I am attempting to set default Access Rights for new emails (inbound and outbound) for my Sale Department users.  Essentially, I want to ensure that all Sales Department members have Read Access to all emails generated by their department colleagues.


I use the Object Permissions UI page, setting the values for EmailDefRights.  I add my email profile as Record Author under the Use Record Permissions, set User or role who obtains permissions to Sales Department (user group), and check Grant Read access.  When I go to Apply the new setting, and request to change existing records, I get the following error:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

And I cannot even leave the settings page.

What am I doing wrong?

BTW, I also tried this action on the Email message Permission, but nothing seems to happen.

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Hello John, 


Please write an email to support@creatio.com, as your case needs to be analyzed individually. 


Best Regards, 


Done.  Request #SR-01139268

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In Sales (long sales) where is it possible to enter a reason for losing an #Opportunity?  We need a way of registering why the Opportunity was lost as well as linking to the competitor that ate our lunch.

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Hi John,


Within Opportunity, you could use the column "CloseReason" which is OOTB column. This could state the reason why it lost such as "No Budget" or "Lost" or "Stolen Lunch".

You could then use the column "Winner" which links to the "Accounts" lookup, to list the competitor who won the business - also an OOTB column


Hope that helps.

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My team is trying to use the Feed feature on various objects, but the messages do not appear in the users' Feed notification tab.  Even when a user is mentioned in the feed the message does not appear in the tab.


The message can be forced to appear when the receiving user replies to the feed message in the original source object.  Of course, that doesn't help anyone since the user would have to know about the message in order to go find it and read it...!


What do we need to activate in order to have properly functioning feeds?

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Hello John,

the Feed notifications should be created automatically if the settings are correct.
You can find more information here:

As for now, it is difficult to say where the issue may occur.
We would recommend you create a case for our Support team in order to conduct investigation and provide you with a solution at the nearest time.




you can also check your system setting NotifyOfNewSocialMessages - it should be turned on in order to receive notifications.





Where is that parameter in my Team Sales settings?  I cannot find it in the "System settings". 

Gleb writes:

Hello John,

the Feed notifications should be created automatically if the settings are correct.

You can find more information here:


As for now, it is difficult to say where the issue may occur.

We would recommend you create a case for our Support team in order to conduct investigation and provide you with a solution at the nearest time.



We are doing as the instructions say, but the messages do not appear in our feeds. 



it seems like this feature was disabled for your version.

As for now, you can check basic Business processes ESN notification and Notify of new social messages - they both should be active.





Both processes are active.

Why was the feature disabled??  How do we enable it?  What is our "version"?

John DeFayette,

Can we have feedback on this issue?  Still not active.

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Hi Community,


Currently we are in the middle of migrating our projects from Creatio version 7.18 to 8.0.1. To do that, we have installed new Creatio machines on our servers, and the packages for each project. However, we are getting some errors while installing these packages on the new Creatio 8 machines. 


One of the packages that we are trying to install is this one:



While installing this package we got the folllowing errors:

2022-05-26 11:15:05,856 [33] INFO Supervisor InstallZipPackage Save - Compiling configuration dll
2022-05-26 11:15:33,238 [33] INFO Supervisor InstallZipPackage Save - Errors and (or) warnings occurred while compiling configuration dll
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(110,11) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelWorksheet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(273,31) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelWorksheet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(84,49) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelPackage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(20,8) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'OfficeOpenXml' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(84,11) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelWorksheet' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
2022-05-26 11:15:33,277 [33] ERROR Supervisor InstallZipPackage LogCompilerResult - Autogenerated/Src/IntReportHelper.IntExcelExport.cs(110,54) error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'ExcelPackage' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

I did a full system source code generation and multiple compilations, and the error persists.


Is there any way to fix this?


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro!

Could you please provide more details about the issue?

Specifically, the platform type (.NET Framework or .NET Core). Are you trying to install the add-on from the marketplace on a clean site, or is the site already customized?

Seems like the compilation system didn't process the external EPPlus.dl

Yevhen Vorobiov,


We are installing the package on a new clean site which uses the .Net Core platform. 


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


Pedro Pinheiro,


Please note, this add-on doesn't support .NET Core platform.

I recommend using .NET Framework.

