FreedomUI: Select the fields that are editable in an editable list

Hi Community,

Can you provide a snippet on how we can achieve the following?

For example in the 'Contacts' editable list

We want the field 'Full Job title' to be editable and the field 'Email' to be NOT editable (its values are populated via Business processes) so we dont want manual insertion from the user. How can this be achieved?


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You could add a business rule at the object level to disable editing of the email, but then it would also be disabled at the page level (unless that is also what you want). Other than that, the only option is to turn off the editable list property (since, currently, you can't make certain fields editable and others not)

@sasori Great idea !

Try add a readonly flag to your column in crt.DataGrid for Contacts
After that try to restore default settings on the page for this detail if you added more columns to this grid. This functionality is kinda buggy.

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