Hi all, 

Does anyone have any updates on when/if Creatio is planning to implement excel reporting functionality that is fit for the year of 2024 and should be mandatory in ANY enterprise CRM... 


The existing marketplace app is entirely insufficient and has not been updated in many years. 


The reporting via the list page has also gone with freedom UI. 


When people ask me about reporting, I am embarrassed to answer. 

Really hoping this is on the roadmap somewhere...



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I would love to see something official on this as well. IMO it's something that is very much needed. DevExpress and FastReports were a bit clunky and difficult, but definitely provided the capability to do real reporting. I am not sure why those were removed, but I'd love to see the return of something similar. We've pushed Word printables based on views and macros to the limits and Excel reports isn't the same, not to mention it's too limited and doesn't work with the OOTB Process File element in processes.


Yes please, one of the most lacking feature for an enterprise grade CRM

We also extremely need this feature. Maybe not Excel, but a new generation of lists and pivots as in classic UI

Hi all,


My friends of Banza are almost ready to launch Banza Report Generator for Creatio, it allows you to configure report export based on any data from the system, and such export can be performed both by users and automatically according to a configured schedule.


Use cases:

  • * Generating reports and print-ready documents based on section records.
  • * Make printing, reporting, importing, and exporting your data easily.
  • * Creating templates for your documents with the ability to select the data you want to integrate into the document from your database.


Key Features:

* Creating reports based on data from any system object (table or view) in xlsx, csv, docx, and txt formats.

* Using any Excel file (with formatting, pivot tables, and graphs) as a template for generating a report.

* Advanced custom filter settings: custom filter dependency setting, limiting the list of valid custom filter values, setting the mandatory filter and determining the mandatory nature of one filter from a group, defining values for automatic substitution.

* The advanced setting of report columns: the ability to impose a condition for displaying a value in a column, sorting the uploaded values by specified fields, taking into account their priorities, replacing exported values with specified alternative values, and combining values into one column.

* Generate reports according to a set schedule (you can set the day of the week and time or in cron format) and save them to a specified folder.

* Email notification to the user about the completion of the report generation process.

* Storing the history of report generation.

* Setting access rights to reports.

* Quick report generation from any section of the system.



I think we should build it. Many companies have excel add ins for this. There is plenty of documentation on how do build Excel addons. Who is in?

Thank you for the comments all. Hopefully senior Creatio staff do visit this community and actually see and hear what their customers want. 

I still find it frustrating that development resource is clearly being spent on modules such as AI App generation and ‘copilot’, rather than key missing pieces. 

Coincidently, i’ve not heard anything on copilot moving into production since the demo, but maybe others have(?)…

With all the investment in Creatio, it seems like the promised monthly updates have got even more infrequent over the last 12 months…

Great to hear that Banza have a tool planned though and the features sound decent. 

fingers crossed for more features in Q3!




How are you? Hope you are doing well. Did you check this connector: https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/looker-studio-connector-creatio

It is very helpful for reports. Basically from Looker Studio you get all the data from Creatio and you could use all Looker Studio capabilities: https://cloud.google.com/looker-studio?hl=en


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We are encountering issues where the windows for system users, lookups, system settings, and process logs are not opening. Can you please provide assistance with resolving this?


File attachments
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Please send us a screenshot of your console at the time the issue is reproduced.

Hi Malika,
Please find the attached .rar file for console screenshots

Bala Koteswarareddy,



Unfortunately, the file cannot be attached here. Could you please provide a screenshot of the console at the time the issue is reproduced?

Thank you for your response. The issue was resolved after redeploying the telephone connectors(VELVETEL connector for Creatio)

You need to refresh your pages, from some time ago, Creatio have this behavior

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Please advise on how to set up default image display on both the Form Page and List Page using Freedom UI in Creatio.

We have followed the below article in Creatio.



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Please note that the article you mentioned is outdated. Please try to follow the instructions from the up-to-date article below and let us know if questions appear.


This page is missing !!

Pranshu Basak,

Please advise what issue you have and what page is missing so we can provide you with the appropriate resolution.

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I've read the article created by Creatio Academy https://academy.creatio.com/docs/7-17/developer/application_components/static_content_bundling/overview , but I'm confused about how to configure the content service on my local site. Can anyone explain step by step how to configure static content?

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To configure the static content bundling service on your local site, you need to follow these steps: 

1. Download the `contentservice.zip` archive from the provided link: [contentservice.zip](https://academy.creatio.com/sites/default/files/documents/downloads/SDK/contentservice.zip). 

