Add Font to CKEditor font list

Hi All,


I'm trying to add a new font to the text editor but without any success.  

I'm looking at System Settings CKEditor font list (and eventually at CKEditor default font).

I tried adding Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; to the system setting however it does not show in the list of fonts. 

Am I missing anything? 

Full value for CKEditor Font List: Arial/Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;Comic Sans MS/Comic Sans MS, cursive;Courier New/Courier New, Courier, monospace;Georgia/Georgia, serif;Lucida Sans Unicode/Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;Tahoma/Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;Times New Roman/Times New Roman, Times, serif;Trebuchet MS/Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif;Verdana/Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;




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Best reply

Hello Tiago,


There will be two ways to use the created template for regular (not bulk) email sending:


1) from the "Actions dashboard" of some section (in this case the template will be available under the actions dashboard for the section that is specified as a macro source in the template settings and this template won't be available in the CTI panel). In this case we can select another font and type text using another font:

and then select the "Default" font from the list:

and continue using the default font for this template (that is my custom Tangerine font that I used during the template creation).


2) from the CTI panel and the behavior here is the similar to the behavior of the editor in actions dashboard.


Please also note that once you select the default font the "Open Sans" font will be displayed. This is a bug that our R&D team is aware of and I will also ask them to review this bug so they could fix it in one of nearest releases. I will also ask them to create some logic that allows using custom fonts in the email editor from the actions dashboard and in the CTI panel. 


You can also select all the text in the editor bedore sending an email and choosing the default font for the text so to prevent situations of two different fonts in the email text appearing.


Best regards,


Hello Tiago,


There is no way to add a custom font to the list of fonts that appear when creating an email from the CTI panel. However you can add a custom font to the list of fonts in the content designer (this functionality was implemented in the 7.16.0 version). Please review this article where the whole process of adding a custom font is described and you will be able to use custom fonts in the content designer.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar, 


Thanks for the reply, 

I've followed the article and the font is available for selection in the content designer. 

However, if the user wants to make changes to the selected email template there's the risk of the email being sent with two different fonts.  Would there be any way of preventing this? 

It would be useful to have the two list in sync.






Hello Tiago,


There will be two ways to use the created template for regular (not bulk) email sending:


1) from the "Actions dashboard" of some section (in this case the template will be available under the actions dashboard for the section that is specified as a macro source in the template settings and this template won't be available in the CTI panel). In this case we can select another font and type text using another font:

and then select the "Default" font from the list:

and continue using the default font for this template (that is my custom Tangerine font that I used during the template creation).


2) from the CTI panel and the behavior here is the similar to the behavior of the editor in actions dashboard.


Please also note that once you select the default font the "Open Sans" font will be displayed. This is a bug that our R&D team is aware of and I will also ask them to review this bug so they could fix it in one of nearest releases. I will also ask them to create some logic that allows using custom fonts in the email editor from the actions dashboard and in the CTI panel. 


You can also select all the text in the editor bedore sending an email and choosing the default font for the text so to prevent situations of two different fonts in the email text appearing.


Best regards,


Hi Oscar, 


Thanks for the explanation. 


Best regards,


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