Dear Community,

I have access permissions (create, read, update and delete ) set up in section- Accounts dynamically through business process based on a field in section. Now I want to set the same access levels to all details connected to Account section. Can someone guide me on the same?



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Currently, the access  permissions for the detail should be set separately from the access  permissions for the section. 

In order to do so you need to find the corresponding detail in the Object permissions list and set the same operation/record permissions as you did for the section. 

Please refer to the links below for more information regarding access rights for details:……


Best regards, 



Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thank you. I am setting permission for section dynamically using business process based on a field. so from my understanding, to apply same restrictions to each and every detail connected to the section, should I write a separate business process for each detail object?




By default the detail has same permissions as the Object it's based on, that is why sometimes there is a need to configure access permissions for the detail in a specific Section separately (from access rights for a section).

You can create a few simple business processes or combine them in one more complex process based on your needs.


Best regards, 


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Dear community,

Is it possible to configure an advanced filtering on "Relationship entity in group" ?


I tried without success.

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Hello Stephane,


Can you please share the way you tried to implement it?




Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

I tried to find the relationship group entity here but there is not.

Dear Stefano Bassoli,


Thank you for the clarification.

In this case, we would recommend you creating a new [Lookup] in the [Lookup] section based on the "Relationship entity in group" Object.


After creating this object you would need to set it up.

Navigate to the [View] -> Select filed to display -> [+] button.


In the popped up minipage you would need to specify the Entity group name:


This will ensure that the Entity Group name would show up (In this example I have created two groups named Entity group 1 and Entity group 2)

Please be advised that there is no way of pulling up the [Contact]`s or [Account]`s names as they would be considered as Entities by this Lookup and would have only an ID available in the "List setup":



The Final result should look like this: the Entity Group name and the Record`s Id assigned to that Entity Group


Hope this helps!





Danyil Onoprienko,

Thank you Danyil

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Dear community


I developed a package with Sales Team and Marketing edition version 7.16.4,

now I tried to install it on 7.17.3 but the installation fails because the dependent package MarketingSalesTeam_ENU is not found.

How can I solve this issue ?

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Hello Stefano,


The only way to solve this task is to change the dependencies of the package on the development instance. You need to make sure you use the objects and packages that are present on your target website otherwise the installation will fail.

Please note that it is always recommended to do the development on release and product version of Creatio that is the same as the target instance.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

thank you

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Dear Community,

	// Array of filters used for the query that forms the lookup field data.
	"filters": [
		function() {
			var filterGroup = Ext.create("Terrasoft.FilterGroup");
			filterGroup.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.OR;
			var user=Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;
			//get roles mapped to logged in user from SysUserInRole before adding filterGroup
			var roles=[];
			return filterGroup;

I have the following code to filter SysAdminUnit lookup type and I need to filter values with roles that belong to the logged in user alone. I am trying to use ESQ filter to do the same but not getting the expected results. can someone help me on the same?

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Dear S Gokul Aditya,


Thank you for your question!


We recommend visiting this link below in order to apply filters:…


Please let us know if this is the information you have been looking for!


Thank you!





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Dear Community,

I want to restrict create, edit and delete access to a user to set of countries across the sections. for example, a particular user can create, modify or delete records in contact, account or activities for a set of countries defined. please guide me in implementing the same.

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Dear S Gokul Aditya!


Thank you for your question!


In fact, this behavior can be easily implemented by assigning an Organizational Role for those users, who would have limited access to sections and\or objects.

You may find more information on how to establish Organizational Roles here, by our Academy Article:…


Your next step would be setting up Object permissions for a newly created Organizational Role.

Please find more information here:…


By successfully creating an Organizational Role and applying the correct Object permissions for them you would be able to restrict a certain group of users, that consist in that created Org. Role above, to operate with certain Objects!


Hope this was helpful!


Thank you!





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Hi Team,

Please help me in hiding chat field and making contact field required in activity section for activity type- Task. I tried using business rule in the section but that does not seem to work.

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Hello Gokul,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your request correctly, you need to filter values visibility upon some conditions. Please find the example in this Community Post and try to check the conditions for the needed detail in the next schemas: ActivityDetailV2 (package UIv2), EntityConnectionsDetailV2 (UIv2), EntityConnectionViewModel (UIv2).


