If we change the status of an activity to closed, it still shows up in the related account as not completed (in the DCM part). How do we make the system see these activities as closed? 


Right now they only dissapear when they go to the account and click complete.


I tried looking at the complete request in the network console, but all I see is that it sets the activity status to the same status it had before: https://prnt.sc/rj40so 

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Hi Jonas!


How are your completing activities? Can you record a video of this behaviour? 

Angela Reyes,

Not really. We have created a second lookup that is more granular and maps to the Activity.Status in client code. When they select a value from this lookup, we set Activity.Status behind the scenes. However, when I check the database after these operations, Activity.Status is set to Closed.


This is the same status that I can see being used by the Dcm module. We want to have the same behaviour as when you would click the complete button in this screen: https://prnt.sc/rj5a24 and then click save.

Jonas Van der Aa,

and how is the status changed to Closed then? 

Angela Reyes,

This code in ActivityPageV2


syncActivityAndVisitStatus: function() {
				if (this.isVisit() === false) {
				var visitStatus = this.get("UsrVisitStatus").value;
				this.console.trace("Visit status = " + this.get("UsrVisitStatus").displayValue);
				const tracePrefix = "Set activity status to ";
				switch (visitStatus) {
					case "33e7d31f-9e8b-4e36-b716-8b49370a6b1e": //Visit Scheduled
						this.set("ActivityStatus", this._createLookup("Not started", "384d4b84-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"));
						this.console.trace(tracePrefix + "Not Started");
					case "3e023a20-474d-426d-9a3e-73e25db47ea3": //Close & Notify
						this.set("ActivityStatus", this._createLookup("Completed","4bdbb88f-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"));
						this.console.trace(tracePrefix + "Completed");
					default: // everything else
						this.set("ActivityStatus", this._createLookup("In Progress", "394d4b84-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"));
						this.console.trace(tracePrefix + "In Progress");

This method is triggered by the following attribute:

			"ActivityStatus": {
				dependencies: [{
					columns: ["UsrVisitStatus"],
					methodName: "syncActivityAndVisitStatus"


Dear Jonas,


In order to provide you with a proper solution, please tell us how the “_createLookup” function works. I could not find the source code of the function, so it should be your custom function. Looking forward to your reply.


Best regards,


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Right now when I make a rule, my users can click past the screen that tells them they are making a duplicate. I want to make one of the contact rules not overridable. I don't see how to do that on the duplicate rule set up screen. 


Any thoughts?

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Best reply

Dear Heather,


Thank you for clarification.

It is not possible to prevent users from ignoring this message. The only option is to run the duplicate search later to find all duplicates created by users and merge them.




Dear Heather,


Unfortunately, there is no such feature that would prevent the users from editing some particular duplicates search rule. However, you can restrict your users from accessing the rules section. You need to remove the user from CanManageDuplicatesRules operation permission. After that, when trying to access the duplicate search rules section, the user will not be able to open it and will see this notification:

Note, if your different user is a member of the System Administrators role, he will still be able to access the section since it is not possible to restrict the administrators access level.




Hi Dean- 

I'm not worried about someone editing my rule. I am trying to make users stop making duplicates. 

Right now when the system senses a duplicate - it creates a pop-up that says its a duplicate. My users have two options at that point. They can keep going and still create the duplicate or go back to the starting screen. I don't want them to be able to ignore the duplicate warning. 





Dear Heather,


Thank you for clarification.

It is not possible to prevent users from ignoring this message. The only option is to run the duplicate search later to find all duplicates created by users and merge them.




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I'm using  CRM Version cloud login and installed 'Zoom Meeting Connector for Creatio' plugin before meeting schedule as well. (Sales --> Activities -->New Task)

I created the task with 'Create Zoom Meeting'  and once it saved this error is popped up 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.'  as in below screenshot. Could you please help me to fix the issue.

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Hi Anusha,


the error has appeared in the 7.15.3 version. Zoom users weren't automatically imported to Creatio and a Zoom meeting can't be exported correctly. Please use the Creatio product of the 7.15.2 version. The responsible team needs time to fix the issue on the 7.15.3 version.

Thanks for the quick response. Could you please instruct me how to revert 7.15.2 version. I'm using could login of the CRM enterprise trial version.

Dear community,

I got this error while I was configuring the API Secret of Zoom App. 



I've just inserted the value but it didn't work. 