2. Unpack the archive to an arbitrary directory, for example, `\opt\services`. 

3. Configure the necessary parameters in the `appsettings.json` file located in the `\etc\content-watcher` directory. 

4. Specify the required parameters in the `.\docker-compose\*.env` file, such as `ContentServicePort` and `ContentPath`. 

5. Download the required docker service images by running the command `docker-compose pull` in the directory where the configuration files are deployed, for example, `\opt\services`. 

6. Start the services by running the command `docker-compose up -d`. 

7. Verify that the bundling service is deployed correctly by making a GET request to the address `http://{Server IP address}:{CONTENT_SERVICE_PORT}`. 

For example, ``. 

You should receive a "Service is running" response. 


Please note that these steps assume you have a server running a Linux OS with Docker installed and configured.

Kalymbet Anastasia,


Thank you for the answer, but my server is a Windows server, is there a way to configure Static content bundling service on Windows Server?

Thank You


Dwi Ariyanto,


1. Download the `contentservice.zip` archive from the provided link: (https://academy.creatio.com/sites/default/files/documents/downloads/SDK/contentservice.zip). 


2. Extract the contents of the archive to an arbitrary directory on your Windows Server (e.g., `C:\opt\services`).


3. Open the `.\docker-compose\*.env` file in a text editor and specify the following parameters:

 - `ContentServicePort`: The port where the ContentService will run.

 - `ContentPath`: The container's built-in directory of sites and their contents.


4. Configure the list of sites to track using ContentWatcher.


5. Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where the configuration files are deployed (e.g., `C:\opt\services`).


6. Run the following command to download the necessary Docker service images:

  docker-compose pull

7. Start the services by running the following command:
  docker-compose up -d

8. Verify that the bundling service is deployed correctly by making a GET request to the address `http://{Server IP address}:{CONTENT_SERVICE_PORT}`. Replace `{Server IP address}` with the IP address of your server and `{CONTENT_SERVICE_PORT}` with the port specified in the `.\docker-compose\*.env` file.

  For example:


   If the service is deployed correctly, you will receive a "Service is running" response.




Kalymbet Anastasia,

Thank you for the answer, I don't use docker to deploy my application, is there another way?, or is there a way to install docker for creatio on a windows server?

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Hi Community,

is it possible to custom image size ? not using template 'S, M, L, XL' in page No-Code editor, but more like custom value in form page client module or custom css?


I intend to increase the width of the image; the size would be the same as the field width.


Like 2



some example of consuming and capturing that data

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Could you please describe your request in more detail?

I am looking to consume my own or external API that responds with a json and I want that data to be inserted into the datatable or what are the steps

You can add the API endpoints and data sent/returned in the web services area, see https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/customization_tools/web_services/rest/set_up_the_rest_web_service_integration

Then, you can create a process to call the web service and do somehting with the results such as add to a table. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/bpm-tools/process-elements-reference/system-actions/call-web-service-process-element

If the web service returns multiple records in an array, you can pass each result to a subprocess. See https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-collections-from-a-web-service-element-in-a-process-in-creatio/


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We have over thousands of contacts, so we decided to limit user to see contact that built by other team(divisions). But I assume it's prebuilt to make all user to view all the contacts.

So I wonder if that's some way to limit user to read the record?  

Like 1




You can implement this using "Object permissions."

To do this, go to Settings.
Then find the "Object permissions" section.

In Object permissions, locate the "Contact" section.

Set up "Use record permissions" for each role.

For example, I added two roles: "Role1" and "Role2." 

I configured it so that if "Role1" creates a record, other roles cannot see it.
If a user with the "Role2" creates a record, users with "Role1" cannot see the data of this record.

Please note that this is an example; you can modify and adapt this example to suit your needs.

Have a great day!

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In process saving and download file system Creatio create resources for no active languages.


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The resources are loaded because there is localization data in the package.




the problem is that I want to create resources just for languages which are set to active in our project.

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Hello everybody!


I couldn't find anywhere description of checkboxes in page parameters configuration windows in client schema code designer. Working on Freedom UI on 8.1.2 and 8.1.3.

I understand several of them because checbox title pretty much reflects it's purpose.
1. For example, "Required" checkbox makes parameter required for filling on client page. But if it is required it doesn't block saving. So, what's the meaning of this checkbox?
2. Another example is "Copy value" checkbox. It must mean that if I copy record then the parameter value is copied. But right now I see those parameters as virtual columns from Classic UI and don't understand how they possibly be copied if you copy from section list, for example.

