Hi Team,


We have renamed Activities section to Interaction Logs and also configured fields using mobile application wizard under Main workplace. But when we install the package in cloud instances, the Activities section is not getting replaced with the fields that are configured in local. I have bound the "Main workplace" in SysMobileWorkplace once again with force update on Name.

I would like to know about binding the sections within the Main workplace in Mobile Workplace Setup.

Product and version : 7.17 - Sales Team Edition

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Hi DhariniS, 

The output of the section is stored in the mobile application manifest, therefore, if you transferred all the records about the section and the manifest, then the section in the mobile application will also be transferred.


Please check out the information about mobile application manifest:







Here are some guides of how to work and set up mobile application:

Set up mobile app workplaces : 




Set up mobile application section list: 




Set up mobile application section page:




Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.


Bogdan Lesyk,

Thanks for the detailed reply Bogdan. We have transferred all the files related to mobile application and workplace. As we use the default workplace the 

MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace is getting transferred.

All sections and its page setup got transferred as part of the package except for "Interaction Logs" which is nothing but "Activities" section with some customizations. Is there a way we can data bind this?



It seems not possible to bind just one section. Just import the package like you did before. If you are going to do it, please firstly make sure that you have this section on your dev/prod app, from which you import it.


Actually we performed some tests and most likely the problem in Manifest file.


Please check your MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace file in configurations and make sure that you don't have any comments here(because json doesn't like any comments).Make sure that you have "Interaction Logs" instead of  my "Activity" here. Also please check if the attribute "Hidden" is false and you have the same json properties. Screen below: 




Also please check out the this link, here is manifest file with all needed properties which were created automatically in manifest json file. Please compare it to your manifest and you might find the error there:






Bogdan L. 



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We have implemented custom section for opportunity similar to OOTB with DCM. The stage movement is restricted to few users as per acess rights. 

  1. The stage movement happens on click and should be allowed only when reason is provided which is captured as detail through pre-config page in business process
  2. if it s cancelled it is reverted back to previous stage.

(Business process is called when on change of value in DCM stage look up happens- through js code in edit page)


Right now it is allowing users without edit access to edit the DCM though insuffient permissions error shows up.

Can someone guide me implementing the same or suggest any alternate approach?

Also let us know if this stage  movement can de denied to other valid users unless the current user initiates movement and gives reason or cancels it.




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The users can update the record with the processes, even if they do not have rights to edit the record manually. This is longstanding logic. In your case it is better to add some some condition with code. The idea is the following - if the user has to modify the record (the condition is met) - the button becomes visible and user can update the record with the process. Else - the button is not visible on the page.

One more idea is to restrict process launch completely in the process properties. This feature is available in 7.18.0




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I'm trying to run from a script task a postgres stored procedure, but the postgres database return an error "call" is missing,

What Am I doing wrong ?

bool retCode = false;
var userId = Get<Guid>("UtenteId");
var year = Get<int>("Anno");
var userConnection = Get<UserConnection>("UserConnection");
StoredProcedure storedProcedure = new StoredProcedure(userConnection, "SifLoadSurvey");
storedProcedure.WithParameter("Year", year);
storedProcedure.WithParameter("UserId", userId);
storedProcedure.PackageName = userConnection.DBEngine.SystemPackageName;
using (var dbExecutor = userConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
	try {
        dbExecutor.CommandTimeout = 0;
        retCode = true;
    } catch(Exception ex) {
        retCode =  false;
return retCode;


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I solved it by converting the postgres procedure in a function

Hi, Stefano!

Did you call postgres function in C# code as StoredProcedure?

Stefano Bassoli, did you call your postgres function as a StoredProcedure ?

Stefano Bassoli, 

did you call the postgres function as StoredProcedure ?

Hi sorry for my late answer,

I call the postgres function as a StoredProcedure

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Dear Community,

I have tried adding new communication option under lookup "Communication option types". but I want it grouped under existing "Phone" type. Please help in implementing the same.



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Dear Gokul, 

In order to add the new value to the group, please open the lookup  "Communication option types", open the new record you've added and add "Communication option" on the detail(see the screenshots below) 

As a result, your group will look like this. 

Best regards, 



Thank you Yurii. Incase of databinding lookup to package, Is it enough if I data bind "Communication option types" alone? because addition in communication type is not reflecting. should I add it directly in respective instance?


