iOS.  Still working on finishing iOS, but Android is done, with the exception of one issue that I cannot resolve.  Everything is branded using our images, with the exception of the launcher icon itself.  I added all of our custom images to the src folder and all of the images in the application were updated as expected (including notification icons). Any icon used for the launcher should be in the "mipmap_xxxx" folders and we have added equivalents in the SDKConsoleUtility/src folder.  We know this is working, since the notification icons are using our custom icons.  As a final attempt, I replaced every instance of a creatio icon image I could find in all of the source repository files and still the launcher icon is the creatio icon.  

Has anyone successfully custom branded the mobile app for Android and was able to use a custom application launcher icon?

As a reference, we've been following the academy article here:  Brand and publish mobile apps basics | Creatio Academy

Please let me know what I'm missing.

Thank you!



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Hello Jeremy,

To change the launcher icon you have to specify the "app_icon_path" in the SDK.config file from the article that you've mentioned

For example:

"app_icon_path": "../res/AppIcon.png"


Hi Anhelina


The config value "app_icon_path"  is for iOS only, according to the documentation here: SDKConsole utility parameters | Creatio Academy


For Android, there is a value for "native_resources_path" that is the path to the src folder with the custom image resources.  This value is set and working as all of other images in the app have been referencing our custom images there. It's just not using our image for the application launcher icon.


Any ideas?


Jeremy Couzens,

It usually works with native_resources_path for Android. The default folder is res/android/res, and folders with resources should be placed inside, as is done in Android projects. The directory can contain subdirectories with drawable, drawable-xhdpi, and other icons.

Maybe the reason is the file type? You can use the xml and webp
In another case, it's hard to understand the reason remotely.

Hi Jeremy, 

I'm currently working on the branding of the mobile application. 
Can you tell me how did you change the login page logo, by default it's the bpm'online logo and I cannot make it change to our custom image.

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On a page, I want to be able to create a pop-up after a certain action, and also, after completing another separate action, to refresh the page. I have 2 business processes, which post the messages using Script Tasks

First Business process:
var userConnection = Get("UserConnection");
Terrasoft.Configuration.MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessage(userConnection,"PopupReturnedMailSent", "Mail has been sent to client!");
return true;

Second Business process:
var userConnection = Get("UserConnection");
return true;

In my client module, I wrote the following code:
init: function() {

    Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onServerMessageReceived, this);

onServerMessageReceived: function(scope, message) {
    var sender = message && message.Header.Sender;

    if (sender === "PopupReturnedFlowApiError") {
        Terrasoft.showInformation("An error occured. Please retry."); //Opportunity Inactive

    if (sender === "RefreshPage") {

destroy: function() {
    Terrasoft.ServerChannel.un(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onServerMessageReceived, this);

subscribeForWebsocketEvents: function() {                 
                                    this.onWebsocketMessage, this);             
unsubscribeForWebsocketEvents: function() {                 
                                    this.onWebsocketMessage, this);             

I get the following error in the console:

The functionality is still working, but I get these errors in console. I noticed that the Refresh sender doesn't need subscribeForWebsocketEvents and unsubscribeForWebsocketEvents functions, but I think these are needed for the pop-up sender.

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In the subscribeForWebsocketEvents and unSubscribeForWebsocketEvents you're referencing a function named onWebsocketMessage but your actual function is named onServerMessageReceived.

That is the cause of the error. Update those functions to use onServerMessageReceived.


Good morning Ryan Farley,


Thank you, I thought onWebsocketMessage is a core function that must be called for pop-up, but it works without it, as you said :)


Final code:

init: function() {
	// register our function to receive messages
	Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onServerMessageReceived, this);
onServerMessageReceived: function(scope, message) {
	var sender = message && message.Header.Sender;
	if (sender === "PopupReturnedFlowApiError") {
		Terrasoft.showInformation("An error occured. Please retry.");
	if (sender === "RefreshPage") {
destroy: function() {
	// unregister so we no longer get messages
	Terrasoft.ServerChannel.un(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onServerMessageReceived, this);
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I think I miss something in configuration byt i have no idea what.
1. First i add new language to local dev environment.
2. I add translations
3. I run apply translation.
4.Download package to file system.
5. resources has been created (of course xml) and descriptor as well.
6. Add language to TST environment.