3. Another example is "Lazy load". I understand concept of lazy loading (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Performance/Lazy_loading), but I don't understand how it would affect parameter and all related logic in Creatio.


Would really appreciate any information on what each of them do exactly in Creatio system (when are provoked, how affects logic of parameter and etc.).


Checkboxes I'm talking about:

1. Required

2. Resulting

3. Contains performer Id

4. Lazy load

5. Serializable

6. Copy value

Screenshot of window with checkboxes:

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Best reply

Hello Khassan,
Thank you for your question!

[ Required ] Determines whether the value of the parameter must be specified when designing a process diagram or a diagram element.

[ Resulting ] Specifies that the value of this parameter is the result after the execution of the process element.

[ Contains performer Id ] Indicates that the responsible contact ID can be stored in the value of this process element parameter. The property becomes available if you select "Lookup" in the [ Type ] property.

[ Lazy load ] Specifies the load process. If you select the checkbox, Creatio loads the parameter immediately before using it.

[ Serializable ] Determines whether the value of the parameter should be stored in the database. Not supported for interpreted process diagrams. Mapping will not work if the value is false. 

[ Copy value ] Determines how to initialize the value of the parameter when the process element is executed. If the value is true, then when the element is re-executed, the value of the parameter will be determined from the previous iteration of this process element. 

You can read about page parameters here.

Hope this helps.

Hello Khassan,
Thank you for your question!

[ Required ] Determines whether the value of the parameter must be specified when designing a process diagram or a diagram element.

[ Resulting ] Specifies that the value of this parameter is the result after the execution of the process element.

[ Contains performer Id ] Indicates that the responsible contact ID can be stored in the value of this process element parameter. The property becomes available if you select "Lookup" in the [ Type ] property.

[ Lazy load ] Specifies the load process. If you select the checkbox, Creatio loads the parameter immediately before using it.

[ Serializable ] Determines whether the value of the parameter should be stored in the database. Not supported for interpreted process diagrams. Mapping will not work if the value is false. 

[ Copy value ] Determines how to initialize the value of the parameter when the process element is executed. If the value is true, then when the element is re-executed, the value of the parameter will be determined from the previous iteration of this process element. 

You can read about page parameters here.

Hope this helps.

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Hi all,

I have created a process to modify date into a column (Last Action Date). But when this column is empty it has value of 01/01/0001 instead of 0. Which messed another calculation depended on this column. Making the result 700,000 days which is exactly 01/01/2024 minus 01/01/0001.


Could anyone please help me with me this?

(Last Action Date with Empty Value causing conflick result in another calculation.)

(I used to make dialog box to check whether my calculation is correct so we suspect it might relate to to this.)

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"Date/Time", "Date" and "Time" data types in Creatio objects are represented in C# as "DateTime" struct. This struct's value defaults to "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" (reflected in "DateTime.MinValue" property of struct).

When you are working with columns in business-process designer in Creatio you are literally working with C#. That's why you can use formula (which is C# one-line code) in most of places where you work with columns or parameters in business-processes. Check https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/bpm-tools/business-process-setup/process-formulas for more details.

I guess all you need to do is add condition in your calculations that replaces value with 0 if column is empty. It could be something like "if [YourCoumnResult] == DateTime.MinValue ? 0 : [YourCoumnResult]" in your calculations (ternary conditional operator for one-line code). This is just an example, I don't know how you calculate so can't provide related example.

If you can send screenshot of your calculation or describe more precisely how you do it I can help with realizing condition.



"Date/Time", "Date" and "Time" data types in Creatio objects are represented in C# as "DateTime" struct. This struct's value defaults to "1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM" (reflected in "DateTime.MinValue" property of struct).

When you are working with columns in business-process designer in Creatio you are literally working with C#. That's why you can use formula (which is C# one-line code) in most of places where you work with columns or parameters in business-processes. Check https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/bpm-tools/business-process-setup/process-formulas for more details.

I guess all you need to do is add condition in your calculations that replaces value with 0 if column is empty. It could be something like "if [YourCoumnResult] == DateTime.MinValue ? 0 : [YourCoumnResult]" in your calculations (ternary conditional operator for one-line code). This is just an example, I don't know how you calculate so can't provide related example.

If you can send screenshot of your calculation or describe more precisely how you do it I can help with realizing condition.

Khassan Khakak,

Hi, thanks for your reply, I resolved the issue by applying the solution that you provided!


Good day.

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