In order to export communication properly please bind both CommunicationType and ComTypebyCommunication.

As a result your communication options will be exported grouped by communication types. 

Best Regards,


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Hi Team,


Kindly suggest an approach to data bind the access rights related to Dynamic folders and transfer it as a part of the package.

These dynamic folders are configured for sections both custom and out of the box (Accounts/Contacts/Activity/Leads/Opportunity)


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Hello Dharini,


Hope you're doing well.


It's not recommended to bind the access rights to the package. All system administration settings like object permissions, operation permissions, roles, users, distributed licenses must be set up in the production environment directly.

However, you may find this Creatio community post useful if you would like to try to transfer access rights using an SQL script in the package:



In your particular case the needed table like Sys[SectionFolder]Rights.


Best regards,


Roman Rak,

Hi Roman. Can you share why it is not 'recommended'?

We have heard different versions from different sources in Creatio. The take away for us has been that - It is 'feasible' to data bind access rights in a package but not 'recommended'. 

Hello Dharini,


At the moment, the mechanism for import/export of access rights, the structure of organizational/functional roles cannot be performed using the basic tools, as far as it complex for the architectural implementation. Our R&D team is currently working on its implementation and it will be available in future releases. 


About the question of why it is 'not recommended':

from a development point of view, this business task is complicated, since unique record IDs are created for each system, so that's why we do not recommend transferring access rights by development. And in case you decided to bind this data and transfer to another environment we suggest checking all changes on the copies before delivering it to the prod sites.


Best regards,



Roman Rak,

Thank you Roman. So it is more about skill than anything to do with the product.

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Is there a way to add a lead to a folder in a business process? I have the lead ID and if it meets the criteria then add it to an existing folder.

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Hi John

You can set up a dynamic folder with your criteria, and the updated leads will be shown automatically in the folder.

Hope this helps.


Thanks for the reply..  I think I will have to flag the record..


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Hi Team,


We have installed the business card scanner app in the cloud instance - https://013622-sales-team.creatio.com/

and tried scanning business card from "Contacts" section and on clicking "Done" in the scanned report, I am getting "Server request returned error". 


Please note the following: 

  1. This was working fine before (approx. a week ago).
  2. Scanning for business card, when done from Leads section, creates a record without any errors.

  3. The OCR related system settings (including the API Key and language) are updated in the above mentioned cloud instance.


Attaching the screenshots and error report for reference. Kindly help us with resolution.


Product, Version info : Business Card Scanner App installed in Sales Creatio Team Edition, Version 7.17

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Please specify additional information so we can reproduce the issue:

1. How did you customize the contacts during this week (e.g. you added additional required fields to the Contacts section)?

2. What OS (including the version) is installed on your mobile?

Ivan Leontiev,

There were no changes done related to contacts.

Apologies that I did not attach the error report. This report includes the OS and its version and might help in debugging.

Adding it here as I am unable to attach the file :


Model Name: SM-J701F

Platform: Android

Platform Version: 7.0

Resolution: 320x569

IsHybridMode: true

SyncInService: false

RootAppDirectory: creatio

ApplicationVersion: 7.17.8

ApplicationMajorVersion: 7.17

UseNativeSynchronization: true

UseNativeImport: true

UseNativeExport: true

UseNativeLogout: true

UseNativeMetadataSync: true

UseNativeFullSynchronization: true

UseDataService: true

IsDevMode: false

CurrentDateTime: 2021-05-25T12:42:42.548Z

ServerUrl: https://013622-sales-team.creatio.com/

ContactId: 76929f8c-7e15-4c64-bdb0-adc62d383727

CultureName: en-US

ApplicationRevision: 0

WorkplaceCode: DefaultWorkplace

ProductInfo: {"ProductName":"Creatio","ProductEdition":"team","CustomerId":"301","Version":{"Major":7,"Minor":18,"Build":0,"Revision":1353,"MajorRevision":0,"MinorRevision":1353}}



Type: Terrasoft.ServerException

Message: Server request returned error

AdditionalInfo: {

"responseText": "{\"responseStatus\":{\"ErrorCode\":\"RequiredColumnsEmptyValuesException\",\"Message\":\"Title, Account, Country fields are required.\",\"Errors\":[]},\"rowsAffected\":-1,\"nextPrcElReady\":false,\"success\":false}",

"statusCode": 500,

"url": "https://013622-sales-team.creatio.com/0/DataService/json/SyncReply/Batc…"


Stack trace: 

















Thank you for providing the details. I have forwarded this issue to the relevant team. 

