Hello Community, 


I have a requirement to validate a Column in the editable detail.

How can we achieve this? I tried using validators with the column name of Datagrid. But it didn't worked.

 Any suggestions is really helpful. 




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In order to add validation to an editable detail you need to override the method save() in the detail page, for example:

define("UsrSchema1051cea3Page", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "UsrTestDetObj",
		attributes: {},
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		methods: {
			save: function() {
                    if (this.get("UsrName") == "1") {
                    } else {
                        this.showInformationDialog("UsrName should be 1 ");
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/




Thankyou for your response, 

But I wanted to validate columns in the detail,

I don't open the detail page and so I don't want to validate in the detail page but in the inline record.

please find attached screenshot


This example is working on a detail itself.

With it, you cannot save the record unless the condition is met.

Considering the fact that detail fields are virtually generated, this is the best option to add validation.

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Hi Community,


I have this requirement that should allow users to revert changes of a specific record value. For example:


I have a specific field (Amount), that changes value when a new state is triggered (ex: Processed). It should be possible for the user to revert the value after selecting the previous state.


State New  -> Amount 5

State Processed -> Amount 10

State New  -> Amount 5


Can you please help me achieve this requirement?


Thanks in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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You can configure business rules to set a value in a specific field when a condition is met. You can find an example of how to configure it in the manual - https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/customization_tools/ui_and_busine…




Hi Anton Starikov,


Is it possible to use business rules if the value is dynamic? 


For example, when a specific requirement is met I want the field to have the previous value, which was defined by the user.


Thank in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Hi! Pedro Pinheiro,


Unfortunately, you can't do this with the standard settings. Perhaps it can be implemented by custom development.





Anton Starikov,


Do you have any steps that could help us implement this custom logic? 


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hello Community, 


I have a scenario where I wanted the lookup field as a Selection Window in Freedom UI.

I have updated the lookup column in the object as the "Selection Window". But the lookup still open as a list instead of selection window. 

Any suggestions are really helpful.





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There is no such option in Freedom UI now. 


We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product. 

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Hi Community,


I have this requirement where I need to stay on the edit page after saving a new created record. Similar to what already exists on the old UI (https://community.creatio.com/questions/how-save-and-stay-edit-page-cli…).


However, I couldn't find the property "IsSilent" on the new Freedom UI pages.


Can you please help find a solution to this requirement?


Thank in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro,


Our R&D team has an opened task on this topic, there is a test solution, but it cannot be applied to productions. Once the task is completed we will notify all our customers and partners in the Release Notes for the app. Thank you for helping us in making the application better! 

Hey Oleg,


Any update on this? Is there a way to update a field, or save a record silently without triggering other events/handlers?


Thank you!


Chris Heyman,

This functionality has not yet been implemented, but we have already received many requests from users, so the R&D team should take this task into development. 

Hi all,


Any news on this?


April 2023 was the original request.


Almost one year in.



Luis Tinoco Azevedo,

You can set 

request.preventCardClose = true;

in the "crt.SaveRecordRequest" request. See my post on this thread for more details: https://community.creatio.com/questions/dont-close-page-after-saving


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Is there an article explaining how to lock edit Freedom UI pages? Similar to this 

Locking edit page fields | Creatio Academy but for Freedom UI. 




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Unfortunately, such an instruction is currently available only for the old UI


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Hi Community,


I have this requirement where I need to refresh the form page of my record using the refresh button of the new Freedom UI. This button was created with the help of the page designer, as you can see on the image bellow.



However, when I try to refresh the page by clicking on the created button. Creatio, instead of refreshing the current page data, it loads the data from another record.


Before refresh:


After refresh:


Could you please help me understand this behaviour and explain me how can be solved.

Thank you in advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Seems to be an 8.0.6 bug

Hello Pedro!


Thank you for your post and sorry for invonvenience caused by this problem. This behaviour was removed in version 8.0.7 which is going to be released very soon.





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Hi everyone,


Is it possible to build custom pages and section in freedom UI for Customer Portal users?




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Currently, Freedom UI is not support for Customer Portal, but we already have a registered task for the R&D team in regards to this question.

We have linked this post to the beforementioned R&D task to expedite the implementation process.

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Hello Community, 


I wanted to read list of tabs and the current active tab in a form page on click of save button in active tab and then make next tab active.

Any suggestions is really helpful. 



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Could you please elaborate on your business task?

Bogdan, GargeyiGnanasekhar,

Below is the method for tab change and found in BasePAgeV2,

activeTabChange: function(activeTab) {
	console.log("Tabs in Creatio");

var tabName = this.get("ActiveTabName");


I have 4 tabs in a form page each Tab has a button named "Continuation". On Click of the button, the current tab fields should be saved and then move to 2nd tab.






How can we use this in Freedom UI. I wanted to read this from base page v2?

I am not able to find a way reading this.get("ActiveTabName") from base page, also i wanted to call  activeTabChange method in my form page


Any suggestions is really helpful


Thanks in advance



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In "old style" Creatio is possible to create different section pages depending on a lookup field, just like Activities out-of-the-box section (one page for Task, one for Email, one for Call).

In Freedom UI pages I cannot find the way to do the same thing: how can I setup different Freedom UI pages depending on the value of a lookup field of the record?



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Unfortunately, this feature is really not available in the current release version of the app.

However, our development team is already aware of this need, so this feature may appear in future versions of the app.

Pavlo Sokil,

Hello Pavio ,

Is this feature ready yet ?




Unfortunately, this functionality is not yet available. Due to complexity of the task our R&D team need time for testing and further implementation. 

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hello ,

Is there any alternatives please ?




There is no available workaround for now.




8.1 Quantum release notes

Multiple form pages for a single object. It is now possible to create multiple form pages for a single object in the Object Designer as well as in the settings of both List and Button components. The app determines the page to open based on a field value. For example, this lets you have completely different pages for different request types.

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In the academy there is a link to the JS classes in Creatio which is extremely useful. I am referring to this: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/front_end_development/js_cla…

This has been an invaluable tool for finding out what is available and how to do various things. Especially useful that it allows us to see the source to understand how something works. However, this is becoming out of date. The current docs are apparently for 7.15 so it obviously doesn't include any of the angular components, classes, etc. I would love to see this get updated - or even something separate for Freedom UI classes, components and the new devkit sdk. This would allow for us to not rely so heavily on waiting for academy articles to get updated since we'd be able to see what is available on our own more easily. As it is now, we're in the dark with understanding what properties various controls have and digging though the source is difficult since everything is minified/transpiled. Even if it wasn't a full JSDocs and just a list of controls with available properties for each, that would be great (For the DevKit SDK as well) The point being, if it's quicker to just put out a summary list of available properties, etc, that we can use to figure details out on our own rather than waiting for full Academy articles, that would be great.

Hopefully this is something that is on the list to make available to us at some point. 



Dear Ryan,


Thanks for submitting your idea! 


We have forwarded your comments to the responsible team to update this resource and inform you once the changes are made. 


Best regards,


Rather soon than later would be awesome !

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