Please note that the "Project/task" control and the base "Connected to" detail are connected. So in case you want to create your own detail instead of the base one, please remove the "project/task" field too and create your own control for it. 


Best regards,


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Dear community,


I've installed the "Change log for Creatio" addon from marketplace.

I tried to configure it on Account entity, but when I try to configure the columns in the logging schema page no columns are showed, for other sections it works.

In the past I've enabled the standard change log feature for the account entity.

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Hello Stefano, 

The logging works for the other sections, so the issue can be in scheme columns. Can you please tell are there any errors in browser console?


Best regards


Dear Nugmanov

after restart of my pc the problem is solved.


Is it possible to import change log data ?

Dear Stefano,


Import and export of change log data is supported by the standard functionality without advanced parameters.



Best regards

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Hi Team


I'd like to create a custom page like the Email Template Content Builder and open it in a new window.

The actual EmailContentBuilder implementation uses BasePath/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx?vm=BaseViewModule#ConfigurationModuleV2/MultiLanguageEmailContentBuilder to open the new Module in a new window.


How does this work? and how can I build a similar behavior?


Thank you



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Hello Mohamed,


To open page in a separate window use:;

MultiLanguageEmailContentBuilder code can be found in EmailTemplate package and used as a reference.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,


Thanks for the reply.


The MultiLanguageEmailContentBuilder module inherit from ContentBuilder schema (the ContentBuilder doesn't have a parent object).

And I have successfully opened the ContentBuilder page in a new window using:'BasePath/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx?vm=BaseViewModule#ConfigurationModuleV2/ContentBuilder').

Now, I copied the ContentBuilder module into MyCustomBuilder.

When I open MyCustomBuilder I got this message:


require.js:168 Uncaught Error: Script error for "MyCustomBuilderStructure"

    at makeError (require.js:168)

    at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptError (require.js:1744)


Any Help! 


Thank you



Mohamed Ouederni,




The link you've specified in the very first post is not a complete link that is opened upon clicking the "Edit" button of the template wizard. Here is an example of the complete link: BasePath/0/Nui/ViewModule.aspx?vm=BaseViewModule#ConfigurationModuleV2/MultiLanguageEmailContentBuilder/8f5c1959-25e0-45bc-a62d-04b516502a82/EmailTemplate/Body.


In your case the system cannot process the bold text part and returns an error since which template should the system open when calling MyCustomBuilderStructure?


It's better to:


1) Replace the MultiLanguageEmailContentBuilder and deploy your own logic there or

2) Use some existing section and edit page to call it when clicking the button so the system could open something (but you need to develop additional logic of the URL creation that could open a correct record when clicking a button).


Uncaught Error: Script error for "MyCustomBuilderStructure" won't provide us with much information where the actual problem is, please use one of two ways I mentioned above to achieve your business task.


Best regards,


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I am trying to set up the machine learning services for an on-premise instance of Creatio, I followed the steps listed here

Even though the container and the instance are on the physical machine hosted locally, Creatio is asking for CloudServiceApiKey. Is there a dependence on Creatio cloud even for an on-premise installation of the ML service? Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance...

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The on-premise application requires an API key as well since it is used by the service itself. It should be requested separately for each instance. 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks for the reply! We were also trying to setup the ML service on-premise following the documentation. Is there still need for a cloud service API?




Yes, it is required for on-premise applications. You can contact Creatio support to order the key. 


Best regards,


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I have used following link as reference to deploy PostgreSQL in local instance:

 As mentioned in the link, I have created 2 user roles- sysadmin and public user profile(to set up connection to the restored db). whenever I use public user login in connection config file, I get an error: "42501:permission denied for table SysSettings".

However sysadmin credentials seem to work.  Kindly help in resolving the issue.


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Dear Gokul,


Thank you for your question!


Please be advised that this issue has been resolved within the support ticket submitted to us.


As discussed in the ticket, we recommend using the following link to deploy the PostgreSQL in the local instance:…


We appreciate your cooperation!


Thank you!





Danyil Onoprienko,

Thank you for providing solution. I was able to resolve the error.

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