Hi Team, Require a clarification on the API key related to OCR.Space . Should the API key be unique for every instance (cloud/on-site) that we test in mobile for using the business card scanner app?




The API key should not necessarily be unique. However, we recommend using a different API key instead of the default value. If you use the default API key, the number of sessions to the OCR.Space service will be limited.

Ivan Leontiev,

Hi Ivan, Can you please provide an update on this ticket? Its of high priority, has been open for more than a week and we require this for one for clients.




You added required contact fields which is why it is not possible to create a contact without filling out those fields. The error description includes the list of these fields: "Title, Account, Country fields are required". You should make those fields optional on the database level to resolve this issue.

Thank you Ivan

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I'm setting up an Exchange Listener service for Creatio on-site deployement.

I'm following this academy article: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/setup_and_administration/on-site_…

Everything is ok.

But I didn't find the feature SendEmailsV2 that I have to enable.

Any idea why it doesn't show up in my instance.


Thank you


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Watch this, https://youtu.be/cwTI8pIa_5g

It explains how to deploy ExchangeListener

Kirill Krylov CPA,

Thanks for the reply.

I have deployed the service and it works well.

My initial question is about the SendEmailsV2 feature mentioned in the documentation.

I'm double-checking if I'm missing anything.

Thank you


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Hello Team,


Kindly suggest a way to lock fields within a detail when we click on Save button of the detail. This should happen without any dependency on other fields within the detail (unlike we usually do based on boolean value true or false).


Creatio : 7.17 Sales Team    PostGreSQL

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Best reply

You could use the CreatedOn field for this. It doesn't get populated until the save button is clicked (not the CreatedBy - it gets populated right away when the page is opened in add mode).

You can create a business rule that makes the field locked if the CreatedOn has a value. Then, the field will be editable when creating a new record, but will be locked as soon as the save button is clicked.

If this route doesn't work, you'll have to use an attribute and code as Oscar mentioned. 


Hello Dharini,


Attributes are required to use to lock fields on the page based on some conditions so it's hardly possible to do without any dependency on attributes. Or you can use document.getElementById JS method and change the .style.pointerEvents to 'none'.


Best regards,


You could use the CreatedOn field for this. It doesn't get populated until the save button is clicked (not the CreatedBy - it gets populated right away when the page is opened in add mode).

You can create a business rule that makes the field locked if the CreatedOn has a value. Then, the field will be editable when creating a new record, but will be locked as soon as the save button is clicked.

If this route doesn't work, you'll have to use an attribute and code as Oscar mentioned. 


Ryan Farley,

Thanks for the suggestion! It works perfectly fine.

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Hi Team,

I have a requirement for adding feed notification based on particular action in a section, say marking a record inactive by making a boolean true. Once the record is inactive, the record related information and its connected Account should be posted in feed message in the below format,

The record connected to is inactive.


Screenshots added for better clarity.

Right now I am getting only the id of the record instead of the record with Hyperlink.


The record 5320276a-20a5-4396-b2fe-401da61a2a08 connected to 4d77085b-362d-4eb1-a120-cb32abb86f01 is inactive.

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I would suggest to create a separate process parameter and add Formula element for a link and refer to that parameter from the Add element from your screenshot. 

In order to do so, create a new process parameter "Contact record link" for example, then add Formula element as on the attached screenshot, "094718-crm-bundle.creatio.com" should be replaced with your site name, and as well, take into account to which section/page you are referring.

Once done, you can simply refer to "Contact record link" parameter. 

Also, there are two more instructions  from Oscar:



Hope, this helps!

Best regards, 


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thanks for the detailed reply. I implemented a similar thing as follows (screenshots attached)


Step 1 

I added a system setting for the link so that we can change it based on the env we install the package.


Step 2 :

Used the system setting in formula element in BP to assign it to a parameter.


Step 3: 

Got the below output.


I would like to see a more user friendly readable format, something like Interaction Name in the link instead of the entire link being shown to the user!

Kindly help me achieve this.






As of now, it's pretty much the only way to display the link in the feed using basic system functionality. There could be other variants, however they will require implementation by code. 


Best regards, 




Anastasiia Zhuravel,

If we can display a readable string in place of the link and its feasible only by implementation with code, can you pls help me with some examples?

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