Hi Team,


We have installed the business card scanner app in the cloud instance - https://013622-sales-team.creatio.com/

and tried scanning business card from "Contacts" section and on clicking "Done" in the scanned report, I am getting "Server request returned error". 


Please note the following: 

  1. This was working fine before (approx. a week ago).
  2. Scanning for business card, when done from Leads section, creates a record without any errors.

  3. The OCR related system settings (including the API Key and language) are updated in the above mentioned cloud instance.


Attaching the screenshots and error report for reference. Kindly help us with resolution.


Product, Version info : Business Card Scanner App installed in Sales Creatio Team Edition, Version 7.17

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Please specify additional information so we can reproduce the issue:

1. How did you customize the contacts during this week (e.g. you added additional required fields to the Contacts section)?

2. What OS (including the version) is installed on your mobile?

Ivan Leontiev,

There were no changes done related to contacts.

Apologies that I did not attach the error report. This report includes the OS and its version and might help in debugging.

Adding it here as I am unable to attach the file :


Model Name: SM-J701F

Platform: Android

Platform Version: 7.0

Resolution: 320x569

IsHybridMode: true

SyncInService: false

RootAppDirectory: creatio

ApplicationVersion: 7.17.8

ApplicationMajorVersion: 7.17

UseNativeSynchronization: true

UseNativeImport: true

UseNativeExport: true

UseNativeLogout: true

UseNativeMetadataSync: true

UseNativeFullSynchronization: true

UseDataService: true

IsDevMode: false

CurrentDateTime: 2021-05-25T12:42:42.548Z

ServerUrl: https://013622-sales-team.creatio.com/

ContactId: 76929f8c-7e15-4c64-bdb0-adc62d383727

CultureName: en-US

ApplicationRevision: 0

WorkplaceCode: DefaultWorkplace

ProductInfo: {"ProductName":"Creatio","ProductEdition":"team","CustomerId":"301","Version":{"Major":7,"Minor":18,"Build":0,"Revision":1353,"MajorRevision":0,"MinorRevision":1353}}



Type: Terrasoft.ServerException

Message: Server request returned error

AdditionalInfo: {

"responseText": "{\"responseStatus\":{\"ErrorCode\":\"RequiredColumnsEmptyValuesException\",\"Message\":\"Title, Account, Country fields are required.\",\"Errors\":[]},\"rowsAffected\":-1,\"nextPrcElReady\":false,\"success\":false}",

"statusCode": 500,

"url": "https://013622-sales-team.creatio.com/0/DataService/json/SyncReply/Batc…"


Stack trace: 

















Thank you for providing the details. I have forwarded this issue to the relevant team. 

Hi Team, Require a clarification on the API key related to OCR.Space . Should the API key be unique for every instance (cloud/on-site) that we test in mobile for using the business card scanner app?




The API key should not necessarily be unique. However, we recommend using a different API key instead of the default value. If you use the default API key, the number of sessions to the OCR.Space service will be limited.

Ivan Leontiev,

Hi Ivan, Can you please provide an update on this ticket? Its of high priority, has been open for more than a week and we require this for one for clients.




You added required contact fields which is why it is not possible to create a contact without filling out those fields. The error description includes the list of these fields: "Title, Account, Country fields are required". You should make those fields optional on the database level to resolve this issue.

Thank you Ivan

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