I have installed the extension in Wordpress base on instruction on the marketing.
Can you please check the screenshot below to see why it doesn’t work.
I have also activation de debug.
As you can see below here are printscreen of the install. But at the end no lead are added.
Someone can help please.
Thanks in advance.
Stephane Banon
-----Message d'origine-----
De : WordPress
Envoyé : jeudi 25 mars 2021 16:06
À : Stéphane Banon
Objet : Forms: Bpmonline Integration Debug: Contact 1
*** Service ***
[name] => Contact 1
[url] => https://site.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/GeneratedObjectWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormObjectData
[forms] => Array
[0] => cf7_1227
[success] =>
[failure] =>
[timeout] => 10
[mapping] => Array
[0] => Array
[lbl] => Name
[src] => your-name
[3rd] => Name
[1] => Array
[lbl] => Email
[src] => your-email
[3rd] => Email
[2] => Array
[lbl] => MobilePhone
[src] => text-202
[3rd] => MobilePhone
[4] => Array
[val] => 1
[lbl] => formID
[src] => 711d6bed-70ef-47dd-961c-7446f3b6dea6
[3rd] => formID
*** Post (Form) ***
[your-name] => Olivier GARCIA6
[your-email] => dffsfs@fds.fr
[text-587] => 41000
[text-439] => SATT
[text-202] => 0671178258
[menu-494] => Array
[0] => Paysagiste
[your-message] => dsqfd
[kc_captcha] => kc_human
[kc_honeypot] =>
*** Post (to Service) ***
[timeout] => 10
[body] => {"formData":{"formId":"","formFieldsData":[{"name":"Name","value":"Olivier GARCIA6"},{"name":"Email","value":"dffsfs@fds.fr"},{"name":"MobilePhone","value":"0671178258"},{"name":"formID","value":"711d6bed-70ef-47dd-961c-7446f3b6dea6"},{"name":"BpmRef","value":"google.com"},{"name":"BpmHref","value":"https:\/\/airgreen.fr\/"},{"name":"BpmSessionId","value":"fd36eb73-0ad5-f23c-466b-1ee6de844893"}]}}
[sslverify] => 0
[headers] => Content-Type:application/json
*** Response ***
WP_HTTP_Requests_Response Object
[response:protected] => Requests_Response Object
[body] => {"SaveWebFormObjectDataResult":"{resultMessage:\"Unknown landing identifier.\",resultCode:-1}"}
[raw] => HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: private
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
Set-Cookie: BPMSESSIONID=ytompvwaonczsvniwvmru1lx; path=/0; secure; HttpOnly
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:06:25 GMT
Connection: close
{"SaveWebFormObjectDataResult":"{resultMessage:\"Unknown landing identifier.\",resultCode:-1}"}
[headers] => Requests_Response_Headers Object
[data:protected] => Array
[cache-control] => Array
[0] => private
[content-type] => Array
[0] => application/json; charset=utf-8
[server] => Array
[0] => Microsoft-IIS/10.0
[set-cookie] => Array
[0] => BPMSESSIONID=ytompvwaonczsvniwvmru1lx; path=/0; secure; HttpOnly
[access-control-allow-origin] => Array
[0] => *
[x-aspnet-version] => Array
[0] => 4.0.30319
[x-powered-by] => Array
[0] => ASP.NET
[x-frame-options] => Array
[x-content-type-options] => Array
[0] => nosniff
[date] => Array
[0] => Thu, 25 Mar 2021 15:06:25 GMT
[status_code] => 200
[protocol_version] => 1.1
[success] => 1
[redirects] => 0
[url] => https://site.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/GeneratedObjectWebFormService.svc/SaveWebFormObjectData
[history] => Array
[cookies] => Requests_Cookie_Jar Object
[cookies:protected] => Array
[BPMSESSIONID] => Requests_Cookie Object
[value] => ytompvwaonczsvniwvmru1lx
[attributes] => Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary Object
[data:protected] => Array
[path] => /0
[secure] => 1
[httponly] => 1
[domain] => airgreen.creatio.com
[flags] => Array
[creation] => 1616684785
[last-access] => 1616684785
[persistent] =>
[host-only] => 1
[reference_time] => 1616684785
[filename:protected] =>
[data] =>
[headers] =>
[status] =>