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Hi community,

I tried to install the application "Map widget for Creatio" from the Marketplace in a sales-team-marketing-demo environment (v. 8.0.1) and it's not working!

I have configured the map chart dashboard but it's not loading and if I open the inspector I find this errors in the console log:

Can you help me?

Let me know!

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


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Best reply

Hi Luca!
We reviewed the add-on and reproduced the issue on our end. That was an out-of-the-box compilation-related error. When installing the package, the system did not compile and did not generate static content.
We plan to fix this problem in future versions of Creatio. For the time being, I recommend recompiling your system.

Hi Luca!
We reviewed the add-on and reproduced the issue on our end. That was an out-of-the-box compilation-related error. When installing the package, the system did not compile and did not generate static content.
We plan to fix this problem in future versions of Creatio. For the time being, I recommend recompiling your system.

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Hi Community,

Has anyone else experienced these errors with the WordPress plug-in for Creatio?


The WordPress plug-in is implemented in a webform on our company website, and creates a new Lead in Creatio and notifies a email address of the details.


This error doesn't seem to affect the Lead creation in Creatio, but it is preventing the automated email notification.


Error sample below.






There was an error when trying to integrate with the 3rd party service {Creatio Lead Capture} (https://episoft.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/GeneratedObjectWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormObjectData).
Title: Cancer/EMR Lead Form
Intended Recipient: email@domain.com
Source: https://XXX.com/wp-json/contact-form-7/v1/contact-forms/1555/feedback
    [timeout] => 20
    [body] => {"formData":{"formId":"3617d03d-e300-4f20-bd8d-c36feb88de7f","formFieldsData":[{"name":"Name","value":"FirstName LastName"},{"name":"Email","value":"email@domain.com"},{"name":"MobilePhone","value":"MobilePhoneNumber"},{"name":"Company","value":"client"},{"name":"BpmRef","value":"domain.com.au"},{"name":"BpmHref","value":"https:\/\/XXX.com\/"},{"name":"BpmSessionId","value":"c98b6b3d-ac7d-da96-9ebf-1e1260e6ff61"}]}}
    [sslverify] => 0
    [headers] => Content-Type:application/json
    [safe_message] => error object
    [object] => WP_Error Object
            [errors] => Array
                    [http_request_failed] => Array
                            [0] => cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 20001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
            [error_data] => Array
            [additional_data:protected] => Array


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Hi Edward,

Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, please check this guide and make sure the add-on is set up correctly:


Hi Irina - yes I am still frequently experiencing this issue.

The add-on is setup as per the guide so I can only think there is a bug in the plugin.

Hi Edward,

Can you please confirm that:

1. The plugin creates all leads (despite the error notification above) correctly.

2. Automated email notification about new leads is configured using a business process in Creatio.

This information will help us investigate the issue further.

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We have a use case where we send information from a website to creatio via custom code. Landing page was not suited for our usecase.


We successfully implemented this using Anonymous Service which has code to manage CORS. We need to make the service work for .net core now. How do we transfer below code to .net core setup since the name 'WebOperationContext' does not exist in .net Core? What is the best practice to overcome CORS error in .net core setup?


// Preflight
        [WebInvoke(Method = "OPTIONS", UriTemplate = "*")]
        public void GetCaptchaPreflight() {
            var outgoingResponseHeaders = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.Headers;
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET, POST, OPTIONS");
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "*");
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Request-Headers", "X-Requested-With, x-request-source, accept, content-type");
// Request endpoint
        [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
        ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
        public void ConfirmCaptcha(Stream responseDetails)
		 var logger = global::Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger("CaptchaService");
		 logger.Info("Captcha services entered :");
			var currentWebOperationContext = WebOperationContext.Current;
			var outgoingResponseHeaders = currentWebOperationContext.OutgoingResponse.Headers;
            outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
			outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST");
			outgoingResponseHeaders.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, Content-Type, Accept");
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseDetails);
            string responseJson = reader.ReadToEnd();
            logger.Info("Captcha services :" + responseJson);
              ResponseDetails rd = new ResponseDetails();
                rd = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ResponseDetails>(responseJson);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rd.GToken))
                    if (IsCaptchaVerified(rd.GToken))
                        logger.Info("Captcha is valid");
                    logger.Info("Captcha is invalid");
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As for now we don't have best practices for CORS management for .NET Core however you need to try testing all the recommendations described here (they are for .NET Core).