7. Load package.

8. No translation has been added.

any ideas why?


File attachments
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Could you compare the language ID in the TST environment with the dev environment?

The language should have the same ID.

You can add data binding with the culture record to the package to achieve this.

Thanks Alona,
I am a little bit confused because in translation xml there is only language code not Id but I try

Regars Tomek

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In My on-premises Instance, I have performed the below steps.


  1. Updated the below system settings 




  1. I have installed Docker Desktop software and downloaded the "Creatio Email Listener". I successfully launched the CreatioEmail container.
  2. However, we encountered an error while configuring the 0/ServiceModel/ExchangeListenerService.svc file in the web configuration.


Updated the below tags in Web.conf file:

   <serviceHostingEnvironment minFreeMemoryPercentageToActivateService="1" aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="True" multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="True" />
   <extensions configSource="Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\Extensions.config" />
       <service name="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.ServiceModel.AuthService" behaviorConfiguration="RestServiceBehavior">
           <endpoint name="AuthServiceEndPoint" address="" binding="webHttpBinding" behaviorConfiguration="RestServiceBehavior" bindingNamespace="http://Terrasoft.WebApp.ServiceModel" contract="Terrasoft.Core.ServiceModelContract.IAuthServiceEx" />
       <service name="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.ServiceModel.TotpSetupService">
           <endpoint name="TotpSetupServiceEndPoint" address="" binding="webHttpBinding" behaviorConfiguration="RestServiceBehavior" bindingNamespace="http://Terrasoft.WebApp.ServiceModel" contract="Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.ServiceModel.TotpSetupService" />
       <service name="MyNamespace.MyServiceType" behaviorConfiguration="MyServiceTypeBehaviors">
           <endpoint contract="IMetadataExchange" binding="mexHttpBinding" address="mex" />
           <behavior name="RestServiceBehavior">
               <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
               <!-- Add other behaviors if needed -->
           <behavior name="MyServiceTypeBehaviors">
               <serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true" />
   <bindings configSource="Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\http\bindings.config" />


Error message:


user: Default_user/1B4B9325-66CC-DF11-9B2A-001D60E938C6 file: http://localhost/core/hash/ng-core/src/polyfills.js line: 1 column: 21234 message: Uncaught Terrasoft.UnauthorizedException:
date: Tue Jun 18 2024 12:31:37 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) stack: undefined


We followed the below Link:,and%20controlled%20use%20of%20resources.



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We recommend updating the Email Listener to the latest version. 

To install the module, request the helm package from Creatio support.  


The address for Creatio support is

We have raised an #SR-01305366 

The issue has been resolved.
Note: Once we successfully registered the Docker repository, we were able to configure the email listener for Creatio.

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We have a campaign that pulls new members that have purchased product A. They run through an onboarding process and upon completion based on their journey in the campaign flow, they exit the campaign. See below.

Is there a way (filter criteria) to ensure that those who go through the process once do not go through it again if they make a future purchase? Thanks in advance for any insight.




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Best reply

Ryan Farley,

Thank you kind sir. Greatly appreciated.

Make sure this option on the element to enter the campaign is NOT checked (which is the default). Then it will prevent contacts from re-entering the campaign even if they fit the criteria again. 


Ryan Farley,

Thank you kind sir. Greatly appreciated.

Ryan Farley,

Question, since this campaign I noted above will be duplicated to run quarterly, will that have any impact?

If you have different, separate campaigns hat have those same conditions, the system will only know if a contact has entered a single campaign before (it doesn't know anything about whether you want to prevent a contact from entering those). You'd need to add to the conditions for entering the campaigns that the contact wasn't a participant in the other campaigns.

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