Add button in the standard list (say Contacts List)

Hi Everyone,

I need to add button in the standard list (say Contacts). On click of this button, I want to call custom web service function. Is there a way I can do that. Is there any alternative available for the same.


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Hello Manoj,
Thank you for your question.

There is an article available on the Academy that covers this topic with an example.

Regarding following question: "Is there any alternative available for the same". 

It depends on what you mean here. You can call a web service from different parts of an application. For example, you can make a business process that makes a call to a web service (link).

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any question left.

Yevhenii Grytsiuk,

Hi Yevhenii,

Apologies if my previous message was unclear. I want to add a button to each row in the native list, specifically as a column, and trigger a web service call when this button is clicked to sync data from another system.


For example, I need to add a sync icon as a column in the Project List. When the sync button for Project 1 is clicked, it should call the web service to sync data related to Project 1 from another system. Similarly, clicking the sync button for Project 2 should sync data related to Project 2, and so on.

I hope this clarifies my request. Thank you!

Manoj Patil,

You can add the following to the diff of the section: 

	"operation": "insert",
	"name": "DataGridActiveRowSyncButton",
	"parentName": "DataGrid",
	"propertyName": "activeRowActions",
	"values": {
		"className": "Terrasoft.Button",
		"style": "green",
		"tag": "sync",
		"caption": "Sync"


This will add the button. Then for handling the click, add this to the methods:

onActiveRowAction: function(buttonTag, primaryColumnValue) {
	if (buttonTag === "sync") {
		// do your stuff here
		// primaryColumnValue is the row's Id value
		// you can get other values from the row using
		var row = this.getActiveRow()
		var val = row.get("UsrSomeColumn");


Ryan Farley,

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for the details. 

This section is created via Section Wizard and it correctly appears in Application Hub. However, I do not a find a place where this code needs to be added. Please guide me on the same as I am unsure if I am missing anything here.

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