Best regards,


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We have a case where we import bulk data into many sections. Is there a way to prevent records from being imported if a given lookup is not present in the master lookup table?


Example : Salutation (Title) has the following values : Mr. Dr. Ms Mrs. 

During excel import, if column has Miss, we don't want that record to be added. Can we restrict this through object permissions or any other way?


I understand as per the documentation (pasted below), new values will be added. Is there a work around to prevent this, given that the data import is quiet big?


  • Be aware that lookup values not found in Creatio will be created automatically. When checking the values, the opening and closing spaces and letter case are not taken into account, while special characters are important. For example, if the imported file has the "customer" value and the [ Contact types ] lookup contains the "Customer" value, new values will not be added to the lookup and the record will be linked to the existing lookup value. However, if the “Client” contact type is specified in the import file, a new “Client” value will be added to the [ Contact types ] lookup. To avoid duplicates in the Creatio lookups, check the lookup values in the imported file.




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Hello Shivani,


Unfortunately, are no such basic tools for imported records.


1) You can create a business process that will modify\remove data that was created on the exact date (since after data import is finished all imported records receive a similar "Created On" value). You can use this value when finding needed records.


2) Records that are imported are tagged using the "Data import" tag and you can use this tag when building a process to find imported records. With the required condition.


You can use one of those ways to find imported records and after that apply changes to those records using the business process that is needed for your business task.


Best regards,


This really needs to be an option in the data import, and lookup value automatic creation should be off by default, potentially with the option to blank the lookup if no match found or fail the import (which I think should also be the default). It's quite a dangerous thing to have an OOTB import feature that defaults to creating potentially bad data in the system.

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Hi all,

We have a process set up for approvals with an approver and a backup approver. The issue is that if one of them approves the document. The approval request stays in the backlog of the second approver creating unnecessary amounts of "open" approvals.

Is there anyway to setup an approval cancellation should an approver accept (or rejects) an approval request ?

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Hi Damien,


you can modify Approvals status

Hello Damien,


the approval stays in the backlog because the business process is still active. If you modify the business process and make it end right after one of the approvers takes a decision, the notification from the backlog will dissapear for the other one. 


Best regards,






Dariy Pavlyk,


Hi Dariy, very interesting to know. Does that mean that I need to do a second process for the follow-up steps that depend on these approvals ? On what criteria would the follow-up process be based on to start?

Hello Damien,


you can create a signal trigger for the process that will be activated when an Approval status is modified, for example. You can add aditional conditions to make sure that it will be triggered only when needed. 


I've just tested this on my end, and it does work properly. The business process is triggered only when you modify the approval Status, not when the approval is created.


Best regards,


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I have set up sales teams 7.18 .net core in windows system. I have come across the following post (https://community.creatio.com/questions/anonymous-custom-configuration-service-net-core) to create anonymous service. Please guide me on following questions:

  1. Should .svc file be externally created? If so where exactly it should be placed in the local folder?
  2. what are the steps for visual studio IDE settings for .net core setup in windows?
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Regarding your question about creating an anonymous web service: please follow the link below to the documentation, here you can find all the needed information in the "Develop a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication for .NET Core" section.


The short answer is, in .NetCore you don't need need to create the .svc file, you simply need to modify an appsettings.json file.


As for your second question, basically, there are no special steps/settings in VS IDE for .net core. It contains lots of tools but they are all optional and are not absolutely required for .net core. 

The only thing you should understand is that the code will be compiled under netstandard.


The application installation package on the .Net Core platform is universal, both on Linux and Windows.


Best regards,



Anastasiia Lazurenko,

Thank you firstly for your answer,


after configuring anonymous service for .net core indicated in the previous link, how we can test if they work ?

i tried with this link : "http://mycreatio.com/0/ServiceModel/UsrCustomConfigurationService.svc/G…"

but i get this error : page can’t be found



If you have followed the example on Creatio Academy, please note that you cannot use the mycreatio.com website, but need to substitute the URL of your Creatio site and the name of the service you created.

Form a link like this


[Creatio application URL]/ServiceModel/[Custom web service name]/[Custom web service endpoint]


Thank you.

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