I'm using a 7.18.1 version of Creatio to test the integration, but in this way I'm not able to configure it. 


What's wrong?


Thank you in advance. 


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Hi everyone,


I'm having trouble installing the Excel Reports application ( https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/excel-reports-builder-creatio ) on my local machine.

Everytime, I tried to add the Excel Reports section to my workplace I got this error:

I've not gotten this error before, even after compiling the machine, logging out and clearing the cache, the error persists.


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


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I get this often as well, always with this specific add-on (the Excel reports package). I always play around with it and eventually get it to work where I can add it to a workspace, but never really sure how to get it to work. Hoping to se reply on this.

Hi Pedro,

please specify the Creatio product and version to reproduce the issue. Try to add first any basic section to the workplace and after that the 'Excel reports' section. 

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Hi everyone,


I would like to know how can i add quick filters for a detail, like the ones used for section pages. (check print bellow)


I've tried to implement this Quick Filter in the same way i implemented the section pages one, without success.




File attachments
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Hello Pedro,


Similar questions were previously reviewed on the Community here https://community.creatio.com/questions/quick-filters-detail and here https://community.creatio.com/questions/prefilter-detail-grid-page-load. Please use these articles I've mentioned so to resolve your business task.


Best regards,


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In dashboards, I can sort only by grouping field or by it's result:


When I sort by grouping field I get a meaningless order:

The lookup field I group by:

I want to sort it by the Days start value. So the expected order would be the following:

Is there a way to sort by a particular field?


Like 2



Hi Yuriy,

Unfortunately, there's no possibility to sort by a particular field in Creatio dashboards now.

Our R&D is already working on improving the dashboard customization so the advanced sorting might be implemented in future releases.

Thank you.

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Hi everybody,


Is there a way to apply CSS styles for this type of Dashboard?

I want to change the color of the field represented in the screenshot above, but I couldn't find the right methods to do it. Any idea on how to implement this?


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Pedro Pinheiro


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Hello Pedro,


Unfortunately, it is not possible to add the custom CSS styles to the dashboards. You can only create the custom widget that will may the  custom CSS styles. More details can be found here https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-12/adding-custom-dashboard-widget?document=&_ga=2.12020211.678650190.1567427398-650750588.1567427398


We already had similar requests from multiple customers, therefore this possibility will be available in the future application versions only.


Best regards,


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Inside business process, I've got a task to pick the Account with largest total amount of its Invoices. It can't be performed by simply choosing a field. And making custom field "Total Amount" and updating it on products change seems awkward to me.

Is there a better way?


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Best reply

Dear Yuriy, 


The best option would probably be creating a new field on Account and recalculate it when the new invoice is added. Alternatively, you can loop through all accounts in a process and calculate this number for all of them in a script task, but this wouldn't be an optimal solution. 

Can try reading the invoice object first and then take account id from there and read the account. So while you are reading the invoice, you can sort using the amount.

Dear Yuriy, 


The best option would probably be creating a new field on Account and recalculate it when the new invoice is added. Alternatively, you can loop through all accounts in a process and calculate this number for all of them in a script task, but this wouldn't be an optimal solution. 

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we upgraded on on-prem sales creatio to 7.15.2 and now the GlbDataBinding application fails upon installation.

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Dear Kumar,


During the installation process the application is compiled. If the application cannot be compiled due to some errors, not related to the GlbDataBinding tool, the installation process will fail as well. Therefore, please make sure you can compile the application without any errors and after that install the marketplace package.




Dean Parrett,


I did that and for reason I keep getting this error. Any thoughts?



Try to delete the installed marketplace package, compile the whole system and re-install the GlbDataBinding package again.

That should help.




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I am facing issues with the console flooded with the web-socket errors.

I don't know which element is bugging it.

Because of this sometimes I have to hard reload (empty cache) 3 to 5 times to do my configurations of view any record after some changes in section wizard or in any object.

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Best reply

This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.


This is due to the telephony integration being turned on by default in new systems, but not set up to connect to a phone system. To get rid of all that chatter in the console, go into your profile (by clicking the person icon in the top right corner, then select "Your profile". Once there, click the "Call center parameters setup" button and check the box to "Disable phone integration". Once you log out and back in again, all of that chatter and WebSocket errors in the console will be gone.


Hey Ryan,

It worked.

Thanks for the help.

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